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  1. YoYoCheese


    I can't believe that Detective Gumshoe is a Pokemon.
  2. YoYoCheese


  3. YoYoCheese

    Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

    Katars are also known as push daggers. They're what Voldo uses in the Soul Calibur games.
  4. YoYoCheese


  5. YoYoCheese


    WE JOJO'S NOW! Also Amie is back.
  6. YoYoCheese


  7. YoYoCheese


  8. YoYoCheese


    English version of the trailer for anyone who wants to see it
  9. YoYoCheese

    Hyrule Warriors [Name Now Final] - A Collaboration Between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei for Wii U

    Official site updated Linkle's new weapon is the Pegasus Boots.
  10. YoYoCheese

    King of Fighters - General

    Xanadu is such a goofball. I love it.
  11. YoYoCheese


    The three are based off of circus performers: Rowlet is the ringleader, Litten is a firebreather (+cat, because lion tamers), and Popplio is a clown (+ performance seal... for some reason). I agree that it's a strange theme to have for the Hawaii region though.
  12. YoYoCheese


    Rowlet and Litten are pretty great, as are the cover legendaries. Popplio is alright too. I'll have to wait for final evolutions to decide. Also Hawaii hype!
  13. YoYoCheese

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    Taliyah's kit: http://oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/page/champion-reveal-taliyah-stoneweaver Also Champion Mastery levels 6 and 7 are being added, and Shurima is getting a second lore rewrite. http://www.surrenderat20.net/2016/05/53-pbe-update-taliyah.html Patch 6.9 Notes...
  14. YoYoCheese

    The Official League of Legends Thread!

    Lore (it's the same story that was leaked yesterday): http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/taliyah-short-story
  15. YoYoCheese

    King of Fighters - General

    Welp, the leak turned out to be fake. I guess I got a little too caught up in the hype. Oh well.
  16. YoYoCheese

    King of Fighters - General

    The official site updated with names for the rest of the newcomers. Team Kim: Gang-Il Team Villains: Xanadu Official Invitation: Mian Team S. America: Zarina Team Southtown: Hein Team China: Meitenkun Tournament Master: Antonov
  17. YoYoCheese

    King of Fighters - General

    So a new leak has surfaced today claiming we're getting 16 DLC characters. I'm taking it with a grain of salt myself, but seeing how early the full roster leaked, I wouldn't be surprised if this was legit. EDIT: Welp, looks like I was right to take this with a grain of salt after all. The guy...
  18. YoYoCheese

    Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

    Enemies and bosses level up with you in that game. You can get your characters to consistently hit at or near the damage cap at way below max level thanks to junctioning, which means that after a certain point leveling up really only increases enemies' HP and makes fights take longer.