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Search results

  1. Toripoka

    Contest Eliza Winpose Design Contest

    Here is my third entry! Eliza as... Her staff. Somewhat. (Again, click for full view)
  2. Toripoka

    Contest Eliza Winpose Design Contest

    Another question! (I know I'm terrible :'D) Is it okay to put makeup/facepaint onto her as well as long as it suits the palette? (Sorry in advance if that has been asked before at some point, b/c if that's the case I overlooked it) And an edit for a second entry. Drawing clothes for her is...
  3. Toripoka

    Contest Eliza Winpose Design Contest

    ALRIGHT! Doesn't look half as bad as I thought it would. Just consider the staffless version a bonus :>
  4. Toripoka

    Contest Eliza Winpose Design Contest

    I see! Thank you very much, but that makes me wonder. Are we allowed to modify the staff itself? (colour, design e.g. adding bands, ribbons etc. as long as its recognizable)
  5. Toripoka

    Contest Eliza Winpose Design Contest

    Made an account just for this contest here, so might as well show off a bit~ Might submit more pictures if I find the time. I hope I have not exactly broken any rule with editing her hand. The tablett and the beer glasses are just accessory and are not supposed to be counted in I guess. The...