UPDATE: Eliza has released on XBLA, PSN, and Steam worldwide!
Move over zombies, cyborgs and clones; it's time for Skullgirls Encore's newest DLC character Eliza to shimmer in the limelight!
At the time of writing Eliza has begun the process of being released on various platforms! Right now you can update the PS3 version of Skullgirls in all regions to include Eliza's game data. However, you will be unable to play as Eliza until the PSN Store actually updates and you purchase her unlock code. The unlock code will be a very small download, so if you get the game update now you should be able to play as Eliza almost immediately after the store updates! To get the game data update simply play Skullgirls Encore on your PS3 and it'll ask you to download the 874mb update.
Steam and the NA PSN store will be updating on Tuesday afternoon, and this news post will be updated as she rolls out across all consoles and territories. EU PSN users should expect Eliza to saunter onto their storefronts October 1st. Japanese PSN users should expect her the following day, October 2nd.
[prebreak]Keep reading for more details on her release![/prebreak]As with all crowdfunded DLC characters, Eliza comes bundled with her own set of tutorials and a full story mode. Additionally, she will be 100% free for three months after her release! If you download her within that three month window, you will never have to pay for her.
Read the patch notes here! Discuss Eliza's gameplay on her gameplay subforum, and her expansive story mode in this thread. DO NOT POST SPOILERS FOR ELIZA'S STORY ANYWHERE BUT THAT THREAD, and don't enter that thread if you don't want spoilers!
As part of time-honored tradition, issues beyond Lab Zero's control have prevented Eliza from being released on XBLA in a timely manner. Lab Zero will report any news they have on the 360 release as soon as they get it. With any hope, Xbox 360 players should be seeing Eliza sooner rather than later. Hang in there, guys.
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