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Fortune j.hp was a joke.


New Member
Feb 20, 2015
Reaction score
Ms. Fortune Unknown Ms. Fortune
I was trying j.hp to fight my opponent, before a inconceivable moment happened.

She s.lp alway beat my j.hp! when i was shocked!

I invited my friend to try Fortune's j.hp property

Many characters' s.lp and c.mp can beat my Fortune j.hp.

A counter low side skill could beat a air attack? it must be kidding!

For instance ,valentine s.lp, s.mp, c.lp, c.mp, Squigly c.hp c.mp......

So i hope building up Fortune j.hp hit boxes.
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Half those normals are disjointed and also assuming you're getting at the height where Squigly is hitting you with cMP you're likely doing iad jHP which is essentially 17-18 frames of start up

It has nothing to do with jHP's hitboxes you're either timing poorly or positioning poorly.

Fortune's jHP is good it doesn't need to be bigger or anything losing to some normals can be expected for any character.

You also have to take note that jHP is NOT disjointed and it shouldn't be as there isn't a balancing reason as to why it should.


There's your attack. (please refer to the hitbox threads when stuff like this happens so you at least know WHY another normal is beating yours)

I can't say anything else other than to position yourself better. Use your other normals each one is better for certain situations.

I'm also fairly certain it's much too late to ask for buffs.

EDIT: You got jLK jMP jHK jHP (jLP and jMK are sometimes cool too) pretty much all your air normals are decent enough (not the best by any means ((when compared to characters who have neat disjointed normals but you have the speed and those usually [disjointed normals] don't)) and I feel fortune is best on the ground but when she needs to be there she still has pretty decent air normals) and if jHP isn't working maybe a faster normal would be better like jLK
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Valentine's Jhp has safe red box reach, don't worry about getting hit from crouch attack.

Parasoul, Double, Beowulf have longer and stronger J.hp red box.

Squigly has green box because she have longest attack reach.

My Fortune's J.hp hit box is very short. But why also has green box? that's not fair.

Valentine's Jhp has safe red box reach, don't worry about geting hit from crouch attack.

Parasoul, Double, Beowulf have longer and stronger J.hp red box.

Squigly has green box because she have longest attack reach.

My Fortune's J.hp hit box is very short. But why also has green box? that's not fair.

Just because other characters have something another character doesn't does not mean that the other characters should get it.
It's all just balancing. Ms. Fortune has tools that these other characters don't, so to balance this, she doesn't have as good air options.
The reasoning is because those attacks use weapons while fortune's and squigly's j.hp are part of their body Cerebella's arm attacks are somewhat considered part of her body. Also instant air dash j.hp has more start up than someone's standing normal. Its part of the mix up game, if the opponent thinks you are going for an iad overhead they can jab to defend it. If you know they are going to try and jab it then you can do a ground attack and you will beat them because you are at frame advantage. This also works in guilty gear as a way to protect yourself from Ino overhead stuff.

The game wouldn't be fair if there was something that could not be countered. Even though Val's and Parasoul's attacks don't have green in the attack parts they can still be countered with a faster move or if you attack in a certain position.
Boo hoo.

Fortune is not Valentine. Fortune is not Parasoul, Double, or Beowulf. Fortune's jHP is also FASTER than all of these.

[Parasoul jHP 14f, Beowulf jHP 16f, Double jHP 17f, Valentine 18f, Fortune jHP 12f]

I'm not Mike but I'm fairly certain he designed Fortune to be a character with good priority and mobilty but not crazy huge normals because if she had priority and large normals she'd be broken beyond hell.

Parasoul doesn't move as quickly as Fortune neither does Beowulf or Double. Valentine's disjointed normals take a long time to come out. I guess we'd have to give them Fiber Uppercut because it's not "fair" that only Fortune gets this amazing mobility option.

You can't give a character something just because another character does because moves are like this for balance.

Every character has a weakness you have to deal with it the game is done. I don't mean to be harsh but this complaint feels baseless.

I hope this helps even in the slightest bit.


Here's the directory
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