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Minor/Major cross-up bug


New Member
Jul 17, 2014
Reaction score
Valentine Painwheel
Hello, I found a bug with the dummy and cross-ups.

Like the description says, i'm not sure if this is a training dummy specific thing, or if its a state where you're unable to block.
I say Minor/Major because if it's just a training dummy thing, it should be minor, but if its possible to do this against a player, I would think it would be major.
The dummy tries to pushblock and gets a dash, it's been known for quite a while, it is odd though.

Also [insert some witty joke about the harmonic minor scale and the minormajor chord I couldn't think about] here
That joke would only work if it was Big Band in the video.

To the OP, I've seen this mentioned before and as far as I can tell it's something related to the training dummy's AI rather than being an issue with the core game, so it shouldn't happen against another human.
AI issue or not, the bug I was trying to point at was that it blocks the J.hp, but the color of the hurtboxes don't change. That's why I was concerned about it being an issue with players.
AI issue or not, the bug I was trying to point at was that it blocks the J.hp, but the color of the hurtboxes don't change. That's why I was concerned about it being an issue with players.
Actually I hadn't noticed they stay green, that is really interesting. Is it a specific timing or something? I've seen the dummy be confused by crossup a lot and throw out dashes, maybe they think they aren't in blockstun.