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New player looking for a squigly duet


New Member
Jun 16, 2015
Reaction score
Tried to make this question off another thread, but didn't found any similar one...

Ok, so I picked this game from steam sale, as my first "serious-I-wanna-learn-everything" fighting game. Had enough money to get Eliza and Squigly, and decided, after completing the tutorial, to start with squigly, because I felt really comfortable with her.

Now, onto the question. I suck at charged commands, so discarding Para and Bella, and Big Band while we're at it, what characters can complement a Duo with her, that at the same time can help a new player grasp the game mechanics. The idea is to start learning 2 characters at the same time, until I get the needs to broad the horizon.

I know I'll eventually have to learn para and bella btw, or at least grasp that charged command.

Thanks in advance, and million thanks to Nuuance for obvious reasons.
You don't need to learn anything you aren't comfortable with, unless your goal is to learn the full cast, in which case good luck.

As for partners for Squigly, my best suggestion (if we're ignoring Big Band) would be Eliza. I feel like Eliza, Filia, or Beowulf would prolly be best able to give Squigly what she needs in a duo setting.
Like most people say, you can make whatever you want to play work.

Squigly + Eliza is fine if you like her.
Eliza's Bird Call assist and Butchers Blade with Sekhmet are both fine for Squigly.

If you like invincible uppercut assists, Filia and Big Band are good for their DP's.
Cerebella gives Squigly good lockdown, etc etc.

Just pick a character you like alongside Squigly and it usually works out.
The only characters I would not pick to go with Squigly are Peacock, Valentine and maybe Painwheel.

Here's some Squigly + Eliza footage from the recent combo breaker tournament.
Fuzzy did really well, it's a shame only a single match of his was recorded.

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I wanna throw out Squigs/Fukua too. M.Shadow is a decent neutral assist for Squigs or H.Drill is a good lockdown assist. Cr.Hp is a good Squigs assist for Fukua too imo.