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PS4 Ping and jitter count skyrockets continuously


Maid of Justice
Oct 19, 2015
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Unknown Robo Fortune Double
I found a match and I am glad the jitter count is now also on console versions, but my opponent's ping and jitter just keep on skyrocketing continuously and wouldn't stay green. Instead, it just goes to red and this 500 ping and 1,000 jitter crap doesn't make any sense and it should not skyrocket like that even though there's no Wi-Fi indicator. I know this happened on PS4, but it also happened on Switch and PC after looking at the ping and jitter for a while and I wouldn't even be able to run my special online casual on Steam until it is resolved.
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Thank you for the report @the_rpg_king . Are you seeing this VS one specific user, or does it tend to happen regardless of who you are playing? What kind of network environment do you have (wired/wireless/powerline ethernet etc)? And finally, have you noticed networking issues in any other games, or is it just Skullgirls.

You can try enabling -log files on the PC version to give us some more info: Type "-log" in your Steam Startup commands. To do this, locate Skullgirls on your list of Steam games, right click -> properties, and then type "-log" without quotes. The next time you have issues playing online, you can locate the log file that is generated in your root Skullgirls folder, and pass that along to me so I can give it to the engineers.
Thank you for the report @the_rpg_king . Are you seeing this VS one specific user, or does it tend to happen regardless of who you are playing? What kind of network environment do you have (wired/wireless/powerline ethernet etc)? And finally, have you noticed networking issues in any other games, or is it just Skullgirls.

You can try enabling -log files on the PC version to give us some more info: Type "-log" in your Steam Startup commands. To do this, locate Skullgirls on your list of Steam games, right click -> properties, and then type "-log" without quotes. The next time you have issues playing online, you can locate the log file that is generated in your root Skullgirls folder, and pass that along to me so I can give it to the engineers.
That happened on all platforms regardless who am I up against after I watched the ping and jitter for a while to make sure it doesn't go red before accepting my matches and readying up and it did as it skyrockets continuously, so I declined it and didn't ready up and that's gonna impact running my special online casual on Steam. I am using a wired connection on my PS4 and PC and a wireless connection on my Switch and this has happened only on Skullgirls as I watched the ping and jitter go up continuously and it is not supposed to do that. It is supposed to stay green when my opponent's ping and jitter are good and on the count depending on what player.
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UPDATE: I booted up Skullgirls on Nintendo Switch and I watched the ping and jitter count for a little bit and it stays on the ping varying by opponents. I realized that my old router that I had caused the ping and jitter count to skyrocket continuously and I find it crappy, And now, I got a new router that is much better and much stronger than the old one and that's why the ping and jitter count hadn't skyrocketed and it stays on green. I also realized that I wasn't able to play any game online well because of my old router that caused networking issues and skips and not just on Skullgirls, but also on other online games. And now that I have a new router, I can be able to play my online matches well without experiencing network skips often in general. However, I can't play online until either Marie hits Alpha, gets fully released or an independent update that gives the Season 1 Pass characters' fully voiced Story Modes is released. We'll see. That controversial update you pushed out can't stop me from doing so because if I be a part of the controversy, I will risk getting banned from this site.
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