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Utter Newbie Tests his Fortune


Dead Head
Oct 15, 2016
Reaction score
San Marcos, CA
Ms. Fortune Eliza Painwheel
Hey, there! I'm just arriving on the fighting scene again, serious about getting good this time around. I've decided on maining Ms. Fortune, so I'll be training with her over the coming months. Still, I was wondering if there were any basic tips or advice that could be offered to a complete and utter noob such as myself(that wasn't covered in the tutorial of course). General tech, things to be aware of, match-ups, things of that nature. Anything helps! Thank you very much!
Mods may do things with this thread later in the day (maybe move it to the beginner section/training diaries), but a couple important things to know for Fortune.

-You're going to use her Fiber Uppercut a lot. The LK version is for combos both head on and off. The others can be good to move around with if you have the space. If you are out of range of the opponent, you can use HK fiber uppercut and press HK again and get a really large height boost and move forward!

-Know that not all Fortunes use both head on and head off well, but it is necessary to know a little bit of both. Even if you play solo, an opponent can knock your head off easily. If you're not prepared to play without it, then you're going to lose a bunch of matches.

-when your head is off, be sure to know where your head is. If the opponent is keeping their distance from you, make the head attack with HP and keep them blocking from that far. If they attack your head with you far away, call it back with Cat Call. You can lose a lot of health by leaving it out there for an opponent to beat up.

-You can run under a couple of projectiles like Double's gun. When it comes to Parasoul's napalm shot, press the c.LK button when it comes close to you. You can duck under it! Practice this in training room a bit, it's small but makes a big difference.

If you delay Ms Fortune's rekka (her Cat Scratch) button presses qcf. LP + LP you can mix up an opponent by holding back with a kick button or holding down and pressing a kick button. The back -and -kick is a high and the downward-kick is a low. Good players will be used to this but early on this is a good tool!

These tips may be a little advanced, and not entirely offensive based, but good movement and control of the character is more important than combos.
All good stuff to note regardless. I'll keep it all noted, but I may not be able to effectively use this knowledge just yet.
In terms of combos/resets whatever, try and learn L Fiber loops (this is the combo in the bnb compendium for Fortune http://skullheart.com/index.php?threads/general-bnb-compendium.4072/). This will get you to learn how to input Fortune's Fibers which are a very important part of the character, they give good corner carry, do good damage (in retail), work for happy birthdays and are universal. For a reset you should try and do L Fiber, j.LP, j.LK, j.MP. This then lets you dash under (works vs everyone but Band and Double, and maybe Beowulf I think) for a cross up, stay same side, do an airthrow or a burst bait with jump back j.LK, j.MP (whiff) or j.LP, j.MP in the corner. This is the only reset you need to learn for now imo.

For blockstrings, try to use the string cr.LK, MK and if it was blocked then stop there and if it hits continue into a full combo. It is tempting to end your blockstrings in her rekka and go for a high/low with her slide/Gato but do not do this. The overhead (El Gato) is easily reactable and very slow and the slide is very punishable on block. If you do long blockstrings you also leave yourself open for pushblock guard cancel punishes (PBGC) which is another reason to keep your blockstrings short. If you HAVE to end a blockstring with a Rekka (perhaps you did cr.HP on block or something) then do L Rekka x1 since this is +0 (neutral) on block. Since Fortune has the joint fastest jab in the game, you will still have the advantage here vs most characters but I would still try to avoid going past cr.LK, MK. Practice hitconfirming this string in training mode with the dummy set to block random.

In neutral cr.LK is very good for catching people low due to its range and short blockstun, HP is a good button due to its size, j.LK is a good air-to-air when you are above the opponent and H Fiber is a good mobility tool (+ it is your invincible meterless reversal). Fortune's dash is great, really fast and it low profiles a bunch of stuff like Double's L Luger and Parasoul's napalm shots. When combined with her cr.LK Fortune's dash becomes something your opponent always has to keep in mind.

I wouldn't learn headless just yet since there's quite a lot to learn if you want to learn it and it's good to learn the base character first. If you do end up headless and the opponent is wailing on your head, don't try and call it back because the head will be in hitstun and you'll just leave yourself vulnerable, instead try to go in and punish them. If you want to call your head back in neutral then try calling a lockdown/horizontal assist and calling your head back. The assist will cover you while you recover your head.
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@Lex Woof. That sure is a lot to keep in mind. Don't get me wrong, it's all highly appreciated of course! I'll reference back to this once I feel like I have a grasp on the game and the basics of the character. Thanks a lot!