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Why did sweep bursts get changed?


I only like sugar cookies
Sep 2, 2013
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Squigly Filia
I understand that it could be counted as cheap, since hitting a button when you could tech made you burst instead, so it was a free hard knockdown.

On the other hand, it's still a burst bait, and the point of those is to punish people who mash, right?

I think [at least in Beta], you can mash during sweep bursts and still tech out of them.

Why not have it so that during the first couple/few frames after a sweep, pressing a button will make you burst, but any time after you tech, instead?
Because if you don't take the bait then you are taking a hard knockdown, and that's dumb.

And if I remember correctly bursting is only prevented during the invulnerable frames of the knockdown, so if you mash it will still burst, but the point of these setups was never to bait it was to get a hard knockdown off of what is normally a soft knockdown.
I thought the change applied to any knockdown state, what still works?
That seems a bit silly, all of the good burstable knockdowns weren't even from sweeps.
Because if you don't take the bait then you are taking a hard knockdown, and that's dumb.

Frankly, I liked the idea of creating a guaranteed pressure situation in a game where the only true hard knockdowns are slide knockdowns(without having used purple bounce), and slide knockdowns are rare in the first place.
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Frankly, I liked the idea of creating a guaranteed pressure situation in a game where the only true hard knockdowns are slide knockdowns(without having used purple bounce), and slide knockdowns are rare in the first place.
Frankly, I thought it was stupid to make slide knockdowns a rare thing as a clear design statement that you dislike guaranteed pressure situations and extended downtimes, then allow every character to just set up a hard knockdown by other means
Frankly, I thought it was stupid to make slide knockdowns a rare thing as a clear design statement that you dislike guaranteed pressure situations and extended downtimes, then allow every character to just set up a hard knockdown by other means

uhh has that actually ever been said? because it would be REALLY strange to me to have that design philosophy in a game with assists/forced reset situations
No that was never said like that

Mike stated multiple times though that "Sliding Knockdowns are the closest thing to a hard knockdown we have in SG" and probably somewhere that he doesn't like hard KDs but no guarantees

Either way sliding knockdowns are rare for a reason, which makes "every char gets an untechable kd anyways" pretty weird
And removing sweep burstbaits when there are plenty more non-sweep burstbaits (I think this really matters for PW and that's it?) is weird and .. whatevers
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Resets are already very flexible in this game, if you think you need a sliding knockdown to give you pressure then you are doing it wrong.
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