• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

New profile posts

For the 0 collective people wondering why my 3 characters are who they are, it's because it's my top 3 on SGM (yeah, i know, not classy, but it was either that or random ones)
Now that I have a gaming laptop the game is running well on that I was able to perform combos well and a LAN adapter to produce a very stable online experience and get rid of the red dot in the lobby screen, I'm gonna take it online on both PC and console either after the additional VO content come out or after I get a new pair of JoyCons. We'll see.
Any thoughts on 2nd Encore Season 2 Pass?

Since DLC content is completely finished for 2nd Encore season 1 pass to this year 2024. I'd like to ask if there's a continuation for DLC content or a new game?
Let's discuss to find out.
Shouldn't there be a new project ever to keep up the series with any new fighters, stages in regards to the Indiegogo campaign that supports it? Since Mike Z and Alex Ahad are gone, there may not be a chance, especially when the staff moved from lab zero to future club as their new development studio.
Soon, I'm gonna start my journey to also play Skullgirls on PC as I approach to the point where I get a gaming computer.
Thanks for the response, I’ll discuss some things about the character and his involvement with other characters and their dark environment. I'll add them in the conversation page i've created
Could I ask you something, what if the head of the mafia, Lorenzo is officially dead as the Medici Mafia had failing to retrieve the life orb and that someone else would be in charge. How would that affect the game’s timeline. Not to mention the Medici Mafia berate each other in the storyline.

P.S. could you share this suggestion in the Story thread so people could give feedback on this suggestion. Thanks
Assuming Lorenzo dies, the Skull Heart is destroyed at that point, and the Life Gem doesn't get returned to Lorenzo but it is in the hands of the Medici Mafia, then I'll assume that someone else high-ranking enough in the mafia takes over and handles the disputes, typical mafia stuff occurs, life goes on, etc. Or, another crime group takes over.
Hey there. I’ve forgot to mention the fact that Lamashtu’s mask is the enemy of Pazazu whip used by Deep Violet, according to Middle East folklore? You have Other thoughts or references on about the mother of monsters, Lamashtu?
That'd be interesting. I thought she was cool. Wait. What if she could be one of the first living weapons passed down gen to gen and ended up in Pierro's hands?
Let’s be Fr does anyone actually play the male Skullgirls characters? I’m a guy and I refuse to play the guy characters
Ngl looking at the old comments or post on here and looking at ppls profiles who haven’t been online in years is kinda sad, knowing they could be dead is sad or just know they forgot their acc.
Deadass jealous of ppl who play Skullgirls on pc or xbox or computer idk I play on an iPad, I’m gonna try to buy a Xbox soon
I'm sorry for my post on the Beta discussion topic that given me a first warrning. I immediately regret being disappointed about the balance patch not releasing before Combo Breaker. Once again, I am truly sorry about my post there.
Oh gosh i had a whole thing written up and idk where to put it bc i havent used this site in forever so uhhhhh
Yeah. hi. Wouldnt all fit but tldr, i wanna apologize for how dumb i was as a kid.

Hmm, keep trying to make a post in the story and skullgirls universe section and keeps getting an error message
Well, the balance patch won't be released before Combo Breaker, and I am a little disappointed that I won't be seeing Star Overdrive into action there. But the good news is that Marie is officially released way before then.
I have tons of friend gifts, all of them gold. Just add me if you want some throughout the week. (Phantomfartz)
This is the forum for Skullgirls 2nd Encore, which is the PC/Console game. If you're looking for people who play Skullgirls Mobile you might want to try the Skullgirls Mobile forum https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/
Now that Marie is fully released, I am recording my Skullgirls matches and editing them to play the music from BBTAG on my PlayStation. But I'll wait until the issue is fixed first.
I have given you a friend request on discord so we can talk. My username on Discord is 'Bionicle2008'