• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

New profile posts

Hello Cal, I’ve been happy to see your response from a few months ago on my thread. I have sent and invite to your channel today.
Hey! I'm Shushi. You can find me on Skullgirls as Shushikara ☠ (Yes you HAVE to add the emoji at the end). I'll be friends with literally everyone. I need to give my gifts away after all! Bye!
Since I heard SGCS is returning in 2024 and it's gonna be bigger than before, the real question is, is it gonna be similar to Capcom Pro-Tour and other circuits to have offline and online tournaments?
While there aren't rules for what you can or can't put in your profile posts, these are the kind of questions that could go in posts in the forum itself. :P You are more likely to get more discussions/engagements that way, and it helps keep the forum active.
But yeah, we won't know for sure until they officially announce it. The reason the previous one was online-only was likely due to lingering Covid restrictions. The new one could be offline or hybrid, but I feel like the SGC is small and there are many players who can't afford the time or expense to travel to various offline venues. If the goal is to get as many players as possible, 100% online is probably better.
Not to mention that the Skullgirls community has declined significantly because of the censorship update that sparked controversy, ticking people off. Seeing the angry comments over that controversial update made me feel uneasy as heck and that's why I had to distance myself from the controversy to keep on supporting the game. I know you are too.
The developers have been too darn quiet here since that progress update. Too quiet. I hope we hear from them soon because we don't want to be left in the dark for so long.
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Have you watched all of the Marie teasers and trailers? Maybe that will quench your thirst for active Devs lol.
They already have skins for Second Encore and are still working on them for Mobile.
Now that the Xbox port is available, the devs can now double their efforts on developing Marie. But the update for the Japanese PS4 version is still on the docket.
OMG HIIII!!! I'l try to keep up active here,,somehow. still trying to get how the forums work, but this seems fun! Hi everyone! Hiiiiii!!!
It's been a couple weeks. When the heck are we gonna get word about the Xbox ports? What about the progress on the update for the Japanese PS4 version?
July 19th?! Holy crap! That's a week away from now! But should you also care about the update for the Japanese PS4 version too? I want that to be completed along with the Xbox port too so that the devs can double their efforts on Marie and the general balance pass.
contemplating the impact of recent updates on skullgirls and the future of my special online casual. will the waves of uninstallations hinder our community's momentum?
I wonder if people uninstalling Skullgirls after a bad update is gonna impact running my special online casual?
The Skull Heart has been destroyed, but one shard glows purple and Marie is reborn as a playable character with Orie's colors. This is my new avatar.
I agree with the removal of the arm bands, but censoring some of the art and removing certain art from the gallery is not cool.
But that will not stop me. I must focus on waiting for important things like the Xbox port, the update for the Japanese PS4 version and Marie with the privilege to make an Orie palette out of her and put it on my projects.
Seria tão legal se existisse uma variante do painwheel: Sally face Com o cabelo azul e a roupa inspirada no sallyface
Woah uh we sorta assumed this place just. got wiped off the internet siudfhdsdkfjh. Omg my account is still here
So it's not a normal practice for thread authors to request their question threads to be locked? Hmm, you seem to be having a good point. In this case, you can unlock my thread. Also, I have been a fool to lash out on those who keep asking for a mod and I thought that asking for a mod continuously breaks the rules. I am sorry for that.
Secondly, question threads can remain open in case people want to ask follow-up questions or engage in additional constructive discussion. However, it's up to the OP if they want a thread locked or not, and if you're not making excessive amount of requests, I'm happy to accommodate it.
But I did finally get an answer to my question that I seek regarding Boss and Playable Maries. Her boss version will stay, even if I have her playable version on my team on Arcade Mode, but not on her Story Mode. I'm fine with Playable Marie and Boss Marie fighting each other. But if they replace her boss self with her buffed playable self, that would make it interesting.
And now that I finally got an answer that I seek and Marie's portrait is actually gonna be located above Big Band like you wanted to be so that the random selection can stay centered, I can wait for her with a clear mind. But the Xbox port and the update for the Japanese PS4 version are gonna release first before she does so they can double their efforts on her development to get her completed sooner.
You, m8! Wasn't cool. There was mod i seek, it just gone from Steam's guides. Since you guys won't do anything about 100% SoniFox bug, can you unblock my last thread, it made in case if there anybody who's have that mod "on hands"??? I'm anyway don't want to discuss there.
I listen, i give-up on conversation about official compromise, and just want get mod as you advised.
I just lacked in coding, and need to start from somewhere, means even old version will be handful. And who know, maybe i even be lucky enough to get attention of people who have updated version of Hellrot-chan's mod.
Ou... Unless "you didn't listen" also about my profile's conversation... then sorry, i'm kinda did.
But i named thread "drop mod here", not "drop that mod me personally", so a bit sense in opening that thread.
You don't need any programming skills to make a stage mod. You'd find it is quite easy if you actually follow the instructions I linked.

I've allowed your thread to remain visible so that people who might want to help you can contact you to give you a working mod directly if they want, and I'll add a notice to the thread to this effect. As I said, I locked the thread as it is no longer producing any useful replies.
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As I said before, if you don't like the SonicFox cameo, don't pick Class Notes. You can either not pick Class Notes or deal with it. Now, FREAKING DROP IT AND MOVE ON! For frick's sake, is it too much to ask that @Chrono_Tata said that having your previous thread locked is not an invite to make a new one to continue the discussion?
It it my business to interfere. I'm not a moderator, but I have every freaking right to report you. I can comprehend the fact that you want your copy of the game's Class Notes to don't have G.I. Joe-looking characters or whatever. But Sun does have a point. You really should be ignored until you learn to freaking drop it and move on.
@the_rpg_king I appreciate that you wanna help, but I have to ask that in the interest of keeping things drama-free, there is no need to message JD on this. If you have any concern you can contact me directly.

JD isn't breaking any rules by asking for a mod or expressing dislike for an NPC. I only locked the thread, not delete it. Any further questions can be asked/answered privately.
All this time, they wasn't breaking the rules by asking for a mod to replace the SonicFox cameo? Darn. Should've recognized it in the first place.
Soon, the Skullgirls launch party will truly begin once the Xbox port and the update and the Season 1 Pass for the Japanese PS4 version are released.
was i supposed to find out that you get to have more than 2 entourage slots by going on a 40 lose streak? come on! you have to tell me that kind of thing!
I love playing Black Dahlia, but her links are so tight!
it's worth it though, mouse trap is super cheap and helps with setup characters like my main man beowulf
After watching that early Marie combo video, in my opinion, Marie is basically an undead version of Orie with a vacuum and her skeletal Stand that shoots lasers like Black Dahlia is basically the Nine the Phantom with an arm gun and smaller breasts.
I have thought of a unique concept villain in video games with its design. That is in Shin Megami Tensei.
I always thought that the anime TV series for Skullgirls would be either rated TV-PG LV or TV-14 LV and that would be amazing. But it's gonna be rated TV-14 LV because of a ton of blood I witnessed on that Webtoon episode.
Do you have the information to your discord channel?
cal313_ Discord username - Hmu if you want to discuss Gameplay strategies, Creative Art/ Sketch ideas, or anything that comes to mind. :)
Good morning Cal, I’ve got your response on my post recently. Could I join your discord server?
Thanks, see you soon
Cerefortune is an amazing ship idc
I agree because Cerebella and Ms. Fortune are the only two characters who have best friends not yet playable and that's why I'm supporting them.
I'd Just like to drop a statement that is clearly not Biased in the slightest but Peacock Is in fact the best.

That Is All.