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Revelations in Gaming: Skullgirls and the Bible

I'm trying to create interesting/unique content for Skullheart. Did you find this thought-provoking?

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Sorry for being a stupid kid, i got help.
Hi! I just want to say that this is all game base speculation, and is educated, but NOT to be considered canon (Unless Mike Z. says so, I guess) And is NOT Religious Propaganda. This is Purely for the sake of knowledge (well, trivia) and souldn't be taken as offensive to your religion, if any.

While reading the Skullgirls canon material thread, I saw a few interesting Biblical links, so after some more personal research, here's why I think that Skullgirls is the end of the world (literally!)

As you know if you read the same thread I did, the Royal family of the Canopy Kingdom (namely their weapons) represent the riders of doomsday: War, Death, Famine and Conquest. (Keep reading, it gets better, and less repeated from other threads-y)

You may have also read about the war that happened before the game. Well, Parasoul's mom, the current Skullgirl, wreaked havoc on pretty much everything, which sounds a LOT like the disasters/plagues in Revelations.

It's likely that characters like the Fishbone Gang and the victims of the war represent innocents taken up in The Rapture.

Ms. Fortune/Nadia could easily be the people who are in denial/never believed, and want their loved ones back.

Then that leaves the Cast: Yep, I'm pretty sure they've been Left Behind/are the Leftovers (whichever show you prefer)

This is particularly true for the Medicis, who likely represent the blatant sinners (but not ALL of the gang, keep reading)

Have you ever looked at the Canopy Kingdom? It takes up most of the world, thus foreshadowing the united world-country.
(The Nazi motif doesn't help them argue against it, either)

The Skullgirl Marie COULD Represent the Antichrist, being a bringer of doom, with the promise of the Skull Heart representing the prospect of what the devil would promise his prey.

Thusly said, Double's fit to fall under the category of "false prophet", particularly due to the fact that she heralds your fight with Marie.

Adding to the topic, Valentine's probably represents the blatant followers of the devil, who feel his rule is better for their gain.

ASG Lab 8, with It's whole "Paved with Good Intentions" thing is probably the people who acknowledge their sins, but still want to fight for what's right (thus the fact that they rebelled from the other labs, and that they help children who are alone and afraid).

Medici gang members like Feng and Cerebella could easily represent people who sin blindly, not knowing they're evil until it's too late to turn back (Thus how Cerebella Kills Nadia in her ending, or how in her albeit non-released alt. ending, how Feng kills Vitale after realizing the truth, and seeing him kill all the rest of the troupe).

The Black Egrets could represent the followers of the false prophet, thus the Upside-down Cross worn by their leader, Parasoul.

Samson could possibly represent those that have tried to ignore what's really going on, and are in a state of denial, thus Filia's amnesia.

Alternatively, Peacock , Painwheel, and the other test subjects of the ASG could very feasibly represent people who have had to lose their innocence to handle the harshness of the world, weather for better or worse.

But I'm not done quite yet!

It's known that Venus is planning something big, and just from her Parasite it's easy to surmise she's the impending doom of the devil's #2, Appollyon the Destroyer.

Speak(ing) of the Devil, It's actually hard to say who he is in relation to Skullgirls. I can safely guess Mother, as she IS Venus's superior, but on the same token, her and Aeon aren't very interested in/desiring carnage, especially when compared to Venus. Another candidate of equal mystery would be Brain Drain, the Psychic Soldier, who plots to rule all.

With that said, I can safely say that IF this is an accurate theory, Skullgirls takes place before the arrival of the devil, Jesus, Or the Big Guy in The Sky (I refer to God, but I had to say that!), but after the Rapture, plagues, and arrival of the Riders, Antichrist, and False Prophet. That said, I can't quite say who exactly represents God, Jesus, or the Devil. For all I know, Annie's actually a Jesus-God combo that's going to destroy all evil and fill our lives with My Little Pony and Sailor Moon (but now that I think about it, she DOES have that whole "shall come again" thing to her, AND Cosmic Powers, AND Skullgirl-slaying experience, sooo...).

Also, I can't/won't say for the DLC characters and characters that aren't proactive in the story (i.e. Adam) simply because they either have no story yet, or are non-canon (i.e. Evil Samson [or is that just how he is, and he'll be all "Ha! I was evil the whole time!]).

That about finishes another rant, but I'll say it again: I don't intend to convert anyone with this, it's just known material I've expanded on with my educated theory, and should NOT be seen as propaganda of any sort.

Feel free to comment about your take on this, or add some info of your own to support this theory! I'll add it to my list, with credit to whoever posted it first (when I get around to it. I won't guarantee same-second updates.)

UPDATE: This is, as I mentioned, a theory. Not many people seem too keen on it, so, I'll safely say this one's closed, and I'll try to avoid fan theories in the future.
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You get points for accurately naming the Four Horsemen, but that's it. Seems like a bunch of superficial overanalyzation.
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You get points for accurately naming the Four Horsemen, but that's it. Seems like a bunch of superficial overanalyzation.
It very well may be, but there are some references, like Venus's Appollyon, that seem TOO convenient. I have no doubt it's the base of the game, but its contents are just my two cents.
Yeah, this seems really reaching. You just attributed a bunch of stuff to random events in the bible and a lot of it barely makes sense. The Fishbone Gang were a gang of thieves - why would they represent the Rapture?
And where did you get the idea that the Canopy Kingdom covers most of the world? It could very well be true but I don't remember that from anywhere.

EDIT: You take Venus' Appollyon as being too convenient, but then set aside Sekhmet? Why is a Christian apocalypse parallel more likely than an Egyptian one? Aeon's Khronos doesn't lend the same weight to a Greek Titan myth?
Yeah, this seems really reaching. You just attributed a bunch of stuff to random events in the bible and a lot of it barely makes sense. The Fishbone Gang were a gang of thieves - why would they represent the Rapture?
And where did you get the idea that the Canopy Kingdom covers most of the world? It could very well be true but I don't remember that from anywhere.

EDIT: You take Venus' Appollyon as being too convenient, but then set aside Sekhmet? Why is a Christian apocalypse parallel more likely than an Egyptian one? Aeon's Khronos doesn't lend the same weight to a Greek Titan myth?
Like I said, I probably overthought it. As for the logic behind the Fishbone Gang, my thoughts were that they were the only people who cared for Fortune, and seemed more like the "honorable" type of thieves, and I said I couldn't really get a grip on Aeon and Sekhmet, I said I couldn't really make a call on Aeon, or the DLC. It's likely inspiration, but that's about it. but to be honest, I enjoyed making my other articles more, and it seems it's best to leave this stuff to Game Theories. LOL
Thanks for all your input on my articles, by the way! It really helps!
You're about half-right.
There is biblical references but not to the grandest scale, it's mostly, I guess little jokes every now and again. (EX, Samson being represented by literally strong hair and D. Violet's whip, Pazuzu being a dick joke.) and some definite inspirations but it's mostly, as the game does, references.
Well, Leviathan does quote the Bible when he says, "For I beheld Satan as he fell from Heaven like lightning!" or something to that effect.

I did notice the whole "forbidden fruit" imagery was unusually strong with the Skullheart. It's an option presented to women in particular, it gives godlike attributes in a manner different than advertised, and results in the destruction of the world. If you want to stretch it a bit, it seems roughly fruit-sized to me and you do sort of "ingest" it into your body.

To me, that kind of makes Double seem like the Satan equivalent here. She's forever trying to sell chicks on the Skullheart, and in her actual story mode I never noticed the Trinity or the Skullheart answer any of her assumptions/prayers about what she's doing. She just acts, which is where I can see the antichrist/false prophet imagery.
Well, Leviathan does quote the Bible when he says, "For I beheld Satan as he fell from Heaven like lightning!" or something to that effect.

Though it does seem like Leviathan to quote the Bible, the line itself is most likely a reference to this scene from Street Fighter movie rather than the actual Gospel Of Luke:

As the resident Christian, I'd like to weigh in that nearly all of your speculations are ridiculously off. I'd laugh, but I don't think this is a joke.