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Xbox XBL Matchmaking Thread

The Techtician

Breathe, Analyze, Train, Play.
Hey all,

With SH finally back I can hopefully find some people online. I'm a moderate player but stuck to consoles.
Merged threads.

Also on XBL primarily for consoles, but little reason to play that since PC is the up-to-date version.
^ I wish I would've known that before buying the XBL version. I guess I can wait for the updates though. If anyone wants to play, I'm an ok player to practice against. Just send me a friend request
Are there any good players still on xbl? I can deal with SDE (which is still very good) if I can get some competitive matches in, the 15-20 second matches aren't doing it for me.
I wouldn't be able to accurately judge the current skill level as I am a new player. Maybe one of the other 10 players online can chime in
Probably the only decent player left on is Evilweevle(?). Worst part is, if the patch hits consoles, none of the pc players are going to return because PC must be way better than xbl could ever be (free, access to the entire SG player base). Hell, I would have dropped xbl too if I was in a position to buy a new machine.
Hola, Ive been wanting to get into the game a lil bit for a while now and i've actually taken the steps and bought the game on 360 but it seems like no1 plays on XBL. Like more of the players have went to PC..i wish i would've known that before i dished out $15 lol But if anyone feels like playing and helping me get better my GT is : Igotcha23
I guess I have been away from Skullgirls on XBLA for some time. It's not like I have a solid enough computer for Gaming anyway, so anyone up for a match can send me an invite.
I'm hardly one to refuse an invite to a fighting game!
I guess I have been away from Skullgirls on XBLA for some time. It's not like I have a solid enough computer for Gaming anyway, so anyone up for a match can send me an invite.
I'm hardly one to refuse an invite to a fighting game!

HMU Gadget Guru, Im trying to get into the game and my GT is igotcha23
HMU Gadget Guru, Im trying to get into the game and my GT is igotcha23

Don't worry, sent you a request!
I'm trying to survive my recent purchase of Dark Souls at the moment, but I'm still up for matches!
Ight when i get on, ill be on the lookout for it sir..Just be warned..I suck at the moment since i just got it so try not to go
"Robocombo" on me where i have to go grab a drink mid combo lol That seems to be what happens the few times I go find anyone online..but im jk im always down to play
Hey im looking for some homies to run some sets with GT: Theseveredtoe I sent friend requests to everyone who posted their GTs (IGoTcha23, I Gadgeguru I, Dontae92) shoot me your GT or just add me if you wanna play.

Without sounding cocky I think its fair to say I'm pretty good at SGs, been around since day one (off and on). But Im really only any good with Painwheel/Fillia, so if you're newer i can show you all my other terrible characters haha
Hey im looking for some homies to run some sets with GT: Theseveredtoe I sent friend requests to everyone who posted their GTs (IGoTcha23, I Gadgeguru I, Dontae92) shoot me your GT or just add me if you wanna play.

Without sounding cocky I think its fair to say I'm pretty good at SGs, been around since day one (off and on). But Im really only any good with Painwheel/Fillia, so if you're newer i can show you all my other terrible characters haha

I'm on now, we can play a few.


Are you EC or WC?
Ight I think i got ur friend request Zomgief i'll hit you up on there im using two GT's right now..my other is Korpzkarnivore..thas the one ive been using as of late so i'll send a msg with that one.
Hey there, everybody. I've decided to start up both scheduled XBL lobbies and unscheduled matches in an attempt to revitalize the netplay there. Like many of you, I can't run Skullgirls properly on my PC, and as such I'm restricted to my Xbox. Details are still under way as to the exact dates and times, but I have a chatroom available for organizing matches and lobbies on the Xbox. Currently I'm trying to build up a number of people to join me in my attempt to get some netplay going, so if you think anyone else would be interested, be sure to let them know.

The chatroom is #skullgirls360 on the Freenode IRC servers. I'll see you there.

We've got a steam group as well: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/skullgirls360
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XBL is beyond dead, dude. Don't waste your time, just settle for sub-par PC SG or upgrade your machine. At least you'll always find matches on PC. Tried it with vanilla and will never go through that again.
I do have to agree that reviving it right now wouldn't work.
Besides, with that update in the works, the community will show back up when it appears.
I know for sure it's what I'm waiting for at the least.
I do have to agree that reviving it right now wouldn't work.
Besides, with that update in the works, the community will show back up when it appears.
I know for sure it's what I'm waiting for at the least.

Remember the vanilla to SDE update? Yeah, don't get too attached to waiting on the new patch. Also, the best XBL players who are currently on PC won't be returning, there's no reason to.
Remember the vanilla to SDE update? Yeah, don't get too attached to waiting on the new patch. Also, the best XBL players who are currently on PC won't be returning, there's no reason to.
Not quite true. I would head back once the patch drops. Xbox doesn't suddenly crash like pc does sometimes. I would head to xbox for matches as well as pc.
yo xbox motherduckers. so in preparation of the patch actually seeming like it might get here sometime in january (not that im counting all my chickens mind you) ill be updating the skullgirls metatag (aBOBSKULLGIRLSa) on a semi regualr basis and sending messages out to everyone who is on there asking if they want to stay on there or be removed.

i myself having been playing regularly simpy because SDE is so out of date now, but ill be back on a lot once the patch drops.

i think once the patch comes out in order to keep the list somewhat relevant (unlike the original SRK metatag that was ful of people who played for 2 weeks then never touched it again) im gonna keep an eye on peoples SG activity and if they havent played for say 2 months im going to remove them from the list.

i expect that everyone who is on this site who plays on XBL should add this GT in future.
Hm, I'll probably add the tag tomorrow, as I gotta do caroling tomorrow morning. I've been at a friend's house playing PC Skullgirls for a while, so it may be a few minutes of re-adjusting, but I'll be willing to play against anyone who just wants to train or goof around!
Hm, I'll probably add the tag tomorrow, as I gotta do caroling tomorrow morning. I've been at a friend's house playing PC Skullgirls for a while, so it may be a few minutes of re-adjusting, but I'll be willing to play against anyone who just wants to train or goof around!

if its goofing around your after, i would be down for some ceretoss! (solobella, throws only.)
Alright, I got on and added the tag just a few minutes ago. I can see what you mean by clearing, saw a dude who hasn't been on for 88 days! It'd be great to finally see people playing with others once our patch hits.

And Ceretoss eh? I'm not really a huge grapple person (I typically use Cerebella for Cerecopter assist and her design, and if I do have to use her I continue my typical "constant infinite noob rush"), but will command throws count too? That'd sure be interesting.
Alright, I got on and added the tag just a few minutes ago. I can see what you mean by clearing, saw a dude who hasn't been on for 88 days! It'd be great to finally see people playing with others once our patch hits.

And Ceretoss eh? I'm not really a huge grapple person (I typically use Cerebella for Cerecopter assist and her design, and if I do have to use her I continue my typical "constant infinite noob rush"), but will command throws count too? That'd sure be interesting.

yea it was a little something that was invented at this years EVO in between fugazi matches (which is fun but gets boring kinda fast i find.)

ceretoss you can use all grabs (regular, command grabs, anti air grab, air command grab, super grab, throw followup after a run) as well as all mobility options (glide without clap, command run, kanchou fake) f you hit your opp with any attack that isnt a throw then they take a penalty of taking damage equivalent to what they inflicted. theres nothing more satisfying than landing a raw grab bag when they jump expecting a throw.

seems theres still occasional players on xbl atm. played a long set against a solo parasoul yesterday (who is now on the list too) who was doing some neat stuff i havent seen any other para do before. so im kinda excited to see what encore brings
Heyo~! CapnWTF here,

I'm an Xbox player, my Gamertag is CapnWTF, and I run solo characters, right now I main Fortune, but I'm going to use squigly when she comes out on consoles.
so anybody know if the matchmaking still works in the console versions now the game has been removed from the stores.

i tried a couple of times on quickmatch but didnt get anything within 5 minutes, but then that isnt exactly out of the ordinary for console SG.
If anyone at all is out there, plz add me and send me a game invite sometime...I want to play against a human and get used to mixups and confirming against real opponents

I added Bob Skullgirls earlier this week..of course no one is on...
If anyone at all is out there, plz add me and send me a game invite sometime...I want to play against a human and get used to mixups and confirming against real opponents

I added Bob Skullgirls earlier this week..of course no one is on...

ill make sure ive added the friend request if i havent already. and yea its kind of hit or miss atm but i need to wait till the patch comes out before i can start updating it/removing people. even if peeps arent playing its worth sending a message and sometimes people will stop what they are doing to play. if you see me online ill play some games with you.

paradonyx and miketroid are 2 guys i play fairly regularly and they are usually up for games.
It is kinda dead currently. I'm gonna attempt to play more once the patch drops, but I don't think it'll be the main community. Still, the Skullheart IRC and the Xbox thread is a great tool for setting much matches.