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Modding Tool: SkullMod

yeah i dragged the gfs file to unpack but every time i click unpack, nothing happens. This list of files usually show up before you hit unpack but that didnt show up either.


you should be getting a list of the files when you click and drag it in. I'm not sure why that'd be messing up though.

On the upside your photo has helped me realized I have been saying the file name wrong.
I still don't understand how to use the application. I downloaded and the converter file, and I'm not sure what to do with them or where to start. Can someone help me? I only want to change music.
I still don't understand how to use the application. I downloaded and the converter file, and I'm not sure what to do with them or where to start. Can someone help me? I only want to change music.

If you want to change your music I'd suggest watching this video (linked in the first post).
If you want to change your music I'd suggest watching this video (linked in the first post).

So once I download all the files I need, do I put them together in one folder? I can see that this person is showing how to change the music. But I want to know how to set this application up for use?
Brief walkthrough of how to use this before I gotta get back to work.
  • 1) Install Skullgirls. It'll probably end up in something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skullgirls"

  • 2) Go here: https://github.com/0xFAIL/SkullMod/releases and download Skullmod.universal.zip. It's the green button at the bottom of the "SkullMod 0.2" update.

  • 3) Once that file is downloaded, unzip it anywhere on your PC. It does not need to be in the same folder as Skullgirls. I keep it in my Art folder on my desktop.

  • 4) Open the location you unzipped it to. There should be three files: lib, SkullMod.bat and skullModLauncher-1.0.jar. Open skullModLauncher-1.0. You will need Java to do this.

  • 5) When a window pops up, select gfsEdit. (This may not work. If it does not work, go to step 5a. If it does work, skip to 6)
    • 5a) In the SkullMod folder, open the folder called lib.
    • 5b) Run the file called gfsEdit1.2.jar.
  • 6) Now open the folder where you installed Skullgirls. Go into the folder called data01.

  • 7) Inside you should find a list of .gfs files. characters-art.pt, characters-art, levels-textures, etc. Drag any of these into the box in SkullMod that says "Drag .gsf file(s) here"

  • 8) A list of files should appear in the window. Click 'Unpack'. This will create a folder with the same name as the gfs you chose in the data01 folder.
Brief walkthrough of how to use this before I gotta get back to work.
  • 1) Install Skullgirls. It'll probably end up in something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skullgirls"

  • 2) Go here: https://github.com/0xFAIL/SkullMod/releases and download Skullmod.universal.zip. It's the green button at the bottom of the "SkullMod 0.2" update.

  • 3) Once that file is downloaded, unzip it anywhere on your PC. It does not need to be in the same folder as Skullgirls. I keep it in my Art folder on my desktop.

  • 4) Open the location you unzipped it to. There should be three files: lib, SkullMod.bat and skullModLauncher-1.0.jar. Open skullModLauncher-1.0. You will need Java to do this.

  • 5) When a window pops up, select gfsEdit. (This may not work. If it does not work, go to step 5a. If it does work, skip to 6)
    • 5a) In the SkullMod folder, open the folder called lib.
    • 5b) Run the file called gfsEdit1.2.jar.
  • 6) Now open the folder where you installed Skullgirls. Go into the folder called data01.

  • 7) Inside you should find a list of .gfs files. characters-art.pt, characters-art, levels-textures, etc. Drag any of these into the box in SkullMod that says "Drag .gsf file(s) here"

  • 8) A list of files should appear in the window. Click 'Unpack'. This will create a folder with the same name as the gfs you chose in the data01 folder.

These steps are very helpful, thanks.
I see there are two musics for each level, is it okay to delete one of them or no? I've watched the video and the person stated that if you don't want the intro for the classroom level then you could either make your own or use 3 second of silence which I don't know how to do these on my own.
No. If you don't want one, take a 00:00s duration music file and put there as intro.
Dumb question, where do I get the 00:00 duration music file? Also what should I do about the rest of the levels music since two of them are around 2 minutes long and was wondering what would happen if I deleted one out as I replace the other music?
Dumb question, where do I get the 00:00 duration music file? Also what should I do about the rest of the levels music since two of them are around 2 minutes long and was wondering what would happen if I deleted one out as I replace the other music?
Don't delete anything ever. Replace files or leave them as they are, but you cannot just delete something and leave an empty space.

And Audacity is a great free program for recording and manipulating audio.
1- youtu.be/9uDgJ9_H0gg
2- http://www.youtube-mp3.org/
3- convert it to wav
4- change the name
5- ????
6- profit


Don't delete anything ever. Replace files or leave them as they are, but you cannot just delete something and leave an empty space.

And Audacity is a great free program for recording and manipulating audio.

I'm not going to mess around with music then. I don't want the other music to play while having my custom music play. Sorry for wasting your time.
I'm not going to mess around with music then. I don't want the other music to play while having my custom music play. Sorry for wasting your time.
He just means that if you delete something, you need to replace it with another file with the same name. Otherwise the game will look for something that isn't there (and probably crash?).
I'm not going to mess around with music then. I don't want the other music to play while having my custom music play. Sorry for wasting your time.
He just means that if you delete something, you need to replace it with another file with the same name. Otherwise the game will look for something that isn't there (and probably crash?).
Yeah, there may be crossed wires here. (And yes, it'll likely crash if there's files missing).

What exactly are you trying to do here? What music are you trying to replace?
it plays silence if there's no file
I know because I made a typo in one file
Yeah, there may be crossed wires here. (And yes, it'll likely crash if there's files missing).

What exactly are you trying to do here? What music are you trying to replace?

Classroom stage: Trial music from SSF4
Under The Bridge: Spread the Wings music from Garou Mark of the Wolves

These are from the top of my head. There are other soundtracks I want to replace but haven't thought what music I want to use.
Just posting this short walkthrough I wrote earlier:
Do I need to download all tres?

Brief walkthrough of how to use SkullMod before I gotta get back to work.
  • 1) Install Skullgirls. It'll probably end up in something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skullgirls"

  • 2) Go here: https://github.com/0xFAIL/SkullMod/releases and download Skullmod.universal.zip. It's the green button at the bottom of the "SkullMod 0.2" update.

  • 3) Once that file is downloaded, unzip it anywhere on your PC. It does not need to be in the same folder as Skullgirls. I keep it in my Art folder on my desktop.

  • 4) Open the location you unzipped it to. There should be three files: lib, SkullMod.bat and skullModLauncher-1.0.jar. Open skullModLauncher-1.0. You will need Java to do this.

  • 5) When a window pops up, select gfsEdit. (This may not work. If it does not work, go to step 5a. If it does work, skip to 6)
    • 5a) In the SkullMod folder, open the folder called lib.
    • 5b) Run the file called gfsEdit1.2.jar.
  • 6) Now open the folder where you installed Skullgirls. Go into the folder called data01.

  • 7) Inside you should find a list of .gfs files. characters-art.pt, characters-art, levels-textures, etc. Drag any of these into the box in SkullMod that says "Drag .gsf file(s) here"

  • 8) A list of files should appear in the window. Click 'Unpack'. This will create a folder with the same name as the gfs you chose in the data01 folder.

If you want to modify the stages, unpack textures, level textures, 2D textures, etc.
In the LVL file, if you don't specify a Music_Intro it should just play the Music_Loop.
If you don't specify a Music_Loop it should just be silence.
If you specify a file that doesn't exist it should still be silence. Nothing should crash with respect to that stuff.
Is there any chance of Skullmod getting support for unpacking/packing replay input data files (.rnd)?
If inputs are easy to navigate through and edit, it would be a useful tool for TASing.

Already finished the file structure, but I'm lazy
might take some time to map the buttons out

(I remember a note in the patch notes about changes that might happen to the replay format)
why won't this work anymore?
(youtube video)
Use the freshly backed version 0.3 of SkullMod (see below)
Just make sure to read the README.txt file

Released SkullMod 0.3 - LessFeaturesThanTheLastOne-Edition

Make sure to read the README in the download
Get it here: SkullMod 0.3

If something doesn't work write a post or send a PM


80% smaller (No more Java)
Easier than ever to use
Lost all functionality except .gfs unpacking because in its current state it might wreck something
The rest will be enabled in the next version

Edit: Updated the current version so it has no more (external) dependencies
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Can anybody give me explicit instructions (like.. idiot-proof) on how to re-pack an edited file? Every time i try to do it it doesn't work. Is there a specific point that I have to make it a .gfs? I watched the video, it didn't really explain, please help!!
Can anybody give me explicit instructions (like.. idiot-proof) on how to re-pack an edited file? Every time i try to do it it doesn't work. Is there a specific point that I have to make it a .gfs? I watched the video, it didn't really explain, please help!!
Go to the "Pack" tab on the gfsEdit section of SkullMod. Then, click "Select Directory" under "Pack .gfs", which should open another window, of your computer's libraries. Go "Computer", "Local Disk", "Program Files (x86)" (Not sure if it'll be the same folder for you), "Steam", "SteamApps", "Common", "Skullgirls Beta" (Or just "Skullgirls" depending on which version you wanted to mod), "Data01", then you should see the open folder, you just edited to replace the songs. Click the folder until you see "Temp", click "Temp" and press "Open". Do NOT go farther than Temp. Once you pressed Open. Put "Output Filename" to EXACTLY "music-win.gfs". Then under that, tick the "Include Directory Name" box. Click "Pack" at the bottom, and it should make a packed .gfs file IN the open folder in the Data01 folder. Check the open folder, you should see a .gfs file, COPY AND PASTE it. Go back to where there are the rest of the .gfs files. Delete the current music-win.gfs file there, and paste the new one in its place. And you're done! Just open Skullgirls and try it out!
SkullMod 0.5 - NearlyAsMuchFeaturesAsBefore-Edition

Changelog since 0.3:
Added error handling, make sure to read the output
Packs .gfs files again
Bugfix: removed Color because of http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/skullmod-guide.6080/#post-208766
Can read .dds files (DXT1 and 5) and convert them to .png
Can read .spr.msb + .dds and convert them to .png chains
Can display .spr.msb animation via browser (just open up the .html files with Firefox/Chrome/IE, after extraction of the .spr.msb files)

Download at the usual place
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SkullMod 0.6 - OneMoreUpdate-Edition

Can read all dds files in the game (DXT3, uncompressed argb8 and rgb565 new in this release)
Can read all spr files in the game (charselect has to be split manually)
Can read pcx files now (used for the character portraits during fights)
Fun fact: The pcx file format is really old, was used by Quake 2 and the original Thief
Fixed wrong colors for DXT1/3/5

Download at the usual place

Planned for next weekend:
Export character select animations (.spr) with applied palettes (.dds)
Pack normal .spr (DXT1/3/5) (no character-select)
First release of the Blender plugin for lvl import
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I look at your video and when I drag the mp3 to the convert.bat it does nothing. I tried doing it on my own by using audacity, export wav, rename, and replace. As soon as I go to the level it's completely corrupted and just makes this loud glitch noise.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I look at your video and when I drag the mp3 to the convert.bat it does nothing. I tried doing it on my own by using audacity, export wav, rename, and replace. As soon as I go to the level it's completely corrupted and just makes this loud glitch noise.
Do you have ffmpeg or adpcmencode in the same folder as the other files in the SkullMod folder? Also for convert.bat, you right-click it, edit, then put "pause" (don't include quotes) under "del output_uncompressed.wav.
Do you have ffmpeg or adpcmencode in the same folder as the other files in the SkullMod folder? Also for convert.bat, you right-click it, edit, then put "pause" (don't include quotes) under "del output_uncompressed.wav.
I have both ffmpeg and adpcmencode in the same folder in the Skullmod folder. I did what you said an I got an error saying that ffmpeg could not be read as a executable file or extension. And then I remembered that on the ffmpeg folder there isn't a exe file at all.