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Diamond In The Rough: Cerebella!

Look at the bright side.

She's still hot even when she's dead.

It's more about her character and personalty and I hope to whatever cosmic being that her death is not canon.
I highly doubt they'd actually kill off Cerebella in canon. As much as I dislike her, I really really REALLY want to see a redemption story for her where she finally realizes just how much wrong she's done and decides to actually do right. I, again, may not have Cerebella as a favorite, but I really want to see her turn into something more than a Vitale thug
Im more for redemption. I mean i started this thread but I will never say Cerebella is a perfect character, she has MAJOR flaws but then again that's what makes interesting character. if she has character development in a canon story that would make her a better character.
On the one hand, I can see Cerebella trying to reform the Medicis into a force for good, probably much like Parasoul's trying with her own big messed up family. These are her family, they've been good to her, she'll want to return the favor and guiding the Medicis into a brighter future is a good way to do so.

On the other, I can see the lengths 'Bella would have to go to in protecting her family being enough to harden her and turn her callous to other people's pain. The Corleone treatment, as it were.

On a strange third hand that pops up, I can also see a Street Fighter analog where Filia/Squigly/Eliza are Ryu/Ken/Akuma and Black Dahlia is M. Bison. From this... Cerebella's the Zangief and she leaves the circus to go wrestle bears? That... doesn't seem quite right.
I can see redemption for the circus maybe she wrestles control of it away from the mafia. I can't however see the Mafia being redeemed I think peacock wold probably burn the entire mafia to the ground.
Cue scene: With the icy evening wind whirling around them, from the roof of Medici Tower, Cerebella throws Vitale over the railing, not unlike Darth Vader chucking Emperor Palpatine into the Death Star reactor shaft in Return of the Jedi.

Speaking of which, if you were grabbed by Vice-Versa, what do you think it would feel like? Smooth and rubbery like a dolphin? Soft fabric pulled over something harder than stone, yet faintly warm? I mean, hands are complicated machines. The living weapon must be forming a similar structure, muscles bound to bones, to mimic the mechanics. I wonder what an x-ray of Vice-Versa would look like.
I believe Feng and Hubrecht may very be the key to Cerebella's future. Given they're the only two members of the circus we know about NOT working for the medicis, and Feng being especially close to Cerebella, I can completely imagine a clash of interests. Having to choose between Vitale, someone she can CALL family, or Feng, someone she's known long enough and has a strong enough bond with to almost be CONSIDERED family in her eyes. That sort of emotional moment would really define the path Cerebella takes, I think.

I can almost imagine a subplot with the whole circus gang. I really want to know how they'd factor into Cerebella's future.
It is impossible to make Hubrecht impure. That being said he's either more oblvious then bella or he secretly wants to overthrow the mob. I'm going with the ladder.
Hubrecht is the only character that has done nothing wrong
Until he got put on the IGG voting list.

Back on topic now, I'd honestly enjoyed seeing Cerebella die in Eliza's story mode.
No, not because I'm a masochistic dick with no soul.
It really shows how mortal she is. In fact, it shows how mortal everyone is.
Basically, if she ever comes across a similar scenario in the canon, she needs to know when to back off, because she's stubborn as hell.
But if she can pull that off, she might start to actually develop brain cells and have some really good character development.
don't kill me i still think she's cool
Until he got put on the IGG voting list.

Back on topic now, I'd honestly enjoyed seeing Cerebella die in Eliza's story mode.
No, not because I'm a masochistic dick with no soul.
It really shows how mortal she is. In fact, it shows how mortal everyone is.
Basically, if she ever comes across a similar scenario in the canon, she needs to know when to back off, because she's stubborn as hell.
But if she can pull that off, she might start to actually develop brain cells and have some really good character development.
don't kill me i still think she's cool

Nah man It's fine. While I think there should be character development (a lot actually) I don't think killing her off would be the best option. She's like a red shirt she gets killed because the developers want to show the seriousness and moralty of the cast but they don't want to kill off anyone important. Cerebella got killed off because she wasn't important. Think about if you removed Cerebella from Eliza's story completely and just have her kidnap fortune and then head off to fight marie would the story change that much? I do agree though that her personalty is too stubborn and that she is in way over her head.
I'm all for Cerebella redemption as well, but I like the idea (that could be a non-canon end to a storyline) of Cerebella offing Vitale herself (maybe after having her love brutally rejected) and running the Family herself. As how the circus would play in, I can see it either being the main factor that contributes to her redemption, or the main source of morality for her should she decide to go fully over the edge.
I'm all for Cerebella redemption as well, but I like the idea (that could be a non-canon end to a storyline) of Cerebella offing Vitale herself (maybe after having her love brutally rejected) and running the Family herself. As how the circus would play in, I can see it either being the main factor that contributes to her redemption, or the main source of morality for her should she decide to go fully over the edge.

I actually like this idea if they decide to make Cerebella go over the edge.
...Cerebella got killed off because she wasn't important. Think about if you removed Cerebella from Eliza's story completely and just have her kidnap fortune and then head off to fight marie would the story change that much?...
Being honest, she dying in Eliza story makes sense. Like, because they needed to show how "bad" or "decided" Eliza was, and i mean, she wasn't important to Eliza(in the sense that she was needed alive), and also this would be like a message to the Medicis: "I don't care about your threats".

And also, there was people who got upset when in her story she killed Ms. Fortune, so, some people may have saw that as a payback, or some poetic justice, i don't know.

The thing is, Cerebella is too blind for her own good, she would not stop fighting until she got what Vitale wanted.
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Being honest, she dying in Eliza story makes sense. Like, because they needed to show how "bad" or "decided" Eliza was, and i mean, she wasn't important to Eliza(in the sense that she was needed alive), and also this would be like a message to the Medicis: "I don't care about your threats".

And also, there was people who got upset when in her story she killed Ms. Fortune, so, some people may have saw that as a payback, or some poethic justice, i don't know.

The thing is, Cerebella is too blind for her own good, she would not stop fighting until she got what Vitale wanted.
Well what I'm saying is her role in the story is just to die nothing more really. yeah i guess it could be seen as poetic justice, however while Ms fortune being crushed is non-canon the fact that Cerebella dies could be a strong possibility of being canon. But then again Lab zero said they would never really get rid of a character if they ever did Skullgirls 2.
That's the thing that puts me off about her. She seems so stupidly blind to Vitale, despite knowing full well she's the bad guy. Now, I give them credit, cause she's that way because she didn't really have a family, and wants that more than anything, but I'm still waiting on when she realizes that the circus is her real family and gets fed up with Vitale's BS. Then again, the circus itself is pretty much a hand for the Medicis... I honestly can't think of a good way out of Bella at this point. She, Hubrecht, and Feng seem to be the only good natured ones of the group, and others are downright evil. It seems that Cerebella is trapped on both sides :(
That's the thing that puts me off about her. She seems so stupidly blind to Vitale, despite knowing full well she's the bad guy. Now, I give them credit, cause she's that way because she didn't really have a family, and wants that more than anything, but I'm still waiting on when she realizes that the circus is her real family and gets fed up with Vitale's BS. Then again, the circus itself is pretty much a hand for the Medicis... I honestly can't think of a good way out of Bella at this point. She, Hubrecht, and Feng seem to be the only good natured ones of the group, and others are downright evil. It seems that Cerebella is trapped on both sides :(

Maybe the medicis are responsible for her mom's death, and she discovers that somehow, or maybe in a canon story mode, she returns empy handed, and then vitale treats her like an object.

I want redemption for Bella, i really do.
She, Hubrecht, and Feng seem to be the only good natured ones of the group, and others are downright evil. It seems that Cerebella is trapped on both sides :(
Hey, Beatrix might be mean looking but that doesn't necessarily mean she's pure evil, same goes for the Gigan Joker and Spade Strongman. Don't judge a person by their personalities, judge them by their actions.
Maybe the medicis are responsible for her mom's death, and she discovers that somehow, or maybe in a canon story mode, she returns empy handed, and then vitale treats her like an object.

I want a redemption for Bella, i really do.

I actually got to thinking about that and came up with an interesting theory. The mob killed Cerebella's mom to get Vice-Versa as a weapon now lets assume that Vice-Versa is canonically the strongest living weapon it would make sense why the mob would want that powerful of a weapon. However Vice-Versa already formed a mental bond with Cerebella so it would only work with her. what do you do now? you kill her parents and raise her as your own so you have a powerful ally that people fear.
Hey, Beatrix might be mean looking but that doesn't necessarily mean she's pure evil, same goes for the Gigan Joker and Spade Strongman. Don't judge a person by their personalities, judge them by their actions.

Doesn't Beatrix profile bio on the IGG say she wants to kill Cerebella and take over the spotlight? in fact judging by the other IGG bios the only good ones seem like Feng Hubrchet and maybe Regina.
No, it doesn't.
From the IGG page: "Beatrix is a fiercely competitive magician hoping to dethrone Cerebella's current popularity to replace her, both at the circus and as an agent of the Medicis. Beatrix wears the Cloak of Damocles, allowing her to carry and apply an impossible array of props with some risk. She combines its genuinely supernatural properties with old fashioned sleight of hand for attacks nobody can see coming."
Well not stated but I doubt beatrix would kindly pushh cerebella to the side. plus some art created by Alex for the IGG backers shows that Beatrix is not really above killing. either way lets not try to get too off topic here.

That's the thing that puts me off about her. She seems so stupidly blind to Vitale, despite knowing full well she's the bad guy. Now, I give them credit, cause she's that way because she didn't really have a family, and wants that more than anything, but I'm still waiting on when she realizes that the circus is her real family and gets fed up with Vitale's BS. Then again, the circus itself is pretty much a hand for the Medicis... I honestly can't think of a good way out of Bella at this point. She, Hubrecht, and Feng seem to be the only good natured ones of the group, and others are downright evil. It seems that Cerebella is trapped on both sides :(

As much as I want 'Bella to have a happy ending I can't really see Cerebella getting a trurly happy ending. maybe a bittersweet one (not bittersweet like her story ending) but maybe something. Actually know that I think about it Medici tower did get destroyed so if that's canon it could be a step to Cerebella quitting the mafia and redeeming the circus.
Well not stated but I doubt beatrix would kindly pushh cerebella to the side. plus some art created by Alex for the IGG backers shows that Beatrix is not really above killing. either way lets not try to get too off topic here.
Hey, all I'm saying is that we should wait until we know a little more about the Cirque de Cartes history before judging. It's kind of unfair to give Cerebella a pass when we know she's done wrong yet condemn other characters we know nothing about, just because they look mean. I mean I wouldn't be surprised that Beatrix is awful, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Hey, all I'm saying is that we should wait until we know a little more about the Cirque de Cartes history before judging. It's kind of unfair to give Cerebella a pass when we know she's done wrong yet condemn other characters we know nothing about, just because they look mean.

Yeah alright. but still there are people in the cirque des cartes who we know are evil such as Tailesin...but that's for another thread if one ever gets made. Still interested what will happen to Cerebella in the canon story if we ever get one. but for now I'm fine with the VA story mode.
So I have a question why does Cerebella's Knife shoes have the ability to change size? they can be as small as a dagger with some attack but in her Lvl 1 super it grows to the size of a giant sword. is there a canon explanation for that or is it merely just Gameplay fluff?
Always considered it a comedic move from the design team. There are ways to conceal blades in your footwear for really dirty and lethal combat, so I reckoned the team went "hell lets go to the extreme and make her have a whole sword there for 1 meter".

While hammerspace is most prevalently used by Peacock due to her cartoon nature, it is also utilised to some extend by other characters (where does Valentine keep those bodies? How does Beowulf fit Grendel's arm in his pocket? No way there's enough room under that coat for all of Big Band's instruments) mostly because "rule of cool".
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Always considered it a comedic move from the design team. There are ways to conceal blades in your footwear for really dirty and lethal combat, so I reckoned the team went "hell lets go to the extreme and make her have a whole sword there for 1 meter".

While hammerspace is most prevalently used by Peacock due to her cartoon nature, it is also utilised to some expend by other characters (where does Valentine keep those bodies? How does Beowulf fit Grendel's arm in his pocket? No way there's enough room under that coat for all of Big Band's instruments) mostly because "rule of cool".
I always thought that grendel is not visible because it would confusing with his hitbox and would take too much space on the screen.
So I have a question why does Cerebella's Knife shoes have the ability to change size? they can be as small as a dagger with some attack but in her Lvl 1 super it grows to the size of a giant sword. is there a canon explanation for that or is it merely just Gameplay fluff?

Cerebella learned a few ASG knife-hiding tricks from Black Dahlia.

Don’t let the giant gun distract you when the blade hidden in her knee cap is tearing at your liver!
Was it ever confirmed Black Dahlia was Cerebella's Mentor? I remember reading that on the Wiki but most things form the Wiki are either outdated or should be taken with a grain of salt.

Also sorry to get a bit off topic but I saw this picture on Tumblr and I thought it was impressive considering whoever drew it had to finish with a mouse instead of a tablet.

black dahlia
bella's mentor?

what in the god fuck

Yeah alright. but still there are people in the cirque des cartes who we know are evil such as Tailesin...but that's for another thread if one ever gets made. Still interested what will happen to Cerebella in the canon story if we ever get one. but for now I'm fine with the VA story mode.

i thought everyone in the circus was in with the mafia
Mentor is perhaps a bit of a strong word, as (if I understand it correctly) it implies a more personal master-apprentice relationship.

However, as mentioned in a reliable resource (aka the canon info thread), Dahlia is the "trainer of the Medici's legion of female assassins who specialise in hidden weapons such as the footblade that we see Cerebella uses". So yes, she probably taught various Medici enforcers some tricks, Cerebella included.
Speaking of footblades (feetblades?), I was curious how stabby Cerebella was in her moveset, and she has quite a few: jHK, sHK, burst, sLK, jLK, and cLK. Or this:

The blades come in all shapes and sizes. They range from puny spikes (jHK), to spear blades (jLK), to hunting knives (HK), and of course, swords (Ultimate Showstopper). Most get retracted into the thick heel, while the sword is shattered.

I'm leaning towards to the previously stated rule of cool explanation, but it could be some Chess Kingdom magic. Cerebella's rival/coworker, Beatrix has the Cloak of Damocles, a magical mantle that allows her to pull an unlimited arsenal of weapons from seemingly nowhere.
Maybe Cerebella is wearing the Thigh-Highs of Theseus, with similar properties. :PUN:
Welp, almost two years of having Cerebella on the main team and never noticing the sword gets shattered after USS.
Huh I never knew the sword shattered either must happens behind the character sprite of whoever is getting stabbed. Hm Chess kingdom magic seems like a possibility while I am leaning towards rule of cool, however since more over the top attacks are canon (like punching a diamond) it's still is a strong possibility. Has it ever been stated how common magic is in the Chess Kingdom? Because there really isn't that many magic users in the cast if any besides Beatrix, so is magic rare or is it very common? In a world where Living weapons, parasites, and advanced science exist magic seems a bit out of place.
Well, Peacock pulls her minions from Lab 8's arsenal... could be Dahlia has a similar, less advanced technique for pulling "knives from the knife dimension" that was partially taught to Cerebella and other Medici.