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Report 5/29 Salty - Voice Pack Mania!

All of these voice packs are great, but holy crap does Nonpartisan Double put a huge smile on my face. It's....it's just perfect.
I know who I'LL be voting for in the next election!

*slots vote ballot into box whilst giving the camera thumbs up*
My original Republican Double script draft included denying climate change, praying to Richard Nixon as if he was an eldritch god, and telling Squigly she wouldn't have died if she was a rich white person.
But wasnt Squigly already rich and white?

Well white at least...before died and her skin turned into the color of a smurf.
I heard that some of the alt. voices were censored, is that unfortunately true?

Aye, a couple of Parasoul's lines. It's pretty funny, actually, because the censor bleep is so loud. It makes Salty Parasoul seem less decent. It's also not entirely consistent- Eliza, for instance, is still a "Royal pain in her ass," whereas a post-Valentine operation is "Major surgery my ****."
The censorship stuff will be fixed in the next build, btw.
I think they should all be censored, but I lost.
I didn't say they were necessary. But they went in and I feel that censoring them and not even leaving an option isn't right. Of course it's not necessary, the voice pack itself is just an extra in the first place, but it's an extra I enjoy without loud beeps covering up words you personally don't feel like having in the game. If someone else doesn't want to hear those words they can easily not turn the pack on and not listen to opponent's packs.
I-I can't! I already suck so hard at Peacock. Now I'm trying to play Anime Peacock and win fights as a character I suck as who's making me laugh so hard I can't breathe. It's not fair how funny this is. YOU GUYS AND YOUR COMEDY ARE GOING TO KILL ME ONE OF THESE DAYS! D:
Mike, I understand your authority, I'm not disrespecting you. If you vehemently felt that it shouldn't be in it wouldn't be there, but you said you felt it should be censored, and I replied saying I was glad it wasn't going to be. I respect your ability to allow something you seem to not be entirely comfortable with.

I don't know if you think I'm trying to argue with you or something, but I'm just expressing my enjoyment of something in the game and I'm glad it's there. Adding beeps would remove my enjoyment of the voice pack. Does this mean I don't care about the game? No, the game is fun, I'd keep on playing it, but I'd never use that voice pack because I can't stand those sounds. I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry if that's the case.
So just give Parasoul a second voice pack. She'll have Salty Parasoul, and Bleep Parasoul. You could probably throw in extra bleeps to make it funnier.

i actually wouldn't mind doing it the way Brutal Legend did. If I remember right, the option was "I want to hear all the curses" or "The bleeps makes it funnier"
i actually wouldn't mind doing it the way Brutal Legend did. If I remember right, the option was "I want to hear all the curses" or "The bleeps makes it funnier"
Brutal Legend's censorship was funnier than the given dialogue; I'd say the same would go for The Boondocks and Chapelle Show.
so is Double meant to say apple pie this much?
I assume that's rollback related for button dashes...but yeah, it's pretty funny.
I really really wish Double didn't say a phrase for just about every action she did. She's so damn chatty to the point where it's obnoxious and I'm sad I can't disable it offline.
I'm gonna sound captain obvious here but you can only with that "disable voicepacks online" option that also disables all the others except yours