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Mega Man


Active Member

Oh boy it's Mega Man!, Megaman has been a part of my forgotten childhood, and when i was starting again with my videogames megaman has been there, i enjoyed every single game of the saga, and it's one of the stellar pieces of all my life, heck, i have been reading every single interview, playing every single spinoff, i even liked Megaman Soccer (believe it or not, it's fun), the last piece of information we megaman fans have received is this.

Coming for the PC, XONE, PS4 and finally 3DS in 2016, while i appreciate the work, it's not much different from (Buying a copy of Megaman Anniversary Collection, Wii U Eshop, buying the original cartridges or downloading nes roms), but i admit, the challenge mode seems interesting to play, so, i might be picking this up for my PC, later for my 3DS, while i appreciate what Capcom is doing recently (RE2 Remake, SF5 only edition with all updates from free DLC), i still want a new Megaman game >.<, but well, this collection seems like a good entry point for those who haven't played any Megaman game yet (My recommendation for those is to start with Mega Man 6, it's among the easiest games and it shouldn't be too hard for anyone to pick it up).

On the other hand, JKB Games is working on MMX: Corrupted, they are doing an amazing job and i can't wait to see the final results, the music in this game is beyond phenomenal, the graphics look really, really nice and detailed, and this project has been worked for YEARS so, i'm gonna play this thing when it comes, it's gonna be awesome.
Just wanna throw out that Mega Man X2 is an amazing game and under-rated compared to the first: I think it actually has some of the best level design in the franchise. Only game that tempts me to start speed running it, it's just so fun to zip through.
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Just wanna throw out that Mega Man X2 is an amazing game and under-rated compared to the first: I think it actually has some of the best level design in the franchise. Only game that tempts me to start speed running it, it's just so fun to zip through.
X1 is a breakthrough and all, but I share these sentiments exactly. X2 was absolutely beautiful.
Plus it had Zero's battle theme, and in my opinion WAY better upgrades than the first. I wish more people agreed with that. Good to know I'm not the only one.
Mega Man Battle Network. I grew up with it and its an underrated series. Nobody seems to acknowledge it too much. It's always X and classic and Zero that get all the references and love D:

No but seriously, Mega Man Battle Network: Chrono X. One of the best WIP fangames I've seen in a good while. Built from the ground up with passion and you can SEE IT in the game.
X1 is a breakthrough and all, but I share these sentiments exactly. X2 was absolutely beautiful.
Plus it had Zero's battle theme, and in my opinion WAY better upgrades than the first. I wish more people agreed with that. Good to know I'm not the only one.

I also think that X2 is superior in any shape than X1, but you have to admit, while X2 was a far better sequel than X1, the first one started it all, and we should thank the game for that reason, still, i would like another Mega Man X game, the last one was X8, and it doesn't even have a proper ending to the series so (Well, technically technical these sequels aren't "canon" because Mega Man Zero and ZX) but still, a non linear megaman x sounds awesome (Like MMX Corrupted) so, we should wait for the least.

Mega Man Battle Network. I grew up with it and its an underrated series. Nobody seems to acknowledge it too much. It's always X and classic and Zero that get all the references and love D:

No but seriously, Mega Man Battle Network: Chrono X. One of the best WIP fangames I've seen in a good while. Built from the ground up with passion and you can SEE IT in the game.

I think that Battle Network had a really good ending in my opinion, Chrono X looks rad, but as i stated, BN had a long running successful series ended with a gold star, the same can be said for Star Force, three complete and fun games with a rather satisfactory ending.

But speaking of Megaman Legends is another history... that series only has, what, 2 games?, and while that sounds enough, the ending of legends 2 wasn't enough, you wanted more, you wanted to know what other shit you could do in the game, and i'm still salty for Capcom with the cancellation of Legends 3, yes, i'm still pissed about it, the only remotely close thing is this.

And is still not enough, the lack of updates + we don't know if this project is still "On" or cancelled it leaves me with a lot of doubts, sigh, anyway, i'm still happy with Legacy Collection, i guess.
Mega Man X is super boring and I don't care for it
I prefer Classic.

Good music/soundfont though
Mega Man X is super boring and I don't care for it
I prefer Classic.

Good music/soundfont though
I think some people found MMX boring for how easy was the game, compared to classic MM games, MMX had armors, secrets, etc. that made the game more manageable but at the same time more easier to beat, still, i don't have a problem with neither, so, what is your favorite megaman game?
MMX is easy. Honestly I love the X games, but oh god not all of them are equal. X3-5 were all pretty difficult and fair, but X and X2 had some difficult moments mixed with pseudo cheap ones, especially X2, but they werent that difficult if you knew what you were doing.

X6 is BS for bad design, X7 is difficult to stomach even the mere existence of its so poorly designed, but X8 also has that kind fair but also kinda difficult feel of 3-5 I feel. Though, the Moon Base BS with the vertical section covered in spikes and small, specific zones you need to jump to in order to not die. That wasn't so fun XD
Mega Man Battle Network. I grew up with it and its an underrated series. Nobody seems to acknowledge it too much. It's always X and classic and Zero that get all the references and love D:

No but seriously, Mega Man Battle Network: Chrono X. One of the best WIP fangames I've seen in a good while. Built from the ground up with passion and you can SEE IT in the game.

Yeah Battle Network's combat was really amazing. It was pretty much all about the boss fights though.

I think BN3 is the best due to having the best and most challenging boss fights, and being pretty well paced overall. 4 and 5 I really want to like, because I think the Soul System is really cool, but those games feel massively more irritating to play due to tons of fetch quests and padding preventing you from getting to the parts of the game that are actually fun (aka the boss fights again, which mostly aren't as challenging as the ones in 3 anyway). BN6 is pretty good in comparison, though Crosses don't do as much as Souls, and it's still a bit easier then 3, so I think 3 wins out overall.

but X and X2 had some difficult moments mixed with pseudo cheap ones, especially X2, but they werent that difficult if you knew what you were doing.

Don't see much of a difference between them and X3-5. Hardest part of X1 for me is The Spider and Sigma. The former of which is just a great boss fight on every level. X2's toughest part is maybe Violen's second encounter (like The Spider, pretty damn great) or Signma's first part. Can't remember much (or at least, any more) "cheap" moments in either. Attacks are as well telegraphed as the rest of the series.

Mega Man X is super boring and I don't care for it

I feel the opposite. Classic is just kind of boring/slow paced jump and shootman with not much going for it beyond that. I'd rather be playing Metal Slug or Contra or something tight and arcadey like that for something so mechanically simplistic. At least those games have some tension thanks to the arcade structure, and they move faster to boot.

X series incredibly hyperactive movement mechanics actually make things interesting for me.

Not really much of a fan of classic Mega Man tbh. 1-3 are okay I guess.
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Also missed this:

I think some people found MMX boring for how easy was the game, compared to classic MM games

I play all MM games Buster only. I don't think X is any easier then Classic MM. Energy tanks are probably the most useful thing for survival, and they're in both games.

I'd say X1 is probably harder regardless. The end-game bosses are harder then most anything in Classic IMO.
I personally can't really get into the Legends games. They're funny and good, but I can't enjoy the gameplay at all with how...clunky it is.

I'd have to say Mega Man Battle Network is a big favorite of mine. 3 for it's quality and 4 for nostalgia, with 6 as third just because 6 is so polished for the system. Starforce is probably second favorite series, but only Starforce 3 really shone with the quality the series needed. Really coulda used a 4th game that pushed that some more.

After that it's probably Zero with Zero 4 for nostalgia and then ZX cause its so good! And then its...well...X8 and Command Mission and then everything else...
I think part of MMX's "easiness" stemmed from the developers' awareness that the game was a departure from Classic MM, so players might not have known about all of the available upgrades yet. You didn't even know about the dash at first, so it kind of had to treat the upgrades like a selective difficulty curve.

I remember my first time beating MMX, I had only acquired the obvious boots and gun, two sub tanks, and missed half of the heart tanks. Obviously I found the final battle to be pretty challenging under those conditions, but had way less trouble the second time playing when I found all of the stuff.

Personally, I prefer X1 over X2 for a number of reasons, but I still enjoy both games a lot. For me, X5 is when I felt the X series was starting to go downhill. It had a nice intro, and things like the countdown-timer and alternate endings were cool, but the rest of the experience just felt like a budgeted X4. You also had those poorly translated boss names, an uninspired final boss battle, and Dynamo, the lamest X villain ever. As bad as X6 was, I actually still enjoyed it a little more than X5.
After that it's probably Zero with Zero 4 for nostalgia and then ZX cause its so good! And then its...well...X8 and Command Mission and then everything else...

Personally I think Zero 4 is also one of the best in the franchise as well.
I've played and beat Mega Man 6 a couple of times,got one of the Game Boy games off the Virtual Console (Crystal Man's theme rocks,no pun intended),and have been playing Megaman Xtreme 2.I think that game is out for my soul or I'm just not very good at dashing.I had a miserable time as X,but strangely had an easier time as Zero.You know those floaty platform things in Wire Sponge's stage?The ones hovering over the spikes.I cannot stand those.I thought I was a dead man and then I found out Zero had an air dash.Mind blown.
A bit late, but I think I saw somebody say Zero 4 was the best one.
Eh, I'm not so sure, myself.
The Zero series stands as my favorite series in the franchise, no holds barred, but when it comes to actually deciding my favorite in that series, I'm very torn.

*Deep Breath*
I really do think Zero 4 rebalanced EX Skills perfectly. Made it so you could very easily get them without any real worry, allowing the player to experience them all first run. They were very basic, sadly, since the shield boomerang AND rod were removed, but they were still good. The removal of just stacking them all on at once was good too. No more omnipotent Zero. Speaking of omnipotence, Cyber Elves were done MUCH better. No longer is it possible to just slap a billion on Zero, call him god, and bash the game in. Not only that, but if you DID do that, no matter how well you do in-stage, you can almost never achieve an S, since the elves lower your score a ton.

But, I do feel like, as I said, some things were watered down or removed, which I didn't enjoy.
I really don't feel like Zero 1 is a "favorite." Again, like X, it was monumental and fantastic, but unrefined. Zero 2 is better in literally every way. One of, if not the best soundtracks (DEPARTURE, BABY!), a really good story, which, although not Zero 3 or 4 levels of amazing, had a very good antagonist.
I actually think Elpizo is my favorite villain, simply because he's not exactly as much of a "Cooker Cutter Evil Scientist" as each Mega Man series has. Omega's good, but he doesn't really have a "Character", persay. No speech outside one line, which was just him asking if he heard the Dark Elf right.
Also, the Chain Rod is hands down the best rod in any of the games. You can't argue that. It had awesome platforming uses, great synergy with the "Up close and personal" kind of style the Zero series already had, and it just worked perfectly. Form change was a nice way to add variety to the game, though it became inferior to the gear system.
The use of Cyber Elves, however, was just as horrible as Zero 1. Not even mentioning the fact it was MANDATORY to 100% (Since you only got the Omega Form by using them all), it was just poorly done.

It's a perfected version of Zero 1, hands down. And while I feel like it aged worse than 3 and 4, it still plays incredible.

Zero 3 is good in the way that it had, so, MUCH, CONTENT.
I mean, not only was the story a nice step from Zero 2, showing Weil's plots, and developing Zero more, it also gave more screentime to the Four Guardians. It's music was just like 2, incredible. Obviously Cannonball stands out as the MVP. The gameplay discarded the Level System, which I feel was very hit and miss, and replaced it with the great gear system that Zero 4 would later hammer out. But you get so much with the game. Tons of stages, tons of bosses, revisits to Zero 1's bosses and stages, a rematch with Copy-X, one of the most climactic finales of any game to date...

I feel like Zero 3, in a sense of how much it did, did a lot of stuff much better than Zero 4.

However, Zero 4 did have one of the best endgames in any game I've played. Stellar music throughout, development of the main characters, a heart-wrenching ending, amazing gameplay, and one of if not the best Final Boss I've ever experienced. I could go on where others have about Zero 4's greats, but I rarely see one big complaint.
It felt like I was playing a different game.
The bosses' designs, for me, were a huge letdown from the previous games. They seemed...cartoonish.
Cartoonish. That's what I'm looking for.
The bosses felt really light-hearted, or tried to be silly in ways. The Cockatrice boss literally was just a wimpy bird, who's whole gimmick was he relied on traps. The Minotaur was a complete idiot with a dopey color scheme. The Pegasus was this really posh knight. They didn't really feel like characters, like in 2 and 3. They felt like...Well, comical villains. And it's a shame because Zero did the gritty, darker, more somber or serious atmosphere well.
Not just that, the Z-Knuckle was a throwaway for me. It wasn't a good idea to add that kind of weapon into a game like Zero. Tossing the weapons you no longer needed was tedious and required you to completely remove your hand from the face buttons. I found myself only using it when the game required me to. Unlike in Zero 2, where the Chain Rod was incredibly useful for both platforming AND combat. Zero 3 kinda suffered this problem too, with the Recoil Rod.
Finally, I didn't like the weather mechanic. I never found the bonuses from the weather to be useful, and so I never ended up using it. The only time the bonus has a use is removing the tedium from Kraken's level.

Also, crafting wasn't great. But that's just my opinion. I know some people liked it. Totally valid opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I love each installment to death, and think each represents a beautiful experience on their own, but I still think there are strong arguments to each. I myself can't decide, so really these are just the rants of a madman. I'm pretty sure I appraise Zero 2 higher than I should simply because it was my childhood.

Zero Collection was the best one.
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Just leave this here.

I first started with megaman X, on my snes, and is one of my favorite games of all time and the first game i actually finished. (i never discovered the hadouken, but i figured out a lot of stuff, and also had help of some cousins, they thought me the password 2221-2222-2222-2222, that would get me trough the stages that i hate the most). I played all the X games, i know a thing or 2 about the Zero series, and i never finished a classic megaman game.

So, with all that out of the way, i need to say

Megaman X8, is great, i love that game, i love playing with Zero and Layer.

Megaman ZX and ZX advent are great games and deserve attention, i don't know how the fanbase reacts to them, because i never had contact with the megaman fanbase, but i love them.
Megaman ZX and ZX advent are great games and deserve attention, i don't know how the fanbase reacts to them, because i never had contact with the megaman fanbase, but i love them.
I never played ZX but I got my hands on Advent briefly and really enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure the general opinion is kind of.. Meh?
I feel like Zero 3, in a sense of how much it did, did a lot of stuff much better than Zero 4.

I like Zero 4 best because I think the bosses are a lot more tightly designed then 1 or 3 (roughly equal to 2), and the stages are a lot more diverse and fast paced then 2. Plus it has the best end-game in the franchise.

I actually think Zero 1 kinda sucks. Flat/bland level design, most of which gets recycled twice.

Zero 3 is kind of middle of the road. Better then 1, but doesn't reach the peeks of Zero 2 and 4 IMO.

Megaman ZX and ZX advent are great games and deserve attention, i don't know how the fanbase reacts to them, because i never had contact with the megaman fanbase, but i love them.
I never played ZX but I got my hands on Advent briefly and really enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure the general opinion is kind of.. Meh?
Most people got pissed off at the original ZX for it's horribad map system. There was also other stuff that people found irritating, for example having to accept a mission in order to play a stage, and then having to wander around finding that stage, going back to re-accept if you find a different stage, etc. They really just didn't do a good job shoehorning the Metroidvania elements into the Mega Man Structure.

Other then that, it's considered a good game when you actually get down to the action-platforming. Zx Advent is also considered a massive improvement on the first one in terms of the exploration elements.

I see that you haven't beaten Mega Man 2, then
Heh, forgot about that shit.

That reminds me of how Wily Stage 4 boss is terrible.
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I like Zero 4 best because I think the bosses are a lot more tightly designed then 1 or 3 (roughly equal to 2), and the stages are a lot more diverse and fast paced then 2. Plus it has the best end-game in the franchise.

I actually think Zero 1 kinda sucks. Flat/bland level design, most of which gets recycled twice.

Zero 3 is kind of middle of the road. Better then 1, but doesn't reach the peeks of Zero 2 and 4 IMO.
Finally, somebody else agrees Zero 2 is good. I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion or whatever, but nobody I've seen has agreed on that.
Thank goodness.

On Zero 1, yeah. It just doesn't do much right compared to any of the others. It was obviously very experimental and all, but still, it really shows. The only thing I do sort of enjoy is the idea of the open-world exploring, but it was done in a bad way, and I much prefer the resistance base being more streamlined. If it were executed better, I'd have liked it more, but no map and convoluted base design just didn't work out.
Yeah, Zero 2 is really good. Probably the most tight game in the series along with 4. Also one of the most challenging.
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I think part of MMX's "easiness" stemmed from the developers' awareness that the game was a departure from Classic MM, so players might not have known about all of the available upgrades yet. You didn't even know about the dash at first, so it kind of had to treat the upgrades like a selective difficulty curve.

I remember my first time beating MMX, I had only acquired the obvious boots and gun, two sub tanks, and missed half of the heart tanks. Obviously I found the final battle to be pretty challenging under those conditions, but had way less trouble the second time playing when I found all of the stuff.

Personally, I prefer X1 over X2 for a number of reasons, but I still enjoy both games a lot. For me, X5 is when I felt the X series was starting to go downhill. It had a nice intro, and things like the countdown-timer and alternate endings were cool, but the rest of the experience just felt like a budgeted X4. You also had those poorly translated boss names, an uninspired final boss battle, and Dynamo, the lamest X villain ever. As bad as X6 was, I actually still enjoyed it a little more than X5.

I personally enjoyed X6 over X5 and X4, but that's just me i guess, i really liked the game if you ask me.
tbh, X Command Mission was my first X game. I loved it and still love it. It's a great RPG that's overshadowed by the steaming pile that X7 created for the franchise. It and X8 kinda get left in the dust after the reputation of the series was destroyed by X5-7, even though X5 and X6 had redeeming qualities and some people can even call them favorites.
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 Announce Trailer | PS4

Decided to bump the thread up since I didn't know we had one.
The Switch collection is getting the Mega Man Legacy Collection treatment.
The switch version confirmed to have X1-X4 on a cartridge and X5-X8 as a download code.​
Decided to bump the thread up since I didn't know we had one.
The Switch collection is getting the Mega Man Legacy Collection treatment.
The switch version confirmed to have X1-X4 on a cartridge and X5-X8 as a download code.​
I honestly can't wait for the MMX Legacy Collections.
Oh my god. I just remembered X7 is a thing. Please for the love of God I hope the Legacy Collection fixes X7. Like I hope the entire thing was retooled and made into a game that's actually good.

And with less "Burn to the ground!"
X6 is my opinion had the best music. Had flaws, but was still great! Word of advice - Blaze Heatnix's stage without Zero - notorious. It took me 48 minutes the first time I did it. And that was with X only!
X6 is my opinion had the best music. Had flaws, but was still great! Word of advice - Blaze Heatnix's stage without Zero - notorious. It took me 48 minutes the first time I did it. And that was with X only!
Noted. I was made aware of Heatnix in a countdown on YouTube.
Noted. I was made aware of Heatnix in a countdown on YouTube.
Was it the Quarter Guy's countdown? Because that's how I found out about Blaze Heatnix and his stage full of minibosses.
Was it the Quarter Guy's countdown? Because that's how I found out about Blaze Heatnix and his stage full of minibosses.
Yes. It involves fighting various copies of the same giant moving red donut over and over. Advice - hit the green pores to damage it.
Wow! So far so good! Hopefully we can get another female Robot Master. First introduced in 9, hasn't been used in 10. Give it an opportunity!
Looks enticing, but just in case I'll wait for reviews.

I saw in the trailer something that looked like life system and that's a pretty bad idea these days.
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Just a reminder, if you want more Megaman, regardless of your feelings on Capcom’s business practices as a whole, BUY THIS GAME.

The reason they stopped making them is because no one was buying them in the first place.