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Scientist Documentation

Wouldn't say it's a MUST, no, just something that makes your H guns more dangerous.
I practiced it. i have to train myself to do the third bullet but cancel into lenny so that the bullet can link into argus.

how the HELL do you fight beo with peacock. once that mofo throws his chair i'm sitting here like ??????????
how the HELL do you fight beo with peacock. once that mofo throws his chair i'm sitting here like ??????????
I mean, it's a bad matchup. You can punish chairless sweep with Argus but it's usually not worth it. It's better to try to stand outside the range of the sweep since it doesn't actually go fullscreen, that'll let you spam safely. If he does Arm on reaction to something, you can special cancel into M Gun to stay safe. If you're committed to a special move, you can also try super cancelling to Lenny, but this isn't as consistent; Lenny has 4 vulnerable frames before the invincibility kicks in, so sometimes even if you react you'll get hit out of the startup. HOWEVER if you can pull it off you can get The Big Damage:

Will conduct another study on the subject: Beowulf.

Team for the study: L shot/Cremation/H chair
fullscreen SBO into beo tag. you will not block this the first few times and if you do i am +.

this team is already gr8
Ok all my teams are parasoul point.

After looking at a bunch of stuff and testing

L shot/ Drag n bite/ H chair seems to be better than L shot/c.hp/H chair

I will conduct further testings
after playing the beta patch for a bit against other players. i am dropping fukua.

I don't know who i want to play in this game nor know if i want to keep playing this game right now.
You dont remember me telling you that when big band was introduced that he almost made me quit the game?
I want to get better and i feel like i am stuck and don't know how to get out of it.

the beta changes to me are insane and i don't like some of them. I do not know who to play for anchor. i give up. i would like help. i would like to obtain power once again. i am lost.
To be a little more clear on my thought process... you're in a character crisis at the same time that the game is going through a lot of changes and characters are getting new tools. Give some of this new stuff a shot! Maybe a character you never put a lot of time into now is appealing, or a character you didn't like before is more fun because of these changes. Try out vial assist, try out Robo missiles assist, try Eliza Weight of Horus assist, try fuckin Peacock L Teleport assist. Maybe try Fortune, maybe the changes to headless make her a lot more interesting to you. Maybe try Big Band, maybe the increased parry buffer makes him more fun?! Who knows! Just try this stuff out, man!
I heard there is science here, but I don't see any empiracal research. Where's the Double-Blind Random Control Trial? SMH for science

Seriously though, Para/Filia/Eliza would be cool and fitting I think. Also Para/Fil/Squigly if you want to steal replicate (this is for science right?) Wing/Guymelef's team. I think Peacock would be fun to put on too but Peacock anchor isn't something everyone is excited to try.
You're better than letting a rut get to you.

You picked some of your best teams by playing the same team as someone else with your own strategies and changes.
Shade and Masq, for example.

If you really have no clue who to pick on your own, then do something that apparently already works.
You can play a wide variety of characters and you know what you want, a series of fleeting changes shouldn't be enough to have you hung up like this.

Go play shot,pillar/dnb/spiral (para neutral) or spiral/dnb/pillar (knockdown loops) or whatever.
You don't have to play anyone new or anyone you dislike playing like Bella. Doesn't mean I think you shouldn't try.
You should try duos as much as you hate them, if the anchor/beta character struggle continues.
I know your gripes about them just like your gripes about characters in the game. Are duos worse than playing BB?

You used to have fun playing headless, yet you are not a fan of Fortune and I assume won't play her.
Are these sort of things always going to be deal breakers for you?
Duos are for people with no gameplans, Big Band ruins the game for me, Fortune is a walking DP and is stupid, etc
That's fine, you don't have to play duos, big band, fortune, whatever, but look at the giant cap on your choices.
Look at how limited you were before you decided to put time into Eliza again and even if you dislike her now, she worked.
I know you put time into characters that didn't pay off like Beo or Peacock. I know Robo has changed vastly from the version you put time into.
Is she not more ideal now? You quit her over her retail incarnation, are you not a fan of beta Robo? Or is it because she is too volatile atm?
I think even with a cap on your choices, you can pick a team that is a trio and does what you want, but the whole game here is that you are going to make compromises at that point. Your choices are limited, so you have to be flexible, and that is simply how it is.

If Fukua's new incarnation is godawful, I ask does it stop you from effectively playing her game as you did behind HBeam? Have you considered if that covers the new gaps in her gameplan? Do you remember the strength of the loopable left/right beam situation and how easy it was to rely on?

I think we're different, and we always will be, but I think we're alike. I think you shove yourself into a box sometimes and I'm not here to tell you to get out of the box, because I don't get out of mine, but I loosen up a bit sometimes, Twerk.

I let myself have overlapping characters on the sub team, and end up playing the sub team as my main team after I find out I like it, because I never would have made it because I was being anal.

You're holding yourself up somewhere along the line, relax and try things, play the game, and get back to your routine.

Go play Hirokuni's team. If he plays the same team in and after beta, that should tell you something. See how he feels about the changes. You two desire similar things out of this game.

Verdict: I am dropping fukua for good. Who is my anchor? DOUBLE!
The more I studied everyone's team and what makes the core, the whole frequency seems to be centered around double.

Why am i dropping fukua?: Simple, I like parasoul alot more than fukua, ever.
Why does this make an impact in deciding to drop fukua?: Fukua is now a point or a mid character. However i like para/fi and just needed a character for the anchor.... M bomber does alot for filia and Parasoul. so I opted to go for the better character for the anchor position.

Final verdict on fukua?: I never once said she is bad. She feels rather stiff as all hell and benefits more from Assist than being by herself. Her shadow mixups only net 55%, while assist gives 60%. I don't really care anymore on what happens to fukua as of now.

And frankly the video game concerned. I don't get mad anymore because if i just think "this is the game we play" or say "Skullgirls is a wonderful game where funny things like to happen" then all is well!

Main team: Para/Fi/Dub

Sub: Para/Dub/Eliza

Those are teams to me that really grant what i always liked to do in this game and more importantly I have fun this way.

Nor am i that good.

Sincere double question.
Should i do clk smp
Or clk smk smk

I also found a setup that doesnt use as much undizzy

Clk cmp chp slide.
Clk cmp chp flesh step

The mixup is ground grab, clk or flesh step and avery does it for me
Should i do clk smp
Or clk smk smk

for confirming? definitely c.lk s.mp, c.lk s.mk x2 is VERY unsafe to pbgc. i do c.lk c.mk for double low but ive been told s.mp has better range? at ranges where c.mk whiffs though you can do c.lk c.hp and its safe with gun (plus?) while being far enough away to not be in too much danger of pbgc/buttons
Nor am i that good.

Sincere double question.
Should i do clk smp
Or clk smk smk

EDIT: Pickles answered while I was typing so

I never start combos with sMP unless my sMK stagger pressure is already predictable/losing to PBGC.
I don't think just because sMK2 is unsafe to PBGC that you should default away from it heavily.
Being unsafe to PBGC just means you have a tool to press the opponent to attempt it.

I do cLK cHP at max range is always the best max range option.
cLK cMP cHP at not quite max range/where I think cMP will connect but nothing else
cLK sMK2 at point blank if I intend to stagger with sMK or reset after it (-1 frame advantage)

sMP or sMK2 for restands, never cMP
cMK for delay low or dash > cMK to go under napalm shot and hit low vs Parasoul being predictable

If you don't get PB'd out, HLuger is safe point blank. Otherwise MLuger.
I know the max range confirm.
I dont like how clk smp works because most times you will do slide route from there and it messes up my tempo. I will learn tho
i feel it, tbh that's partly why i do c.mk too because my string being crouching-standing-crouching really fucks with me, i can do crouch-stand-stand or crouch-crouch-stand fine but if i use c.mk then i only ever have to do crouching normals into slide and its easier for me
in regards to canopy maneuvers.

you can just do j.mp L toss, j.hp, B.hk into double tag to work on everyone sans double which you would have to do the route in my video provided.

I'm now studying f.hp loops mainly for its application and found a 6 hit safe knockdown burst bait with it. The tear's hitstun is a lot more than i imagined it would be.

I should do a profile on myself at some point instead of other players. I have plenty of Info to do that and I never got around to that. my worst matchups i know are ms fortune and robo due to my character point issues. I would also count big band as one of my less favored matchups. we will see in due time.
f.hp is the only normal to allow the tear to detonate passively. I'm now studying whether its worth learning to do at most points in the corner or not. It is very stylish though.
finally found something very apparent.

I am not too good at fighting val + l bomber (the strangest combination i could ever think of).

Something about L bomber feels insane in its own right.

first played against someone named "lantern"

at first was a ft7. score was 7-4 my favor.

Then we played more and ended in 10-7 his favor. I couldn't dictate his patterns for mashing and randomly he won't mash and other times he would. it was also frustrating to see how L bomber even works as a dp as i tried to jump over it and got snagged down.

I have much to learn against that particular duo.
f.hp is the only normal to allow the tear to detonate passively.
sHK? Dunno about this specific instance, but sHK does similar things in a lot of cases, and due to putting people airborne it gives some interesting reset opportunities