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Tekken Thread? Sure, Why Not.

So you guys linked the trailer already but the live version needs to be seen since to not do so is an injustice
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Any clues for the Third Guest or is it all empty?
At this time no. The only thing that led to the hints of Geese apparently were notes of Air Fireball and the unused Super Meter. A lot of people went the obvious route and thought the clues said Morrigan or chun-li. Geese was echoing in the minds of a few FGC members and fighting gamers, but was not at the top of the list.

Seeing as Geese uses both Final Shippuken and Raging Storm after a Super Flash it is safe to say he is the one receving the unnused Super meter.

Edit: also something we all missed in the trailer. Geese goes Max Mode during a beatdown of Kazuya. You can see the Max Mode Flash at 2:22 in the Live reaction trailer Bleck loaded.

Bleck, go look up Maximilian's reaction. He and Kenny Livestreamed the reveal on their Twitch channels from their phones. Max went freaking ape and you see Andrew of Yo Videogames and a few Yo Videogames fans around Max losing their shit and recognizing Geese early just from the laugh and the chin.
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The only thing that led to the hints of Geese apparently were notes of Air Fireball and the unused Super Meter. A lot of people went the obvious route and thought the clues said Morrigan or chun-li. Geese was echoing in the minds of a few FGC members and fighting gamers, but was not at the top of the list.
I find this odd, it's hard to find a real source now (and I'm lazy) but from this very thread, back in March,
Last year Harada said if he did another Guest Character he'd wanna do Geese Howard, so that's pretty much a lock.
Yeah I saw that, but even their hype was nothing compared to the entire arena screaming "Predictable!" to each parry.
...I don't know why I never thought of this. I blame it on the fact that I don't even have this game, but FFXV is willing to do literally any cool action crossover and Tekken is Tekken.
So.... is Sol Badguy still unbelievable at this point? Because all these bizarre guest appearance in fighting games lately have my reeling in surreality.
After digesting it, I'm a little fine with Noctis being added, I feel he'd fit into Soul Calibur VI way way way way way way way better, but he's still kinda neat here, at the least.
I'm presuming that like before Harada headed over to the Squeenix Office, was shown a bunch of characters, and basically got to pick his favorite.
Here's the crazy thing; take a look at the Sponsors for the last two big reveals in Fighting Games over these pat three days.

Friday at E-League, which was sponsored by Dominos Pizza, we had the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Tonight at Tekken World Cup Finals, which was sponsored by Cup Noodle, we Had Noctis Lucis Caelum.

Once is Coincidence, Twice is Suspicious. If we have a 3rd, it will be a Pattern.
After soul calibur 6 was announced all excitement about noctis being in tekken turned bitter sweet. I'm gona like it but in the back of my mind I'm always going to think he would have been so much better in SC6.
Watch us get Sabin or a fist fighter from FF in Soul Calibur VI for the ultimate "What the fuck" power play
Before everyone starts talking about how the cross over character who did get announced, I'd like to remind everyone that SEGA has literally said Kiryu can be in Tekken any time.
Harada has officially gone insane.
3 slots left though. plenty of time for Kiryu
I'm glad we will see old characters come back, Negan is soooo wild to see in a Tekken game.

Somewhere Ed Boon is upset he didn't think of using Walking Dead before Harada.
Anyway, my thoughts
Anna looks like she's fucking dressed up to go to a funeral, and her Rage Art is amazing, it's Dio levels of improvisation
Wei Long looks like a fucking washed up cop who got kicked off the force for drinking (which is kinda accurate)
Negan I have no thoughts about, because I haven't wathced the Walking Dead unless we're talkin' Telltale. I feel that Harada picked him to get surge of sales of people who don't normally play fighting games since The Walking Dead still has some viewing figures, he's there to sell shit.
There's still 3 slots, so Kiryu still has a chance y'all.
Season 2 begins Sept 6. Lei and Anna will be out on that date, they're part of the season pass or $5 each.

Did Harada not repeatedly say legacy characters were free though? I am confused.
It wouldn't be this genre if you weren't getting fucked over by someone, right?

But for real, are they confirmed at that price? Got a link?
I love Harada’s passive aggressive spite on everyone who hated Lucky Vhloe.

“What’s that, you want me to remove Lucky Chloe and add in your legacy character? How about this? Your legacy character can be in the game, AND they’re Lucky Chloe’s biggest fan!”
If you guys don't have the Season Pass (like me), the first Season Pass is on Sale for $10 on the PSN.

I'm personally gonna wait for Namco to unleash a "complete' season pass deal that has both the season passes for a really easy price n shit.
(I also can't get it right now so)