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  • Hmm, keep trying to make a post in the story and skullgirls universe section and keeps getting an error message
    Woah uh we sorta assumed this place just. got wiped off the internet siudfhdsdkfjh. Omg my account is still here
    Someone told me "get out while you still can" in regards to the new DR and I couldn't agree more. I can't believe it's *that* bad
    I think that the game really picks up from mid chapter 2 onwards.
    Ch2 was actually good but I was still recovering from the enormous slap in the face ch1 was, but when it hits near the end of ch3 it's ass like collapses in on itself and shows just how the DR writers have learned absolutely NOTHING over the years
    Bro please tell me that's fanart in your avatar or else you just spoiled me bro.
    I too was shocked when they revealed that Topaz had a personality (I thought it was okay cause the actual Facebook page showed her doing it I'm sorry ahhh)
    Who's Topaz? Ur a dick bro ;b
    My icon is perfect because it shows how much I actually don't like SU anymore without giving it away
    You get your birthday present and it's a hat with Chihiro from Dangan Ronpa on it but only the name and your sister's christmas presents wyd
    So sorry about earlier everyone, I got very upset and I hope I didn't annoy any of you :^(
    Why would that annoy anyone? It's a legitimate thing to be upset about. You're in the right for being angry.
    My best friend is a trans male and my mother 100% refuses to refer to him as anything other than a girl, if you follow me respect pronouns
    Did you guys know that Persona X FE game gave that zipper panties girl pants? I didn't, good for them.
    It's amazing how many times I can come up with legitimate criticisms toward things and only be met with excuses for said things.
    I don't want to see the Fire Emblem thread again. I don't even want to see the game in pictures anymore. I unfollowed and I'm done.
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