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Betawulf Reigns Supreme! More like Alphawolf! check CaioLugon's thread which will be more updated!

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UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... time to gain some extra hype? eh? I have not enough time to repick up Beowulf so if some one can do better then pls do.

Besides, Thomas and Friend's theme song remix goes perfectly with this stage.
I'm not sure if this is completely the right place for it, but eh, it probably is. I mostly just want input on my Beowulf bread and butter with an Excellabella assist.
(something about getting in, typically a bootleg j.hp or command grab or dashhop or anything) excellabella, taunt s.mk c.hp (j.lp j.mp for lighter characters, j.lk j.mk for heavier characters) lk wulf blitzer, down+forward wulf blitzer, c.lk c.mk k down+k
and then from the geatish trepak i can essentially do anything to mixup; i've taken a liking to doing excellabella and wulf shoot at the same time in an attempt to get them the moment they get up with either command grab but i also do dashhops and dashhop feints and the such to keep a good lockdown going
you can also throw some good resets in there, because, as you can see, it's a bit easy to accidentally activate undizzy during the geatish trepak
but mostly i love it because it's an incredibly easy way to get max hype without having to deal with chair nonsense or losing your advantage
I'm sorry if my way of listing my combo was arse, since this is basically the first time I've done this, but I'll try and see if a video won't get across what I'm getting at. No, I don't know why I chose the two most annoying AIs to record with. I tried to throw in at least one reset, but you know how Nightmare AIs are with magically teching everything.

I know I suck at video games, so I would appreciate any sort of input at all, whether it's about modifying the combo or my own inputs or anything. Primarily, as far as Beowulf goes, I would like a killing combo that does more damage than my 4-5k bnb stuff.
here take this and think in how you can get more off of it cause you know it's outdated.

also why are you doing excellabella and wulfshoot at the same time to an opponent that has been put in a hard knock down. That is just asking for you opponent to either use a grab invincible move, hardtagging, or supering upon wakeup. and these three things happen quite often in an online match. Sure having the two grab cove both the air and the ground at the same time sounds good but in truth it's going to open you up to people who will just take advantage of the set up. Now excellabella with a cross up j.hp is a far stronger set up. If your opponent jumps they get hit by the chair and the assist. if they block the chair and don't jump you can cancel the j.hp into mk air wulf tackle to quickly place yourself on the ground to make yourself less negative on block. it's a far safer setup that can lead to some better combos resets or mixups.
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a-all dat meter tho; i could do about that much with any old wulfamania anyways
besides, i'm pretty sure that that c.mp after the grapple would activate ips now since i remember trying something similar and it doing that
i know i could try some tweaks or test it out in the first place but i'm tired, so
ips is a mystery to all, i suppose
i've managed to activate it on the third hit of a combo, so i've mostly given up trying to understand its ways
so i shadowplayed a mostly better nightmare arcade match that shows off my bnb better; ignore my crappy anti-ai neutral game and lack of resets since i didn't really need them there (doing the excellabella and wulf shoot thing seems to make undizzy grow a lot less than dashhops and the like)

again, input would be really appreciated
Well, you definitely caught the AI pattern! But against a human it won't be that easy!
I feel like if I get the timing down (which will come with practice) it'll work pretty well against humans, especially since I have all those other mixup options. My biggest problem is my neutral game.
also why are you doing excellabella and wulfshoot at the same time to an opponent that has been put in a hard knock down. That is just asking for you opponent to either use a grab invincible move, hardtagging, or supering upon wakeup. and these three things happen quite often in an online match. Sure having the two grab cove both the air and the ground at the same time sounds good but in truth it's going to open you up to people who will just take advantage of the set up. Now excellabella with a cross up j.hp is a far stronger set up. If your opponent jumps they get hit by the chair and the assist. if they block the chair and don't jump you can cancel the j.hp into mk air wulf tackle to quickly place yourself on the ground to make yourself less negative on block. it's a far safer setup that can lead to some better combos resets or mixups.
Wow, didn't see that edit until now. Well, yeah, Mike_Z in the main discussion basically said the same thing, and it makes sense, so I just filed it away as another thing I can do after Geatish Trepak. I'll try your crossup; thanks.
My light/heavy bnbs. By "light" I mean not double and band of course.

I can't really re-record it right now, but the light one has some breathing room. If you find cr.mp hard to do after headbutt, you can fit in a cr.lk before cr.mp, cr.fp no problem and you'll end up doing more damage.
Out of curiosity, why does everyone do hop j.MP instead of j.MK after LP chair toss? It's not a huge difference, but it's a frame faster and tiny bit extra damage.
Because shut up. I don't know, I guess I'll try to get use to it, it feels awkward for whatever reason.
It's such a marginal different that it isn't a big deal, I was just mostly curious as to why I see so many people do it.
Sorry to bother you Nuuance, but do you have a list version of the inputs for your 7k combo?
actually @Zevak outdid me on the BnB. I feel dumb now cuz i just remade mine -_-

But Yeah to everyone, j.mk > j.mp. The link isn't that hard at all. just do s.hk as soon as you contact the ground....
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Hey guys, just was letting you all know that once we get word of Beowulf's confirmation for submission for the consoles I'll be removing the beta aspect of the title for the thread, and would like to get some help with setting up some combos that range from beginners (short bnbs or things that would be helpful for newer players) to advanced combos which will go into detail about specific confirmations like aerials or specific lengthy combos organized by weight.

I say I'll want help because I haven't personally put too much time into practicing Beowulf (but who can deny a good look at that hunk)
Hey guys, just was letting you all know that once we get word of Beowulf's confirmation for submission for the consoles I'll be removing the beta aspect of the title for the thread, and would like to get some help with setting up some combos that range from beginners (short bnbs or things that would be helpful for newer players) to advanced combos which will go into detail about specific confirmations like aerials or specific lengthy combos organized by weight.

I say I'll want help because I haven't personally put too much time into practicing Beowulf (but who can deny a good look at that hunk)
Make a new thread since it wont have 5 or 6 pages of combos from incomplete Beowulf.

Wanted to make a small combo video featuring Beowulf for his release. Was trying to do one for each character but had other obligations (and Smash/MH4U/Xenoblade) take up my time to really think of something unique for the remainder.

Yes, none of these are optimal and some very situational. It's just for entertainment!
Finally using Beowulf on Xbox, but....so many grabs....plus the "with" or "without" chair. I can only combo to about 7.....

I NEED an easy combo that last about 15 to 25 combo. Can anyone please help me?
Finally using Beowulf on Xbox, but....so many grabs....plus the "with" or "without" chair. I can only combo to about 7.....

I NEED an easy combo that last about 15 to 25 combo. Can anyone please help me?

Try this:
cr. LK, cr.MK, s.HP xx Qcf+LP
Dash forward, j.MP
s.HK, Qcf+Grab (end in headbutt)
LP, MK, HP, jump

ezpz, just get the timing down on the dash > j.mp > s.hk
Gonna lock thread tomorrow. Someone be awesome and collect combos to throw into the op of a new retail combo thread for Beowulf.
@RemiKz and everyone else

For the bnb thread, should I add this combo to the beowulf section? I'm not sure if that headbutt > c.mp link is practical enough on mids...

c.lk, c.mp, s.hk xx L Hurting Hurl,
hop j.mk,
s.hk xx Wulf Shoot,
walk back, Naegling Knee Lift x4, Berserker Headbutt,
c.mp, c.hp,
s.lk, s.mp (mic drop), s.hk xx Take a Seat,
walk forward slightly, s.lp, s.lk, s.mp (mic drop), s.hk xx L Wulf Blitzer, 9K, 1K,
otg c.mk, Naegling Knee Lift, Da Grendel Killa.

7677 dmg meterless, easy on lights and doable on mids, doesnt work on bigband and double.
It would probably be nice to have on there as a pretty good damaging meterless combo. Honestly I feel like mic drop > s.HK is harder than headbutt > c.MP even on mid weights.
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