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Catheads 1 Meter


As it stands now, I feel like Skullgirls lacks variety. The game is very rush down oriented. Peacock, the zoning character, can be played in this manner as well. I would like to try to change this. One thing that can be done is to make Double a lockdown character with catheads costing 1 meter, akin to MvC2 Strider.

Why this route? We could improve characters zoning tools, but that would lead to the Peacock situation. Wait for more characters aside from the guaranteed ones? Show me 100% proof we will get more.

The question is propose to the community is how we go about it? What can be done to catheads to allow it to be fair for 1 meter? So if you would kindly post your opinions on how to go about it, it would be appreciated. Reasons on why you would do it is appreciated as well. Please do not comment on any other post. Don't post that she doesn't need it. The goal is to make catheads cost 1 meter and be fair.

After a while, then i would like everyone to dissect each others suggested method. After we break down every suggestion and agree to a change, i would like to propose the change to Mike Z so we can try it out on beta. There is no guarantee, but it's better then us just yelling at him in irc.

One final note, try to think out of the box as well. Kristoph on irc suggested that catheads would start with one head, gradually increasing count. That got me thinking why can't the catheads have a hitbox? Why does battle opera disappear if Squigly is hit but catheads doesn't if Double is? As for my suggestions, I have no fucking clue :p
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The problem is that if you limit catheads' capabilities, you also limit double's lockdown capabilities, and kill the purpose of such change.

Reducing catheads' duration wouldn't be a good move, making them "damageable" like Parasoul's motor brigade would also be a bad move because catheads are meant to stay in the field for some time, not just pass through

increasing heads could be detrimental too because of the time limit on the super.

Maybe the opposite approach (starts with x heads and one will be gone each second) could work better.
I'm completely happy with the way they work now tbh. Having her sit at the end of your team and shit out 5 cathead supers was kind of dumb.

Granted that catheads aren't nearly as strong without the assist macro and the added blockstun helps you with absolute guard, I still think it is fine as is.
The main reason that I want catheads to stay 2 bars is because before people could (and did) run a team with double last and then do catheads into catheads into catheads into catheads into catheads. Even forgetting the benefits of catheads, that was a seriously derp tactic and reeeealy boring to have to sit through.
I DONT think catheads needs any changes.... However if it were to get changed, some simple common sense changes would/could make it fair for 1 meter, note that not all of these things should be applied, only one or 2 would suffice:

Increase its startup
Flying heads are disallowed so that almost every charcter can easily avoid them , unlike how flying heads just chases people down and gives easy incoming lockdown.
Reduce its time out
Reduce the range that can catheads can travel away from double.... Like peacocks current mp item hold.

Etc etc etc

Common sense ways to FORCE double to have to put her ass on the line to start catheads. Instead of being able to just shot xx cats all day.

But like I said, I'm perfectly happy with current double. She a complete character now and doesn't have to rely on braindead cheese to win.

People need to stop using her as just an anchor, she hasn't been the anchor on any of my teams since PC version came out.
We spent a year trying to balance 1-meter catellites, and it was continually stupid, even with things like reduced damage, no meter gain, and so on.

It's fantastic at 2. You don't want to deal with it at 1. It can't be restated that 1-meter catheads Double was the most ridiculous anchor thanks to an amazing assist, a safe DHC, an invincible fullscreen DHC, the most damaging level 3 in the game that you can DHC into, and even if you just didn't play her, she could just come in with 5 meters and do catellites all day long. It was the worst.

I'm pretty sure that the necessary changes you'd have to do to make catellites "fair" at 1 bar would also just make it completely undesirable to use in the first place. MvC1 Strider was top fucking tier. Tengu Stones Oro was pretty bad. We don't want either character in this game.
Duckator recently made the point that there is not enough variety in skullgirls at the moment, which I agree with. One thing that can be done is to make Double a lockdown character with catheads costing 1 meter, akin to MvC2 Strider.

Did he give any reasons as to why there isn't enough variety in SG atm, or did he just say "not enough variety, I want my ridiculous anchor Cat Heads strategy back"? SG has a ton of potential for diversity, you can't really blame it if everybody wants to pick what they see everyone else using (Filia UpDo, Hornet Bomber, Napalm Pillar). Cat Heads needs to remain at 2 meter, anchor Double with potential to go into Cat Heads 5 times was dumb and gave her no use for her level 5 at all.

Either way, if we want diversity, we need to move away from things like "Bring Cat Heads 1-meter back" and move towards "how can we make other characters more interesting". 1 meter cat heads brings nothing to the table in terms of variety at all.
In SDE I always thought one of these would solve the problem:

1. Make it 2 meters - No more 5 cat heads in a row

2. Drasticaly Reduce the mobility and range of the heads - No more shot xx heads from fullscreen for 5 seconds of free pressure

3. Make it more punishable (more recovery?) - At least make it a bit risky to use randomly, ouroboros has always been a lot more punishable than cat heads

Thankfully, Mike picked the best one.
Did he give any reasons as to why there isn't enough variety in SG atm, or did he just say "not enough variety, I want my ridiculous anchor Cat Heads strategy back"? SG has a ton of potential for diversity, you can't really blame it if everybody wants to pick what they see everyone else using (Filia UpDo, Hornet Bomber, Napalm Pillar). Cat Heads needs to remain at 2 meter, anchor Double with potential to go into Cat Heads 5 times was dumb and gave her no use for her level 5 at all.

Either way, if we want diversity, we need to move away from things like "Bring Cat Heads 1-meter back" and move towards "how can we make other characters more interesting". 1 meter cat heads brings nothing to the table in terms of variety at all.

I'd love to see more done with meter a la guilty gears.

I also think how combo heavy the game is hurts it. It is one part neutral game and one part DDR w/o the prompts. Taking GG and KoF as examples, there is a very real chance to drop combos (or get bursted out of it) which keeps you in the neutral game (using this term so broadly as to mean "not combo'ing"), and neutral is the chess match. Right now, SG is mostly 1) Turtle until invincible assist hits then 2) combo.

Also, no to 1 meter catheads. I watch old videos of 3+ catheads back to back and get mad for the recipient.
I think tvc has a 2 meter burst? I would like to see SG have a burst similar to that, it feels like defensive options are still pretty weak overall. And I believe Mike said he wanted to make undizzy stricter but was afraid ppl wouldn't like it? I think it's time to make it strict and let those who would bitch/quit do so.
also, tbqh one of the problems of 2 meter catheads is that the meter gain in sg has been nerfed... which is like a double nerf (no pun intended) to catheads without taking assist macro nerf into account.

personally I don't like sgs new meter reduction strategy. it makes doing things you want to do much harder or not possible. it makes meter management a task rather than something that couldnt be super abused (outside of catheads) I think specific characters needed there meter gain nerfed, but to other characers it really sucks.... right now my pw bnb that goes to 370 stun only gains about 1/2 a meter.... I literally have to do 2 max combos just to build 1 bar. I don't like that.

also, there has been so many times where ive owned the entire team with my first character and yet I barely have 3 1/2 bars at the ned of the game.

I just think the meter gain nerf is hugely unjustified when undizzy serves its purpose.
You need to take into consideration the differences between striders oroboros and Doubles Cat Satellite.

Striders super is very fixed, it only fires forward while Doubles cat heads can move freely around the opponent. This is a major factor because of the freedom double has compared to strider, even with absolute guard, Double has tons of mix up opportunities. Strider has a teleport to make his super useful and more confusing, double doesn't need that (and she has her old command dash as a special, which can be used for mixups).

It can still be used as a safe DHC for 1 meter instead, and is still extremely effective. I don't agree in the longer hitstun, but what can you do.

I think Doubles catheads are fine as a lvl 2. She is still really powerful without the constant cathead summoning.
.. .. ..

Problem? If you think it's a bad idea, feel free to state why, this is a discussion


I see DDB's post now. Well, I'm still in favor of some high cost burst, 2/3 meter maybe?
1 is pretty ridiculous. With all the ways people are finding to get around undizzy already, it's either that or the stricter undizzy Mike wanted.
Mike is completely against burst. He demonstrated that quite nicely on the Steam forums to someone who insisted on adding it.

Stricter IPS is probably more what he'll be willing to do.
Problem? If you think it's a bad idea, feel free to state why, this is a discussion
Look, a meterless combo deals ~7500 Damage
A super deals uh, let's say 1500 (most deal less, but w/e)

So you can decide to either spend a bar on 1500 damage, or on preventing 7500. Would you ever super?
Or 3000 vs 7500? Or 4500 vs 7500? Or 6000 vs 7500? .. 7500 vs 7500, that works! Where were we? Oh..
You would need a 5-Meter-Burst for it to not be flat better than supers (= NEVER using bar for anything else).

Meter based Bursts are shit as fuck
There is no need for another burst when the current two we have aren't that powerful. Why would we need another?
Not IPS burst or Undizzy burst--Traditional burst like in Guilty Gear and BlazBlue that can be activated anywhere.
Yeah I know what he meant. What will that do though? It'll be just the same and good players will still be able to get around it regardless.

It makes little difference whether you can do it anywhere or not.
The thing about meter is that it's not just for increasing combo damage, it has a good bit of utility besides that (alpha counter, safe dhc, strong reversals like Bella lvl 3). If a 3 meter burst that acts like a GG burst is too much, then I would suggest the following:

1) Make Undizzy strict to the point where you have to venture into it to get any "extended" combos off. If players can get reasonable damage combos (~7500) without ever venturing into undizzy, then they will never venture into undizzy. To balance this out, make Undizzy burst punishable on block.

2) Throw combos do recoverable damage, so we see recovarable health have greater presence in the game in general. Hell, if the formula used to calculate recovarable health per hit can be tweaked so it's possible to heal back like 50% of a combo's damage by tagging out,that would be nice. I think the only time you really even notice it are when you're assist is getting torn apart or Bella hits you with US.
Yeah I know what he meant. What will that do though? It'll be just the same and good players will still be able to get around it regardless.

It makes little difference whether you can do it anywhere or not.

As the attacker, whether you can burst or not at all is in my hands. That means, I decide if you even have the defensive option. As for "good players will get around it", what is your point? Good players could get around Vanilla Double Bomber Assist, does that mean it should have stayed in? They could also get around SDE tod scenarios, but I'm assuming you know why that was removed?

I can deal with everything in the game past and currently, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. I can understand IPS burst being something that only triggers when you've repeated a starter because that was just supposed prevent infinites, but is undizzy just supposed to stop long strings and still leave high damage, meter-less strings in place? If that's the case, I guess it's doing the job.
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On lvl 1 catheads: even for those who find that the game needs more variety than mid-games and long combos, is an insanely long Super pressure game really the answer?

"I'm tired of waiting for such a long time during a combo. We should change things up by making me wait a long time in blockstun. That will certainly mix things up!"

I do not believe Level 1 Catheads could work. Maybe the game could find more variety in how it is played, but that will likely come in the form of the new characters, rather than a Double buff that feels just as bad for the player on the receiving end as a lengthy combo.

On the subject of bursts, while implementing them would not break the game by any means, I would rather not have them added. Certain characters are intentionally built without any strong means to get out of the corner or pressure. A free burst would allow such a character to take a hit and burst the opponent away, bringing it back to a mid-game. Meter Bursts might make that seem like a costly trick, but for characters like Valentine with a terrible anti-pressure game and an amazing mid-game, it would be more than worth the cost.

If this were the case, it would not be impossible to balance the characters who most benefit from a burst, but it feels like it would be more trouble than it is worth.
Bursts aren't really free though, there's a risk to having your burst read and eating another combo for your trouble...
I'll never understand why people see bursts as a "get out of jail free card". This is probably why nobody is experimenting with Undizzy/IPS burst baits. Meter burst would just be a high cost burst that runs the risk of failing and costing your 3 bar that you could have used for anything else, or working and sending the game back to neutral at a cost of 3 meter.

Hell, players may just ignore this too in the same way they're avoiding IPS and Undizzy bursts, which is doing more harm than good for game variety imo.
Bursts aren't really free though, there's a risk to having your burst read and eating another combo for your trouble...
I'll never understand why people see bursts as a "get out of jail free card". This is probably why nobody is experimenting with Undizzy/IPS burst baits. Meter burst would just be a high cost burst that runs the risk of failing and costing your 3 bar that you could have used for anything else, or working and sending the game back to neutral at a cost of 3 meter.

Um what? I know people creating burst baits all the time.
Bursts aren't really free though, there's a risk to having your burst read and eating another combo for your trouble...
I'll never understand why people see bursts as a "get out of jail free card". This is probably why nobody is experimenting with Undizzy/IPS burst baits.
If you can burst at any time during a combo, it wouldn't be as hard to avoid a burst bait. Burst baiting is easy because the attacker sees and knows exactly when in the combo the opponent can use a burst. Once the burst can be used at any time, baiting it becomes much harder.
I'm going to guess that those are the typical burst-baits to catch mashing during a combo, which is fine and actually blows up mashing. I'm talking about extending a combo into burst-able state and dropping off at a point to bait; I also moved the discussion to gameplay.
I'm going to guess that those are the typical burst-baits to catch mashing during a combo, which is fine and actually blows up mashing. I'm talking about extending a combo into burst-able state and dropping off at a point to bait; I also moved the discussion to gameplay.
They do both, except there's no need to drop off. c.MP and c.HP are very helpful with that.
catheads was dumb for one meter. i certainly wont miss the days where people would do full/half screen catheads and just mindlessly jump in and theres fuck all you can do about it except try and block the mixups.
Duckator recently made the point that there is not enough variety in skullgirls at the moment, which I agree with. One thing that can be done is to make Double a lockdown character with catheads costing 1 meter, akin to MvC2 Strider.
How is making Double strictly a lockdown based character cause variety? Catheads don't really leave room for creativity, other then jumping around and throwing out a few J.HKs and low attacks in there. So now that her catheads are LV.2, instead of figuring out ways to make it better in LV.2 or figuring ways to make in fair in LV.1 I think the eaisest and best thing we could do is keep catheads LV.2 and drastically improve Double's neutral game. MikeZ has already taken steps toward this by making the recovery of Flesh Step faster and making luger faster, along with some other changes. This way Double does not stay a braindead lockdown based character, but now has the tools available to get in and still cause some lockdown if she wishes.

Sure we can sit here and thinks of ways to make LV.1 catheads "fair", but I really would rather have a better neutral game with double with LV.2 catheads other then having LV.1 catheads back but worse then before.
My main issue with Doubles SDE form was that she was too fucking boring. It was constant catheads over and over again, she was not interesting in anyway.

In this new version, she is now actually fun and interesting cause she doesn't have to constantly rely on catheads.

No lvl1 catheads pls
There are probably plenty of ways to make 1 meter Catheads balanced, but there's probably no way to make them fun or non-braindead.
Duckator recently made the point that there is not enough variety in skullgirls at the moment
Can anyone link me to when this was said? I'd like to see his reasoning behind this.
Dammit, @Duckator could you elaborate? Was it just a complaint about the abundance of rush down characters?

If I recall correctly, it was about the abundance of characters that just basically look for assist confirms from invincibles into full combo.

Iirc. I could be wrong.
If I recall correctly, it was about the abundance of characters that just basically look for assist confirms from invincibles into full combo.

Iirc. I could be wrong.
You're wrong

(Watching that super arcade marvel 2 stream with clockwork on)
Sep 28 02:30:05 <Duckator> Watching this makes me wish catheads was 1 meter again
Sep 28 02:30:11 <Mech> rofl
Sep 28 02:30:13 <Mech> mike on blast
Sep 28 02:30:39 <Duckator> I can't use my Double/Hairball/Pillar team anymore
Sep 28 02:30:43 <Angel-> No please. Catheads is fine at two
Sep 28 02:33:00 * Oni has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 28 02:33:05 <Uzu> you wouldn't use hairball anyways
Sep 28 02:33:06 <Angel-> Double is a good character now, like you guys said. No more buffs. Just ask mike to reduce the blockstun,(I swear to god I said that it was a nerf but sev said it was cool)
Sep 28 02:33:10 <Uzu> Upgodly
Sep 28 02:33:12 <Duckator> I do on that team
Sep 28 02:33:30 <Duckator> Because it's a pseudo strider/doom team
Sep 28 02:33:51 <Duckator> But I can't use catheads like before so that team doesn't work anymore
Sep 28 02:34:49 <Angel-> I'm fine with 1 meter catheads as long as no meter build
Sep 28 02:34:55 <Uzu> ohh
Sep 28 02:35:11 * EvaXephon is now known as FlatChestedEvaXephon
Sep 28 02:35:22 <IsaVulpes> I'm fine with Double being more than catheads
Sep 28 02:36:05 <Angel-> I'm too. That's why I fine with 2 meters
Sep 28 02:37:04 * NoobToTheExtreme has quit (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
Sep 28 02:37:43 <Angel-> I personally believe she is top 3.
Sep 28 02:38:14 * BrandX_3HourSleep has quit (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
Sep 28 02:38:37 <Kristoph> yeah i thought nerfing catheads was smart, but making it 2 meters is weird because it probably affects point double more than it affects anchor double
Sep 28 02:38:55 <IsaVulpes> no
Sep 28 02:38:56 <Kristoph> i expected him to just make them less effective/braindead, gain less meter, and that's all
Sep 28 02:39:18 <IsaVulpes> anchor double used to get like, 8 reps of catheads
Sep 28 02:39:27 <IsaVulpes> now its 3
Sep 28 02:39:35 <Angel-> But if it cost 1 meter, you can negate all that by putting her anchor
Sep 28 02:39:36 <Kristoph> yeah if you're playing in your head
Sep 28 02:39:40 <Kristoph> you got 8 reps
Sep 28 02:39:48 <Angel-> Just like sde
Sep 28 02:39:57 <Kristoph> not if catheads get nerfed
Sep 28 02:40:11 <Duckator> Make it like SDE minus macro but make it last shorter
Sep 28 02:40:19 <Kristoph> just nerf them so they're not all that great solo, but can fill the gaps with assists
Sep 28 02:40:34 <Kristoph> yeah that's sort of what i expected
Sep 28 02:41:16 <Kristoph> (and wanted)
Sep 28 02:41:17 <Angel-> No. Meter gain has to be removed
Sep 28 02:41:35 <Kristoph> how is that mutually exclusive with what i said
Sep 28 02:42:01 <Kristoph> oh maybe you were referring to duckator's thing
Sep 28 02:42:32 <Angel-> If 1 meter. Like vulpes said, she can get 8 reps. F that. If time is shorten, maybe 6 or 7.
Sep 28 02:42:45 * BrandX_3HourSleep (~brandx@ip70-180-193-37.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #skullgirls
Sep 28 02:43:45 <Kristoph> i think you are just playing skullgirls in your head if you think that 2 meters, or no meter gain, dramatically change the effectiveness of anchor double
Sep 28 02:44:35 <Kristoph> like maybe if you snap her, sure? but if she's coming in with 4/5 bars naturally, i'm not sure whether she really gives THAT much of a fuck if she's spending 1 bar or two
Sep 28 02:44:38 <IsaVulpes> I think I have played against Catheads in both SDE and SQG and I'm very happy that blocking Catheads completely actually makes me able to do stuff after, and not run into the next rep into the next rep into the next rep until i get hit and then she has meter for a new one
Sep 28 02:44:59 <Kristoph> yeah sure, unless she's on anchor, which is what i'm talking about
Sep 28 02:45:14 <IsaVulpes> But yeah I suppose I'm playing it in my head and it totally doesn't matter whether 4 bars means 2 or 5 catheads
Sep 28 02:45:51 <Kristoph> obviously she's weaker on anchor too, but it's weird that she was nerfed less on that front than she was as a point character
Sep 28 02:46:10 <Kristoph> the reason it's weird is that she was woefully underexplored as a point character. it was anchor double that was the concern
Sep 28 02:46:13 <Angel-> It matters kristoph. I played point against doubles who can build one meter on block with catheads
Sep 28 02:46:24 <Angel-> Duckator can do it
Sep 28 02:46:29 <Kristoph> yes, it matters
Sep 28 02:46:34 <IsaVulpes> She got significant buffs as a Point Character in getting Painwheel as 2nd and the Dash
Sep 28 02:46:55 <Kristoph> yes. also, catheads were dramatically weakened, which is the thing i'm talking about
Sep 28 02:47:00 <Kristoph> i'm not saying 'double is bad on point now'
Sep 28 02:47:07 <IsaVulpes> So whats the issue?
Sep 28 02:47:27 <IsaVulpes> She's good on point, she's BETTER as 2nd, and she's a lot worse as anchor but still usable there
Sep 28 02:47:30 <Angel-> So I'm not playing in my head. 2 meters and no meter gain are important
Sep 28 02:47:31 <IsaVulpes> Looks perfect to me
Sep 28 02:47:32 <Kristoph> i'm not saying there's some huge issue or whatever cutie
Sep 28 02:48:00 <IsaVulpes> Double looks fine right now iunno, where we're at with this discussion
Sep 28 02:48:01 <Kristoph> i'm just agreeing with duckator when he talks about strider/doom and wishes that double could run similarish things still
Sep 28 02:48:08 <Kristoph> yeah it seems like you never knew
Sep 28 02:48:13 * Salex has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Sep 28 02:48:49 <Kristoph> i don't have balance concerns with this game at the moment. everything seems more or less fine really
Sep 28 02:48:54 <Angel-> You said I'm playing in my head, that's why I said it to you
Sep 28 02:48:57 <Kristoph> i do have some playstyle preferences that i like to talk about though
Sep 28 02:49:23 <Angel-> Now you're assuming I don't know strider/doom
Sep 28 02:49:51 <Kristoph> i'm not even sure what you're talking about angel
Sep 28 02:50:31 <Angel-> Me either.
Sep 28 02:51:14 <Kristoph> anyway yeah vulpes, i actually got way excited about double when duckator uploaded vids of his double/filia/parasoul in sde
Sep 28 02:51:31 <Duckator> That was a fun team
Sep 28 02:51:33 <Duckator> RIP
Sep 28 02:51:49 <Kristoph> so my hope with double was, "make catheads less braindead so she can't be super abusive with them SOLO, but keep them 1 meter so she can make really good use of them with the right team, on point"
Sep 28 02:52:41 * Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Sep 28 02:53:10 <Uzu> She's already good enough
Sep 28 02:53:24 <Duckator> You're missing the point
Sep 28 02:53:26 <Kristoph> wow
Sep 28 02:53:33 <Duckator> Lockdown as a gameplan is dead
Sep 28 02:54:03 <Duckator> Keep away is dying too
Sep 28 02:54:17 <Uzu> Because Peacock is terrible
Sep 28 02:54:23 <Uzu> She needs at least 1 close tool
Sep 28 02:54:25 <Duckator> She's goo
Sep 28 02:54:26 <Duckator> d
Sep 28 02:54:41 <Duckator> But she almost plays better as a rushdown character now
Sep 28 02:55:13 * Vadsamoht has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Sep 28 02:55:42 <Kristoph> the thing about lockdown is that nobody cares though, because nobody was actually using double that way
Sep 28 02:55:47 <Kristoph> not seriously at least
Sep 28 02:56:43 <Angel-> Yeah. Which I am glad, because that was scary as shit
Sep 28 02:57:02 <Kristoph> it was cool and awesome is what it was
Sep 28 02:57:03 <Duckator> I want that in the game though
Sep 28 02:57:21 <Duckator> There need to be more playstlye options not less

Sep 28 02:57:33 <Kristoph> yeah definitely
Sep 28 02:57:38 * Makross has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Sep 28 02:57:48 <Angel-> I agree. With a new character. Not double
Sep 28 02:58:13 <Uzu> Indeed
Sep 28 02:58:27 <Uzu> I think Double is really really really good right now
Sep 28 02:58:32 <Uzu> Even without catheads
Sep 28 02:58:34 <Duckator> What's it matter if it's a new character or not?
Sep 28 02:58:45 * only_hal_wins has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Sep 28 02:59:11 <Angel-> Because catheads is fucked up. I'm not sure how to fix it
Sep 28 02:59:25 <Duckator> What's fucked up about it?
Sep 28 02:59:31 <Uzu> It's too good
Sep 28 02:59:36 <Duckator> It wasn't even hard to deal with in SDE
Sep 28 02:59:58 <Duckator> It's just that no one can block for more than 5 seconds
Sep 28 03:00:08 <TN_Jonesboro> I thought you were just saying you didn't know how to Double tho, Uzu.
Sep 28 03:00:19 <Angel-> Hey, I block
Sep 28 03:00:27 <Uzu> I don't
Sep 28 03:00:37 <Uzu> I'm just speaking out of my butt