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USA [Dec 11, 2015] NEC 16 - Main Game & $1,000 Pot Bonus (King of Prussia, PA)

YOU can have as many hits of armor as you want, you're not in Skullgirls. :^)
(I don't know if you noticed, but thanks for the Zots, and I'll take that as an eventual yes)
Hey, so, I've been seeing some tweets about NEC that are fairly negative, and so far as I can gather, some of the people there didn't think things went as well as they could have? Or that it was too crowded/busy? Sharpie mentioned there not being anywhere to do the ol' SG Diner, but was there anything else? I ask so that we might avoid any of those things at CB2016.
The SG community is mad big and nobody wanted to host a room for everyone to go in (which is 150% reasonable). Every problem can be avoided by having a suite. Room numbers were kept off twitter in order to make sure they didn't turn into literal ovens. This wasn't ever out of animosity towards the community, but just so that it could be bearable.

IMO for Combo Breaker:
  • Actually have a suite or two
  • Crack open a window if possible
Wish I had gone to the tournament, seemed like a lot of fun. Well I guess weddings are important lol.
I watched the video for top 8, some really good stuff. It's great to see many players getting better at the game and challenging other top players.
Also I'm a bit sad that the commentators mentioned the fact that Sage and Sonic weren't in winner's final together was a first, also them never being sent to losers by the same player in the same tournament. *coughevo2014andmecough*

But in all seriousness it looked like a lot of fun, really want to attend the next major tournament for SG. See my many distant friends, heckle them with nonsense and ice cream and see my bae. Then force the others to put up with bae and me.
@Prince of Dragons HOLY SHIT YOU'RE TALLER THAN I THOUGHT! It was cool to finally meet you, we should have played sets though.

@mcpeanuts and @Prince of Dragons Undertale was pretty amazing, after talking with Peanuts, maybe I should give genocide run a whirl :^)

To be fair, I should have played more sets with everyone but I was stuck volunteering (whoops).
Make it to another Big E event and I got you for sets tho
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(I don't know if you noticed, but thanks for the Zots, and I'll take that as an eventual yes)
The Zots were from @Hopscawtch, though. And sure, take it as whatever you want as long as it makes you not ask again so I don't have to get mad. :^)

Then force the others to put up with bae and me.
It's not effort to put up with you...more him, y'see... :^P
Yeah it will be i'd imagine, only reason they did it here is because they had to change the date and the Clarion was taken that weekend. So Capcom threw E a bone
IMO for Combo Breaker:
  • Actually have a suite or two
  • Crack open a window if possible
Suites are an obsolete, old world concept in the glorious Utopia that is Combo Breaker. 24/7 venue means that if you wanna play, just go to the setups. They're always there.
Suites are an obsolete, old world concept in the glorious Utopia that is Combo Breaker. 24/7 venue means that if you wanna play, just go to the setups. They're always there.
There were 4 SG setups in the venue at the last Combo Breaker. If that doesn't change and if we don't think that's enough casual setups for everyone, we'll still need a suite. We'll also need a suite if anyone wants to play SG on Thursday night, or on Sunday night after 10pm, assuming it's the same as last time.

edit: Just to be clear, I loved Combo Breaker and the 24/7 venue was fantastic. But I'm also grateful that people ignored the "don't bring setups!" advice last time so we had more setups for casuals and so I could play on Thursday and Sunday night.
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Suites are an obsolete, old world concept in the glorious Utopia that is Combo Breaker. 24/7 venue means that if you wanna play, just go to the setups. They're always there.

I like being in a crowd in the middle of the floor and everything. But I also like seeing the sets when I'm not playing and having a wall/chair when I can't. Not to mention the fact that we had plenty of room time last combo breaker.
Another issue regarding NEC, which may or may not have been touched on yet, was the issue of transportation from the hotel to the airport/bus station/train station.

There was a shuttle, as BigE advertised, but it was $29 per person one-way. The only other option available to people without cars was getting a Taxi/Uber, each of which cost around $130 (or more) one-way. CB was great because there hotel was right next to a train station that linked to each form of transportation and was super cheap.

CB, like most of our past SGC events, is also near food sources that are close enough to walk to and reasonably priced, but NEC16 was literally in the middle of next to nothing (even Wawa's were a car-drive away). I really don't feel like the overall venue change made NEC feel any better for me than the Comfort Inn would have been, and that's not just me being out of my comfort zone.

NEC was really expensive for what it was.

I feel like at least with CB, I got my monies worth (and a terrible timeline of tweets to follow).

We had somewhere around 85 (90?) people sign up for SG at NEC this year and if was tough to fit everyone on the two setups we had downstairs. Based on the numbers we got for JUST NEC right now and since literally everyone is coming out for CB (I'm glad people came out for NEC, but that is nowhere CLOSE to the amount I think we'll reach at CB), I think it would be safe to say that CB will probably need around six or seven setups to accommodate us, otherwise springing for a salty suite would be the safest move.

This is all just based on what I heard from people and my experiences at both events.
I could 100% be wrong here.
If you took Uber directly from the airport, it was an extra fee to pick you up because regular UberX cars cant get you from there, only drop you off. That's what fucked everyone up getting to the venue.
Yea sorry but my room all kinda agreed we didn't want to be the salty suite because, well, first off our room was pretty small as it was. Also salty suites run till like 4 am and I know I GOTS to get my beauty sleep (haha~h I'm old)

Even despite all this our small room still became something of a pseudo salty suite. Yea it's just a pain in the ass having all those ppl in a room with no space. Also the hotel sealing the windows did NOT help matters. I'd be possibly willing to host a big suite at CB if ppl are willing to chip in and help out, but those details can be hammered out at a later date.
I prefer to play casuals after the tournament.

Having the setups taken from the venue on Sunday night is a problem for me because we have to be hotel boys.

"Man now that all the tournaments are over I'm going to go play 3S and Marvel 2 on awesome cabinets, I am happy!" - MikeZ before realizing the cabinets were taken away on Sunday.

I prefer to play casuals after the tournament.

Having the setups taken from the venue on Sunday night is a problem for me because we have to be hotel boys.

"Man now that all the tournaments are over I'm going to go play 3S and Marvel 2 on awesome cabinets, I am happy!" - MikeZ before realizing the cabinets were taken away on Sunday.


Man those Third Strike cabinets were FUCKING GREAT and I was #sadboys after finding out they were gone Sunday.

Also I appreciate you guys are all so polite/wonderful, but remember that NO ONE should apologize for not inviting people into their room/not hosting casuals/kicking people out so you can sleep. It's YOUR hotel room, you paid for it, you do what you want. I appreciate that everyone in this community feels an obligation to host games and is polite but at the end of the day you shouldn't feel like you have to apologize for not doing so. Just another reason getting a suite makes sense.

If any of you want me to take down any vids then say so and I will. I think peacock still breaks replays a lot tho since zid's peacock fucked up replays and i think when hirokuni went peacock/bella. stuff went funny.
Should've been 6 setups based on the pools count. Did somebody swap 2 of those to another game during overnight?

If we had issues in 2015 on that you'll be happy to know that more space next year means more setups on the floor. We'll work to have a number equitable for attendees wanting to 24/7 venue it up.
I'm pretty sure it was four the whole way through.
It was a square table with one set up on each corner.

Two may have been taken for a different game before we arrived?

If we'll have more set ups for CB16 then we shouldn't need a suite or anything so that works out great.
Looking forward to your event!
I'm pretty sure it was four the whole way through.
It was a square table with one set up on each corner.

Two may have been taken for a different game before we arrived?

If we'll have more set ups for CB16 then we shouldn't need a suite or anything so that works out great.
Looking forward to your event!

I'll need to look into that. I had 6 earmarked when we did the pools count. Completely possible something got adjusted after morning reg since we ran out of space but not knowing about it isn't my preferred management position.

We have nearly 15,000 sq. ft. more space compared to CB2015 for CB2016. First priority with the new space is increasing setup counts.