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Dest's Training Diary


Yare Yare Daze
Yep, I am absolutely awful at learning combos, but I like this game enough to keep trying. Opening people up isn't that hard for me, but I hardly get anything from it.

As it stands, Valentine, Fillia, and Squigly are my three characters, I'm kinda hell bent on playing rushdown with all of them. anyway, for today's progress, I got a fillia combo working, unfortuneatly I realized I had teching turned off, when it's on, the combo doesn't want to work. I modified it to work, but I keep doing the old one. After a bit of practice, I think I can cross fillia of my list of characters I need to learn a combo for. I've already got a combo for Squigly, one I made myself, I've been told there is an easier combo for better damage by a friend, so I'll try to learn that, though I've heard mine looks flashier at least. As for Valentine, I'm trying to find a combo that does decent damage midscreen, but since I have yet to find one I won't try to make one up and instead just conclude I need to learn some resets with Val instead.

anyway yeah, I'm really looking forward to learning some combos and the like.
Some tips for practice mode, as you saw, you need to turn on tech roll, but if you haven't already, also turn on escape infinite combos on first hit as well as block after first hit to make sure your combos are legit.

After that you just need to practice until you get it down consistently. If you're having trouble at some parts of the combo, consider replacing it with a less damaging but more easily done substitute when playing matches until you get the other version down pat.
Thanks for the advice, that's what I'm working on doing. As it is I can afford to lose a little damage since the game is pretty reset heavy, and everyone in my team can do some nice resets.
I tihnk I've modified my fillia combo to work properly, and it does around 200 points more damage, success.

EDIT: WTF, I'm actually getting Valentine combos to work properly pretty easily. I tihnk val loves me. *Waifu time*
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I haven't updated this in a while...let's see...I've had a lot of matches since last time, and feel I've improved a lot. I'm still working on learning OmniSScythe's midscreen combo, but it's been going better than it has been. I've more or less got barrel loops down for double, but , and she's a blast to play. Before I'd leave her out of matches because I didn't even know a single combo with her, but I added her in one day and after using her for a while. Fillia remains less than adequate, I need to practice using her more.
First Update in a while...much of my recent training has been offline. I think I need to start playing more online matches now, cause nearly everyone I know uses Fortune and Cerebella (yes, oddly I'm the only one using Updo and Bomber in my scene, and I use hairball and Cilia slide half the time). One of my firends uses painwheel as a third and the other uses Squigly, but still Fortune and Cerebella are the ones I end up playing most.
Well, played a lot of matches today, go bodied a lot today. I did have a lot of fun experimenting with Cillia Slide as an assist rather than hornet bomber. I ned to try and figure out what went wrong in a lot of my matches also. I think I need to work on my execution a bit more cause I got punished for messing up my combos in a lot of my matches. I think I need to work on blocking better as well and being smarter on approach and the like.