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Eliza Beta Combo Thread

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Personally I HATE, the new chair speed and the fact that it takes away the ability it otg after it hits. My BB/ Eliza synergy team is ruined...~ :C

If it is changed again, make it back to it's old speed but add more recovery frames to Eliza to balance everything out. I don't know, I just don't like it.
you can try and hit em before they hit the ground, in the corner for example: jQCB MP xx QCB HP xx unsummon, QCF LK, sMK
I'm just saying the move has been greatly moved away from being a combo extending tool to that more of a move that is to stop projectile spamming. Which I feel is unnecessary for Eliza has a ton of other tools at her disposal that do the same job. AKA her Dp and cr hk. I don't know... it just rubs me personally the wrong way, makes me fear that no one will use the move, like with BB's Lk A Train command grab. (seriously who ever uses that move? I don't and I play BB on point) The chair is too fast and it leaves Eliza in way too much recovery to ever make any use of the move out side of point blank range. :C Sorry... i'll live with changes though, have to figure out another way of converting off of HK a train assist.
I'm just saying the move has been greatly moved away from being a combo extending tool to that more of a move that is to stop projectile spamming. Which I feel is unnecessary for Eliza has a ton of other tools at her disposal that do the same job. AKA her Dp and cr hk. I don't know... it just rubs me personally the wrong way, makes me fear that no one will use the move, like with BB's Lk A Train command grab. (seriously who ever uses that move? I don't and I play BB on point) The chair is too fast and it leaves Eliza in way too much recovery to ever make any use of the move out side of point blank range. :C Sorry... i'll live with changes though, have to figure out another way of converting off of HK a train assist.

Funnily enough, it's conversion to a projectile and the repercussions of that made some feel it's lost a lot of it's anti-zoning abilities!

Also, LK ATrain is good once in a while to keep things fresh. It's a useful tool to keep from being too predictable when things get heavy near the end of a match.

As for combo extension, all it did was change my routes slightly. My Bella route went from

cLK cMK cHP (call chair) jMK jHK (chair hits) Kanchou ||>|| cLK cMK cHP (call chair) jHK (charge forward, chair hits, kanchou)
cLK cMK jMP jHK sMP (call chair) HLnL (chair hits) Kanchou is tighter midscreen
cLK cMK jMP jHK sMP (call chair) HLnL (chair hits) sLP > things is still fine in the corner

As for Parasoul, my routes changes as such,

cLK cMK (call chair) cHP jHP (chair hits) ||>|| cLK cMK cHP (call chair) jHP (chair hits) THIS IS EASIER. Thanks Mike.

I didn't have any Eliza point combos with chair yet. As extensions for Para/Bella, it typically adds a nice bit of damage, is easy to add, can be fun to call and cross up with, and saves my OTG by using it to juggle.
The new speed benefited me in some ways, while the forward charge kanchou after jHK is weird, I'm totally cool with it and it LOOKS COOL. Not sure if this is universal, etc blah.
As a neutral tool and assist, while slow fireballs are typically more favored, considering Napalm Shots are my main source of zoning, the fast chair benefits my playstyle pretty well.

I'm not sure how it will benefit me on point or not because I haven't had enough on the field experience to say yet, and she's still in beta.. so plenty of changes to come, perhaps.

These are some tests right after the patch hit. Sorry they're not actual Eliza combos, but on the topic of combo extension with Chair assist, it feels relevant.

I'll go make Eliza combos later!.. I swear. Sorry for rambling/off topic.


MP HK dp+HP tk+MK sends people into orbit and worked on filia midscreen. Just saying.

I've been doing this

I'll check that out though.
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Yes, it is. Last time I took one hour to upload a 14second video. With .webm, I can upload it in a minute. Even if I had a good internet to upload to youtube, I'd upload to webm.
Btw, my cellphone reproduces .webm pretty well.
i don't know what kind of stuff is going on with your uploading...but i run a youtube channel...(on a huge hiatus) and it only takes me barely a minute to upload anything normal combo length. That's why im like....huh...

and also @gllt ive used windows live movie maker...singlehandedly the most terrible editing software lol...and have use it to get much views :/ if i can do it others can too lol. Anyways sorry for being off topic, but you guys are still my bros...

I'm working on my own bnb as a version of @TheGamaniac 's combo but i gotta see what id change...etc.
i don't know what kind of stuff is going on with your uploading...but i run a youtube channel...(on a huge hiatus) and it only takes me barely a minute to upload anything normal combo length. That's why im like....huh...

and also @gllt ive used windows live movie maker...singlehandedly the most terrible editing software lol...and have use it to get much views :/ if i can do it others can too lol. Anyways sorry for being off topic, but you guys are still my bros...

I'm working on my own bnb as a version of @TheGamaniac 's combo but i gotta see what id change...etc.

Sometimes if your videos are encoded in a certain way, YouTube takes 5 ages to do anything.

https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171?hl=en For reference!

And while it might seem stupid, http://www.freemake.com/free_video_converter/ happens to have a nice video trimmer. Give it a shot. I use Sony Vegas personally, heh.

Question that's ACTUALLY SOMEWHAT ON TOPIC. Aside from the slight height change and scaling, why cMP(1) versus cMK(2) in the first chain typically? Also, cMP(2).. ever?
And what are people doing off combos with sMP since that's more viable now? It's still better as a neutral tool and I tried doing things off it early just because I could (including that dumb double Sekhmet reset thing) but are there any universal restand routes off this launcher? Or rejump juggle into restands?
Here's some stuff that I've been putting together. Some of it is old tech, some of it is new stuff that I just kinda came up with. Either way, I'd like to see if anyone can optimize this stuff or turn it into anything interesting.

Music: Baby Wants a Diamond Ring by Squirrel Nut Zippers

This is off topic, but uploading and editing a video is not difficult. Period. Editing out mistakes should only take a few moments, and uploading to Youtube is neither tedious nor difficult. Yeah, it can take quite a while to upload a lengthy video sometimes, but whatever man. If you have to wait an extra 30 minutes then deal with it. If you're too lazy to edit out the mistakes in your combo video, you have absolutely no excuse. I understand though, I'm usually pretty lazy myself :P
Question that's ACTUALLY SOMEWHAT ON TOPIC. Aside from the slight height change and scaling, why cMP(1) versus cMK(2) in the first chain typically? Also, cMP(2).. ever?
And what are people doing off combos with sMP since that's more viable now? It's still better as a neutral tool and I tried doing things off it early just because I could (including that dumb double Sekhmet reset thing) but are there any universal restand routes off this launcher? Or rejump juggle into restands?

As far as c.MP goes, I find that using that move instead of c.MK(2) early on in chains usually results in more optimized damage scaling. I'm sure that's why people are prioritizing that move early on.

When it comes to s.MP, I think that one of the more interesting traits of the move is the fact that it reliably hits on both sides of Eliza. For example, it can pick up an assist on either side after killing the opponents point character regardless of which way you're facing. You can do things like s.MP > j.hp xx air dash > j.hp on restand for a little extra damage after killing the point character and picking up their assist if you're facing the wrong way midscreen. It's also useful for some resets and neutral game of course.
6.8k meterless corner only. Not tested on heavy weights.
c.lk > c.mk > c.hp > xx qcf.mk
c.hk > xx dp.hp
j.mp > j.hp > xx ADC > j.lk > j.mp
s.lp > s.lp > s.lp > s.mk > s.mk > xx qcb.lk
s.lk > s.mk > s.mk > s.hp > s.hp > s.hp > xx qcb.hk

Does 8k with lvl1 ender, but requires a skip on the last s.hp before the H Osiris Spiral.
also, here are some chain ideas i think might be useful for lights/heavies. @Fedora_Ninja @mpgame99 @Tomo009 @TheGamaniac

unless I'm mistaken, Eliza's safe block strings all end in c.mp or light twirl, right?
actually i think light twirl on block is -1 or -7/-8....i cant remember...but blockstring-wise eliza is bad-news bears :(
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well, I've yet to be punished for ending a blockstring in light twirl, but that could just be because folks are bad

EDIT: Also, for noaa, I've got a meterless corner that's universal and does about 7.1

I probably won't be able to make a video till tomorrow, but here it is

c.lk, c.mk x2, s.hp x3 xx mk servant
c.mk x2 (not OTG), s.hp x3
c.mp x2 (this is your OTG) xx dp x3
j.mp ADC j.lk, j.mp
s.lp x3 (you'll have to stutter to get the restand), s.mk x a bunch (if you screw up the restand), skip the last hit, s.hk x2 xx lk twirl
s.lk, s mk x a bunch, s.hp x3 xx hk spiral

If you want to spend meter, end with a medium spiral and it'll do something like 8.6 or 8.7, I forget exactly how much
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c.lk, c.mp, s.hkx2, H dp,*
j.hk adc j.hk,
M air sekhmet s.hp,
call sekhmet,
s.mp, M summon,
s.lk, s.mkx2, s.hpx3, L twirl,
s.lpx3, s.mkx2, s.hpx3, H twirl, super

9324, uses the otg on heavies.

* either |c.lk, s.mp, s.hkx2, H dp,| or |c.lk, c.mp, s.hpx3, H dp,| on Big band
How bout them corner combos :p nice one tho caio

Anyways...I'm thinking in the corner maybe it'd be better to end with c.hp > air super or DP > air super (if doing it from dp is possible).

It'd have MUCCHHHHH BETTER oki & neutral. Having to get back to the anchor is gonna be super awkward lol
Having to get back to the anchor is optional since you still get a 50/50 with sekhmet. Though if you want you could easily mitigate the recovery of going back with an assist like cerecopter.
Having to get back to the anchor is optional since you still get a 50/50 with sekhmet. Though if you want you could easily mitigate the recovery of going back with an assist like cerecopter.
I really don't think that's worth wasting .30+ Meter though...and what do you mean 50/50...all you have to do is block high against sekhmet....not too hard really...

I'm gonna make a version with the air super and see how much damage that does later

P.S. Is tiger knee divekick summon actually possible? Cuz I'm thinking for my combo maybe tiger kneeing & doing M sekhmet right after in order to work on heavies.
You can TK the dive kick summon from the hp dp, just think of playing C.Viper where you do thunder upper cancel into burning kick only with out the extra input to cancel the moves. Just have to jump super duper quick and do qcf mk at the same time and blam! :3
it shouldn't be that weird...after all you can do a jump into any special move or super... if you kinda flup up bella's 360 you can see her do a super jump (the dust cloud) before the super flash happens. :3
about TKs, what happens is that the DP can be jump cancelled, when you do DP > TK summon (or any special) you are using that jump cancel but doing the input for the special before the jump, so you get the special instead of the jump.

changing my combo a bit with it:

c.lk, c.mp, s.hkx2, H dp,
j.hk adc j.hk,
M air sekhmet s.hp,
call sekhmet,
c.hk otg, TK LMH dp, M summon,
s.lk, s.mkx2, L twirl,
s.lpx3, s.mkx2, s.hpx3, H twirl, super

probably does more damage than before, I'll go check

edit: does 9580
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couldn't someone pbgc the first hit and punish light twirl

Good luck pbgc punishing something that hits only twice, is -2 on block, -8 on successful pushblock of first hit, and +8 on pushblocked 2nd hit.

A REAL Universal meter neutral .5 meter gain Combo that comfortably breaks 7.1k for BigBand/Double & 7.3k for everyone else. No wallbounce...works any and everywhere & best part is there's only ONE command normal change for bb/double/bella! Shake n bake!

sorry for the ads if you see any - music licenses suck

Easier No Jump Version at 6.9k

  • Big Band/Double: Use c.mk instead of c.mp - turns out it pops them in the air duh lol
  • Bella: Use c.lk after the L Twirl instead of s.lk
  • Everyone else: Do the version I did on squigs :D Easy!
Execution Tips
  • You wanna do the Divekick summon immediately
  • You jump and do the j.M Sekhmet summon (butchers blade) IMMEDIATELY. Timing is much more lenient for lights, so it's whatever, but for parasol/bella it's tighter, and for double/BB...you better be on it. Not as hard as 1 frame links or anything, but still requires a bit of practice for heavies.
  • Recall sekhmet QUICKLY as though you were cancelling like painwheel/squigs.
  • Do sekhmets s.hp followup at the peak of the opponent's groundbounce so it bounces them the highest it can to give you time to recall & c.hk
  • get as cloooseee as you can to do c.hk. It makes the following j.mp chain MUCH easier.
  • Delay the H part in the DP after the c.hk. It helps them stay close
  • delay each move in the j.mp chain
Extra Note
  • if you're close to the corner near the end, then either end with L Twirl, or finish the rekka's and do DP, orrrrr end with c.hp > air super for some good oki.
  • If you're AT the corner on the last chain, then do s.mk~mk, s.hp(3), L Twirl for a but more damage and confusion for the opponent. Great reset high/low/throw setup
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A REAL Universal meter neutral .5 meter gain Combo that comfortably breaks 7.1k for BigBand/Double & 7.3k for everyone else. No wallbounce...works any and everywhere & best part is there's only ONE command normal change for bb/double/bella! Shake n bake!

sorry for the ads if you see any - music licenses suck

  • Big Band/Double: Use c.mk instead of c.mp - turns out it pops them in the air duh lol
  • Bella: Use c.lk after the L Twirl instead of s.lk
  • Everyone else: Do the version I did on squigs :D Easy!
Execution Tips
  • You wanna do the Divekick summon immediately
  • You jump and do the j.M Sekhmet summon (butchers blade) IMMEDIATELY. Timing is much more lenient for lights, so it's whatever, but for parasol/bella it's tighter, and for double/BB...you better be on it. Not as hard as 1 frame links or anything, but still requires a bit of practice for heavies.
  • Recall sekhmet QUICKLY as though you were cancelling like painwheel/squigs.
  • Do sekhmets s.hp followup at the peak of the opponent's groundbounce so it bounces them the highest it can to give you time to recall & c.hk
  • get as cloooseee as you can to do c.hk. It makes the following j.mp chain MUCH easier.
  • delay each move in the j.mp chain
Extra Note
  • if you're at the corner near the end, then either end with L Twirl, or finish the rekka's and do DP, orrrrr end with c.hp > air super for some good oki.
Combo is gold like always but song name?

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but is the notation this?

c.LK c.MP c.HP(2) qcf+MK
iad qcb+MP~(cancel on hit)
c.HK dp+MP~HP
j.MP dash cancel j.LK j.MP land
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP dp.HK
you shouldn't need to IAD, just jump and qcb MP.

Also, you need to do a HP with sekhmet after the air MP
After the HP and recall, you need to dash forward before doing the sweep or you won't be close enough for the j.MP to connect
c.LK c.MP c.HP(2) qcf+MK
jump qcb+MP~HP(cancel on hit)
dash in c.HK dp+MP~HP
j.MP dash cancel j.LK j.MP land
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP qcb.HK

Better? I needed it written down so I can slam it into my head repeatedly in training mode for a few hours.
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@SoulBlueFlash My bad lol I should have this drill down by now! DJ Shadow - 6 days p.S. You don't have to quote the entire post loll, just @mention my name lol kinda takes up space

@Leona hmmm I never thought of doing an IAD...you definitely don't have to & I wasn't doing one but just eyeing it since a weird tiger'a knew motion was too much for me. But I'm guessing if you don't get your fingers tied up & use the PP IAD, it might make the nice more consistent...I'll try it out later.

Also idk what "Dp.hk" stands for at the end but if it's quarter circle back HK (H Twirl), then you're definitely right.
Ok sorry, these are pretty much the old combos, but bear with me for a bit here.

Midscreen - 7.8 - 8k

2LK 2MP 5HP HP xx 623MP HP
j.HP xx 214HP
[6] HP xx 214X
dash 2HK xx 623(LP MP) HP
j.MP xx 66
j.LK j.MP
2MK xx 214LK
5LP LP LP 2MK 5HP HP xx 623MP HP

Corner - 8388
2LK 2MP 5HP HP HP xx 623MP HP
j.HK xx 66
j.HP j.HK
5HK HK xx 623LP MP HP xx 2367MK
2MK 5HP HP HP xx 214LK

j.236KK seems nuts now that I'm finally messing with it, I really love this thing thanks Mike.

Hold up after doing the super, press MK while falling. MEATY yay

You can do safe jumps with this, dunno if the tech has been posted or not, it doesn't beat quite everything but it is pretty damn great.

What makes this really awesome? Well you plenty more options than just a meaty safe jump

you could >

Sekhmet axe in the air - delayed overhead if they think you will land low but the real beauty is that it will beat reversals and supers, even the ones that would beat the safe jump.
Land low/throw
air dash j.HP crossup
Do the safe jump which has its own myriad of beautiful nuances to it, can't be pushblocked and causes its own mixups whether they pushblock or not.

Whatever else your evil heart desires. It's one of the more solid Oki setups in the game I think and I plan to start running it in game a lot to really test how it will work out in the heat of it.
having trouble with Eliza some of the air combos that i do i cant finish because the opposing character falls to the ground before i even get the second hit in

for example when i try to do c.hk -> j.mp ->j.hk->j.mp -> j.hk i jump into the air i land j.mp and then the character falls i tried to dash forward,came up with the same results. is it a change in eliza why i cant do that or did i do something wrong
having trouble with Eliza some of the air combos that i do i cant finish because the opposing character falls to the ground before i even get the second hit in

for example when i try to do c.hk -> j.mp ->j.hk->j.mp -> j.hk i jump into the air i land j.mp and then the character falls i tried to dash forward,came up with the same results. is it a change in eliza why i cant do that or did i do something wrong

Who are you trying to do it on? I think its harder to do on heavier characters (or it may not work).
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