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USA Evo 2016?

EVO is still worth it if you play literally any of the main games imo. I know that other regular attendees can vouch for this as well.

If my main game was blazblue and I went to EVO2014 it would not have been worth it.
Like I mentioned earlier, I had a blast last year. This year, I would be entering 4 different things in the main lineup.

I still don't think it's worth my time and money to go.
it being left out pretty much caused its scene to wither in favor of the potential for Evo money in P4AU, which was quickly dropped thereafter, hurting both games' scenes in the long run

This has been something that's driven me nuts about alot of people in the UNIEL community. If they spent all that time parading UNIEL as the best thing around (that said, it WAS one of the best things around), if they liked the game that much, why jump ship as soon as it gets shafted from EVO? Why not play it if they like it? All those people who fled the game have in effect ceded to Mr. Wizard the power to decide which games they are or aren't allowed to play in the FGC.

Nobody, but nobody, no matter how influential in the FGC, should have the power to decide what other people can or can't play. Especially not Mr. Wizard.
This has been something that's driven me nuts about alot of people in the UNIEL community. If they spent all that time parading UNIEL as the best thing around (that said, it WAS one of the best things around), if they liked the game that much, why jump ship as soon as it gets shafted from EVO? Why not play it if they like it? All those people who fled the game have in effect ceded to Mr. Wizard the power to decide which games they are or aren't allowed to play in the FGC.

Nobody, but nobody, no matter how influential in the FGC, should have the power to decide what other people can or can't play. Especially not Mr. Wizard.

I think a big part of it isn't that everyone jumped ship as soon as it got shafted, but that people slowly drifted away and the game wasn't bringing new people IN. Every fighting game (skullgirls is no exception) has people that for some reason or another will stop playing the game over its lifespan, the thing that keeps games alive is exposure to bring in NEW players. A "casual" fighting game fan will know what street fighter, mortal kombat, even guilty gear (now with the surge in popularity Xrd has brought to the franchise) are, but a lot of people who play fighting games will never have heard of uniel. Its not JUST because of the game not being featured at evo, but an overall lack of..."advertisement" for lack of a better term. Skullgirls was in the same situation in 2014? or so, enough after the charity drive that the overall FGC hype around Skullgirls had died down, but the community put in a concentrated effort to put ourselves forward at events and now people are more familiar with the game and the community is growing. Not enough to warrant us being an EVO main stage game I still maintain, but we are growing. Uniel players never really put in that effort (but part of it might be that a lot of fighting games end up being supported by JP scenes, and while SG certainly has a JP scene they haven't interacted much with the US scene until recently)
Wasn't the whole reason SG didn't get in at first was because they said no incomplete games?

Then Injustice, Tekken 7, Pokken, and several other games that are going to BARELY be out before Evo get announced throughout the years after that?

Let's face it
Mr Wizard hates Skullgirls.
It's really that simple
The thing is, evos in my backyard, but the only main game I play is Killer Instinct and I am terrible at it. I feel in the long run, It won't be that worth it for me since Skullgirls is the game I play the most.
I'd CERTAINLY go to EVO if it was a short drive away. You kidding me? It just becomes hard to justify a round trip flight and a hotel room (that's usually more expensive than other majors) if Skullgirls is your main game when driving isn't an option and you only have so much money/time off to throw at majors every year.
100% agree with this, like if you don't play a main game yeah its not worth going out but if its like a 20 minute drive fuck it get a spectator pass hang out with SGC and make fun of the ultra players
That's not a bad idea. Considering I probably can't spam Spiral Arrow and Cannon Spike to EVO glory, it's probably the option I'd take.
...Can we make hurtful banners?
Obviously I'm going cause I have to.

I think the question should turn into "Who is running the tournament" rather than "Should there be a side tournament". Even though it will probably be much smaller than previous years since the true SG fans are going to tourneys where SG is a main game (CB), there should still be enough people going to make a small side tournament enter. I would go crazy being stuck in my booth and not have SG across from me for me to watch during down time. I need SG near my booth (or AT my booth ^_^)
Although I'm interested in Pokken, I'm still unsure about going out for it. The only thing that would solidify my going is if TFH is in the indie showcase or whatever it is.
I chime in here, only because I be going this year. I want to see what the esports version of Evo will look like this year. Also if your going, I be down to play some SG.
Pokken is still hype; its just a pain to set up locally and for tourneys unless you are an already established and sponsored event.

Matches are still pretty fun to watch, and new DLC is on the way as well. Don't think its dead just yet!
So it seems there is enough sg players going to be at evo this year, and i think we should have a side tourny. I think at thuis point its too late to ask animeEVO to add it to the line up, but we can at least set something up.
I think the question should turn into "Who is running the tournament" rather than "Should there be a side tournament".
so does anyone know if this has been answered?
If there's no side tournament this year, I'll declare myself the winner of Skullgirls Evo 2016.

Would that be the first ever solo Painwheel win?
Legit only reason I wanna watch is to see if Kombat Pack 3 is a reality.
Will that be shown at the MK X Finals or...who knows.
Bc MK X being at 11 in the morning is some salty harshbrowns
So...my room mates for evo dropped out but still going to pay for thier share so...now i have the room all to myself. I am tempted to make my room all things SG and if possible stream and or record as well.
I unfortunately cannot go, but if there is a late night SG room or something, hit me up. I'll stop by the hotel for a visit.

I gotta work evo weekend so I can't travel to the LVCC :C
Okay so after thinking about it, I still go through and set up my room for SG. I be in vegas friday, and set things up for the weekend. If it doesn't happen on friday night, saturday for sure. I update you guys on my twitter. You can follow me on twitter @Defectivenaruto
I also try to see if I can set up a stream up for the weekend (somehow I am turning into art aaaAAAAaaaa) and if the internet is crappy I local record. planning to reformat my laptop and test it out later tonight if I am able to run sg off of it
So, like. When do they usually show announcements?
Before it starts, after certain events, or what?
Depends on the size of the announcement. If it's big enough, expect it to come towards the beginning of top 8, if not the end of grand finals.
Any details on an SG room? I'm here in Vegas for the weekend as well.

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