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Filia Partners?


Who sticks out as pairing up well with Filia? Any assists that really stand out? Sad as it is, I think I may need to cut Fortune.
Peacock is great with her. Double and Bella are nice assists for a point Filia. Squigly is pretty cool too, the c.hp assist is gross with filia's overhead pressure.
Painwheel because they're friends.
I run team filia/bella (updo L/cerecopter)
cerecopter is a cool lock-down, you can use it everytime you hit cMK on block, it gives you a free cross-up
so far it's working well
Bella with HP lock n load makes a great offensive team. One of the bets duos in the game imo.
Bella with HP lock n load makes a great offensive team. One of the bets duos in the game imo.
try filia/ fukua M shadow.

You ain't blocking forever that's for damn sure.
I have a question along this vein. I've somehow managed to avoid actually learning Skullgirls at all for the past six months, but I'm getting into it now and I want a third team member. I run Fukua/Big Band right now (usually M. Shadow and H. Knuckles assists), and I was wondering how they would synergize with Filia. Would this trio work well? Also, what assists should I use? M. Shadow/Updo/H. Knuckles? H. Dart/M. Hairball/L. Beat Extend?
I think it really depends on how you play filia. I play filia super rushdown (badly but never the less........) so I find that fukua H drill is really effective at locking your opponent down and can be used as a vortex setup with IADs and j.mp (fast fall from IAD). And Speakeasy I dont know if filia is your best choice for your team (but I'm probably the worst person to make suggestions -_-). I would suggest Parasol instead of Filia based on your current assist set up (but thats just my opinion)
if you pick up filia then


fukua(m shadow or h drill)

band(beat extend NOTHING ELSE)
filia(updo or hairball)
I think it really depends on how you play filia. I play filia super rushdown (badly but never the less........) so I find that fukua H drill is really effective at locking your opponent down and can be used as a vortex setup with IADs and j.mp (fast fall from IAD). And Speakeasy I dont know if filia is your best choice for your team (but I'm probably the worst person to make suggestions -_-). I would suggest Parasol instead of Filia based on your current assist set up (but thats just my opinion)
My current playstyle is that kind of scrubby super annoying "use Knuckles to plow through the screen while throwing out darts and shadows to keep you on your toes while working my way in" variety. I want to get away from that, but I still like the core idea. I just want to not be a scumbag with it.

I think Filia might fit well because then I'll have someone to make you regret letting me in on you with. Not that Fukua and Big Band necessarily can't do that, bit there's a marked difference between them and Filia IMO. I am also super bad at this game so I'm probably just 100% wrong buuuuut....
Painwheel and Squigly works for me. I'd recommend pinion dash for Painwheel and c.mp for squigly, plus they all friends, what could go wrong with that!
try filia/ fukua M shadow.

You ain't blocking forever that's for damn sure.

How would you convert M. Shadow into a combo? :o I'm playing that in my team and I wasn't sure the best way to convert