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Gaming General Discusison


Well-Known Member
I thought we already had this, but here's a thread for any interesting stuff that probably isn't worthy of its own thread.

To start things off, how about this easily-moddable PC from Razer? I'm not really a fan of their products, but the idea of not having to open your case to change stuff is interesting.
What was hard about modding a PC in the first place? All you do is take out some screws and replace the part, maybe even hook up some wires. It's an interesting idea, but it's going to be super expensive. Razer is just trying to limit the choices you have by controlling the supply for their machine, you're getting a 'wow so easy to replace!' gimmick at the expense of your wallet and selection.
Hey, I think that's pretty cool! I like that a company is literally willing to think outside the box. I agree that it's not worth the expense right now, but hopefully it will get people thinking. I'd love it if car repairs were that simple.

I definitely support PC these days, but I do feel that people sometimes exaggerate how "easy" it is to build your own. Doing an oil change is "easy," weaving a basket is "easy," baking your own pizza is "easy"...but that doesn't mean everyone has the patience to do this stuff, or even do it correctly on their first few attempts. When that first attempt could cost $500+, I can understand a little hesitancy.
Why would baking a pizza cost $500?

Also yeah, it'd be horribly expensive and have a very limited selection, and probably not something I'd be interested in even if it wasn't. But I could see this kind of thing being really useful to the type of gamer who knows nothing about hardware at all.
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I'm kinda interested in that modular PC, but it's likely going to be ridiculously expensive (like most Razer stuff), and I heard that Thermaltake has already done something similar (not really, but the thought that counts):

WARNING: Giant photos inbound.


I was going to make a thread about "gaming achievements/goals". Is that a good idea or is this thread enough for that sort of thing?
You can make a thread for that if you want, this was more just for random articles/news/whatever that probably won't get more than a couple of replies.
Yeah, that's definitely bogus. It does make me wonder what the Star Fox fangame scene is like nowadays though. I haven't followed any projects since Shadows of Lylat dried up, so I gotta imagine something else has been started since then.

On that note, it's cool that AM2R is still being worked on. If Nintendo ever decided to completely abandon Metroid, I think the fan community would hold that series up pretty well.
Maybe not deserving of its own thread, but has anyone watched Lowtax's lets play videos? Basically he's the founder of Something Awful and he and his friend Shmorky play AWFUL Game Maker/Unity games floating around on the internet while riffing on them. The games themselves are often a sight to behold.

Maybe not deserving of its own thread, but has anyone watched Lowtax's lets play videos? Basically he's the founder of Something Awful and he and his friend Shmorky play AWFUL Game Maker/Unity games floating around on the internet while riffing on them. The games themselves are often a sight to behold.

Those are pretty funny, but the voice of one of the guys really annoys me.

Speaking of things that annoy me, the unnecessary layouts and html5 nonsense in Polygon articles really puts me off, which is a pity because some of the reporting is actually decent.
Speaking of things that annoy me, the unnecessary layouts and html5 nonsense in Polygon articles really puts me off, which is a pity because some of the reporting is actually decent.
Just don't read their reviews heh.
Apparently, a movie based on the Sly Cooper series has been announced. The only problem I have with it right now?

It looks like THIS:


Here's a picture of game artwork for comparison:

Yeah, why is Sly wearing pants?
It looks so weird.

Also, in other gaming related news.
Due to Hyrule Warriors, I was considering getting into the Warriors games in general once I crack down and beat a few more games.
Any recommendations? I was looking at Dynasty Warriors 7 & 8, Samurai Warriors 4 (whenever that comes out), Both Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage games, and of course Pirate Warriors.
Any stinkers in there I should avoid or are they all good?
Dynasty Warriors 8 is pretty good and I enjoyed it, but I don't know as much about 7. According to people in the Warriors Series community on NeoGAF 7 has a longer story mode, but 8 has fewer battles that overlap between story modes (i.e in 7 all the original 3 kingdoms start out with the same battle where as in 8 they all start at different points). Also in 7 there are characters with cloned movesets where as in 8 all characters have unique weapons. You might also want to wait on DW8 as they may be releasing the DW8 Xtreme Legends expansion in the west in a few months so the price might go down or you could pick up both DW8 and the expansion in one bundle. As for samurai warriors I haven't played an entry in the series since the first one so I have no real opinion on the more recent entries and 4 is supposedly due sometime this summer. The only one I would avoid is DW6 as the combat was simplifed to the point that peoples argument that all you do is press one button was true.
Yeah, I've heard to avoid 6. That's why I didn't list it.
And I have heard that the bundled version of 8 is coming, so I was planning to wait for that.
Especially since 7 is around $20 at the moment.
I only mentioned Samurai Warriors 4 since that's upcoming, and I thought it'd be interesting to see how straight and serious it is compared to Sengoku Basara.
Not sure if I hate movie Sly, but I guess a part of me just wishes the movie was being hand drawn. So many great cartoonists have worked on the Sly series that I'd love to see their styles put into motion without all of the 3D shenanigans.

I was considering getting into the Warriors games...Any recommendations?
My first "Warriors" style game was Mystic Heroes on the Cube, and I remember that being pretty fun.

Good luck grinding through the genre though. Honestly, I'm not sure if I could stand more than a couple of those games without having some friends to play with me. I think the battles feel way more exciting when you're back to back with a buddy.
Good luck grinding through the genre though. Honestly, I'm not sure if I could stand more than a couple of those games without having some friends to play with me. I think the battles feel way more exciting when you're back to back with a buddy.
My plan was to play one at a time, play some other games, then move onto the next one.
I can just tell if I play them back to back to back I'll get burned the fuck out.
Any recommendations? I was looking at Dynasty Warriors 7 & 8, Samurai Warriors 4 (whenever that comes out), Both Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage games, and of course Pirate Warriors.
Any stinkers in there I should avoid or are they all good?
I haven't played any of KOEI's offerings but normally the licensed titles (Hokuto and OP) are more polished and offer more diverse cast of characters. As for the mains series, the sequel disparity is telling of which one KOEI puts more time. But you know me, I'll simply say Basara blows all of them out of the water but sadly it's all in moon runes.
Nonetheless, we both know this is what you need in your life:

You probably can't tell because of unfamiliarity with the series but there's a LOT of just frame inputing going on in these videos. In Hideyoshi's grab links and Nagamasa's quick charges. This to say that, while the games aren't hard, the gameplay has evolved to "almost Bayonetta". You can get away with mashing but will miss out on the whole point of the game. This English YTer goes through many characters and meticulously explains the intricacies.
Also, why get Hokuto Musou when Hideyoshi is basically Raoh with awesome sideburns?

EDIT: did I mention Basara has AMAZING music? I've been looping this darn tune for Jubileus knows how long...
Yes yes I know all about Sengoku Basara.
I'm considering it definitely.
We talked about how awesome it is in the thread you mdae about how cool it is.

Though I do kind of see what you mean about the Licensed games being more polished.
I mean shit, every character in Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage has their own story (To a degree)
I didn't make the Basara topic. I did overtook it, yes. :3
Besides, not a word has been said about SB4 after it's release. Hideyoshi and Nagamasa there are new to the upgraded system (but returning veterans from SB2).

Hokuto Musou is a bit weird. I've followed a lot of discussions since I'm a fan of the original manga and some argue that adding more characters was the only thing 2 got right as it removed some cancel-based options.
Still, I'm aware of it and hope #4 comes out in the US (unlikely I know)
Either way, does look very good.

Huh? That's strange, I have heard that Hokuto Musou #2 is faster and much more Warriors-y than the others, added like 14 new characters, yeah, but not sure about everything else.
I know some things about HnK But all I know is I wanna play as Jagi
After the way Capcom handled releasing SB3 in the US and then writing it off as a failure it definitely seems unlikely that you'll get it out west without importing. As per how SW handles its material yeah for the most part it tries to be more serious but some characters I think do tend to be hammy. In all Warriors fans have said that from trailers its looking like Koei is taking some elements from DW8 and putting them into SW4.
After the way Capcom handled releasing SB3 in the US and then writing it off as a failure it definitely seems unlikely that you'll get it out west without importing. As per how SW handles its material yeah for the most part it tries to be more serious but some characters I think do tend to be hammy. In all Warriors fans have said that from trailers its looking like Koei is taking some elements from DW8 and putting them into SW4.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm hearing about SW4
It's weird we get the straight /serious one but not the bombastic over the top one.
There's petitions flying around but it's unsure if Capcom will listen
My worry is that even if it worked and they localized it they wouldn't they give it a good marketing push again and only the hardcore fanbase would be aware of it. I will say that after the SB series got some traction I started to see DW characters get more hammy and some attacks get more flashy so it might be one day Koei just says screw it and finally lets loose.
I will say that after the SB series got some traction I started to see DW characters get more hammy and some attacks get more flashy so it might be one day Koei just says screw it and finally lets loose.
"One day"? Most of the new characters in SM4 are magic users and now you got people wearing glasses and pink afros. Oh wait! When KOEI does it, it's "realistic". :3
Honest opinion: both games are shock full of bs and both games have comedy and dramatic story telling. People who think Basara is all nekketsu shouting matches, should watch Oichi's story in SB2H - Part 1 Part 2

To be fair, it is kinda hard to market it.
It is with Capcom's method of marketing Samurai Heroes - put the game in the shelves without saying a word about it and then whine if it didn't sell 5 million copies. Really, how hard is it to sell a game where you can wreck whole armies with a guy using 6 swords at the same time, a guy with a sword, shotgun AND demon Stand or a giant robot samurai with a drill spear?
SB4 had TONS of trailers and streaming sessions with the voice actors playing the game. That's all they had to do. Focus on the anime niche crowd. Hell! Release it digitally with subtitles only and cut a lot of costs.
Ah, well, I see. Both sound fun, I'll try to check out both of the 4quels at some point.
Samurai Heroes 4 is a definite though. I mean, that's gotta be good, right?
It's got the Hypothetical/ Historical thing Dynasty Warriors 8 had
This is the newest SM4 trailer.

Personally, I'm a bit of weary of KOEI's reluctance to show any gameplay besides short clips showcases. I'm not making the comparison out of spite or fandom wars but SB4 had tons of trailers explaining the gameplay changes in full detail. There's still time so I hope KOEI gets to that.
Sengoku Musou is my favorite of KOEI's titles (partly because I'm a Sengoku Jidai enthusiast) so I do sincerely hope it's a good game.
When did I ever say it was "realistic" I just meant they usually keep the story material more serious. Yeah both series have some character designs that make me do a double take and go wtf, but I'll never defend Koei on that point and say that their designs or weapons are realistic. All I was pointing out was that once SB started to get really big koei started to change some of their stuff to be more wacky and anachronistic than they had been in previous games, so no doubt they see SB as real competition and may try to be crazier with each new iteration.
When did I ever say it was "realistic" I just meant they usually keep the story material more serious. Yeah both series have some character designs that make me do a double take and go wtf, but I'll never defend Koei on that point and say that their designs or weapons are realistic. All I was pointing out was that once SB started to get really big koei started to change some of their stuff to be more wacky and anachronistic than they had been in previous games, so no doubt they see SB as real competition and may try to be crazier with each new iteration.
The second they have a mind controlling fat preacher I'm calling shenanigans.
Was Xavi even based on anyone real?

But I digress, Samurai Warriors 4 does look good, would I need to have played any previous games to get into it, though?
When did I ever say it was "realistic" I just meant they usually keep the story material more serious.
I never said you did. However, it is the most common argument whenever someone wants to disregard Basara in favor of Musou. As I said in other pastures, I hold no judgment to those who prefer KOEI's version of the Warring States but a argument that flimsy always elicits some eyebrow raising from me.
If anything, I'm getting some twisted pleasure from SM4's development. Basara haters always bring up how Musou doesn't have any outlandish stuff or random name characters and SM4 brings pink afros and pointless names like Hayakawa-dono and Koshosho.

As for the competition, I don't think KOEI needs to worry. The games themselves, I'm sure Musou does better, even inside Japan. Basara mostly rakes the green in the merchandise area. In fact, the first week numbers for SB4 just came out - it's about 170,000 (pretty paltry, no?)
Bear in mind that for Capcom, this is a low-budget side gig while for KOEI it's their livelihood (the only other stuff they make besides Musou is what? Nobunaga no Yabou?).

Was Xavi even based on anyone real?
St. Francis Xavier

Otomo Sorin was a daimyo converted by him.
Each Warriors game is a retelling of the same story, just each time they tend to add characters and they may change some gameplay elementsor characterizations depending on the installment. I haven't played a SW since SW1 though so I may be the wrong person to ask. As for Xavi as far as I know he was based on Saint Francis Xavier, who came over with the spanish missionaries and had a habit of inciting his newly converted followers into destroying existing shrines and temples.
Really? Every single time? Huh, that's interesting.
While Sengoku Basara actually does move the story along a bit farther.

And I didn't know that about Xavi, interesting.
I'm ...well, not sure if I count as an Otaku, but I do find some of the stuff in Japanese History and Culture interesting, that';s why I'm more interested in Samurai Warriors and Sengoku Basara instead of Dynasty Warriors.
Though I'm certain Chinese history is just as interesting.
Well as far as I know with Basara each installment covered a different daimyos rise in the warring states, like the first covered Nobunaga's rise and fall, 2 had Hideyoshi's conquests, and 3 was about the lead up to the fall of the Toyotomi's shogunate. The SW series basically goes from the Battle of Okehazama which started Nobunaga's rise and goes all the way to the siege of Osaka where the Toyotomi fell. So basically the Basara series took its time and had fun with the material for each game, while the Warriors basically did character stories over the entire period adding or subtracting different battles depending on how they wanted to show character development. Now it seems Koei going the route they went in DW7 & 8 where instead of individual character stories its a story for each different clan i.e. Oda, Takeda, Uesugi, Date, etc.
Which is just as interesting, really.
Both of them seem like ice cream.
They have a different flavor, but no matter which one you choose, shit's delicious