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I play a bunch of people on stream: The movie: The game: The event


Anchor Peacock is the future
Hello :^)

I wanna try one of those kumites the kids keep talking about. I will be having it on Sunday, July 6th starting at noon EST. Format is FT5. Items and final smashes are NOT allowed. I'm looking to fight up to 10 people. If you're interested in battling me in the Skullgirls, post in this thread and I will add your name to the list. First come first served kind of deal. Here's the list as it stands right now:

1. Dekillsage
2. Broseidon Rex
3. The Mayor of Earth
4. Deer
5. Pikmario
6. Yaya
7. matlokholmes
8. Natezer
9. ⑨
10. zeknife

Wow! That list is full! That makes me feel kind of bad, cause now no one else can join :^(

As an added incentive, for anyone who beats me in the FT5, I will pay for your entry fee for Skullgirls at GUTS 3! That's kind of an A M A Z I N G deal!* What's GUTS 3 you might ask well heh that's a good question it's a tournament happening Sept 19-21st at Foxwoods Resort and Casino, if that sounds interesting to you, you might wanna click this link that's to the right of the colon coming up at the end of this sentence: http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/sep-19-2014-guts-3-ledyard-connecticut.3404/

Helping me out with commentary and emotional support through this whole thing will be my good pal Coolcab aka Explosion Wizard aka America's Least Wanted who you may know from the TF2 streams that I do every now and again. If you aren't familiar with Coolcab, he does not play Skullgirls or any other fighting game, doesn't know things about fighting games, and doesn't really think fighting games are fun to play or have merit and feels the same way about my company, also I smell so fucking terrible that the midwife at my birth screamed WHAT HAVE I DONE and jumped out the (12th story) window, so I'm confident he can provide the kind of high quality commentary that you're all used to from Skullgirls streams.

It says PC up there but if you really wanna play me on PS3 I can do that too although I'd prefer not to but if that's the way you roll then that's how you gotta live your life homie.

The stream url will be twitch.tv/mcpeanuts check it out if you get a chance I think it's gonna be really fun and good to watch.

* I'm only paying for your entry to Skullgirls, not your venue or any other games that you may wanna enter. Also you gotta actually go to GUTS 3 in order to take advantage of this offer. I still contest that this deal is A M A Z I N G
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Okay why the fuck do people keep doing these?


You all are legit crazy.
may i tbag ur peacock when i take it out atleast once?

don't sign me up yet i gotta check my schedule but i would like learning more on what i'm doing wrong.
Items and final smashes are NOT allowed.
So no item drops? Count me in. Every Kumite needs an opening comedy act (The Bella who thinks she can... but can't) and GOSH GOLLY am I feeling comedy-ish right now. Should this chance, I shall let you know.
So no item drops? Count me in. Every Kumite needs an opening comedy act (The Bella who thinks she can... but can't) and GOSH GOLLY am I feeling comedy-ish right now. Should this change because peanuts has a pocket fukua, I shall let you know.

In July I'll have real internet! I'd be down, but if my name is taking up a slot on the list that a better person could be using I could hop out.
So no item drops? Count me in. Every Kumite needs an opening comedy act (The Bella who thinks she can... but can't) and GOSH GOLLY am I feeling comedy-ish right now. Should this chance, I shall let you know.
Eh.....Im down
Cool added you guys in there.
In July I'll have real internet! I'd be down, but if my name is taking up a slot on the list that a better person could be using I could hop out.
Cross that bridge when we come to it. For the time being there's a lotta empty slots left.
Well how the hell am I expected to win if I can't do filia's dash dance final smash? Ah fuck it I'll fight anyway.
Dang people really do not like the final smash thing. It is just because I don't know how to play around them ;_; If only I wasn't such a Peacock playing scrub
(11:36:58 AM) coolcab: here you need to add a post from me
(11:37:02 AM) coolcab: correcting that post
(11:39:09 AM) mcpeanuts: i am not going to add that
(11:39:17 AM) coolcab: lol you haveto
(11:39:21 AM) coolcab: you can atribute it to me
(11:39:29 AM) mcpeanuts: ok
I'm down.

edit; just so we're clear, barring some sort of miracle, I'm not going to G.U.T.S., I just feel like playing video games.
I'm down.

edit; just so we're clear, barring some sort of miracle, I'm not going to G.U.T.S., I just feel like playing video games.
Yeah that's fine. Just so people realize: it's cool if you enter this if you can't go to GUTS or don't want to, I just put that in there as an incentive for people who could.
I wanna throw my name in this for shits and giggles. Besides, Y not?
Added ya in there.

Also added ⑨ to the 9th spot (cause like where the heck else would I put him).
Sign me up for this, why not
I should be able to play as long as it's not before or during skullbats EU (Which starts at 14:00 EST), so being last probably/hopefully works.
Sign me up for this, why not
I should be able to play as long as it's not before or during skullbats EU (Which starts at 14:00 EST), so being last probably/hopefully works.
Oh man Coolcab is gonna be insufferable during this match (he's from EU) but yeah I'll do it. And that makes ten, awesome!
This should be starting up in about half an hour. Over/under on people who forgot they agreed to do this: 5
I'm gonna say under, its a Sunday, ppl should be home. I think I'm gonna stay out of this one and just spectate.
It's over! Thanks to people who showed up and/or participated for making this stream the stream that it was. These were the results:

2. Broseidon Rex: 5-0
4. Deer: 5-0
7. matlock holmes: 5-0
5. Pikmario: 5-1
8. Natezer: 5-0
9. ⑨: 5-2
10. zeknife: 5-0
1. Dekillsage: 2-5
6. Yaya: 4-5
3. The Mayor of Earth: no show
11. cloudking: 5-3
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