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Metal Gear Solid/Rising - The best is going to end soon

We spent over half the game on this asshole who really is a minor villain, and I can't fathom why other than the game being rushed, as evidenced by some true end stuff being cut.

Can probably blame some of this on Konami, but honestly, Kojima is not what I'd call a fantastic writer to begin with.
Kojima is not what I'd call a fantastic writer to begin with.
That's definitely part of the problem, Peace Walker is enough proof of this but the game has a lot of great build up and when you get to the climactic moments it's just nothing.

And it's really bizarre that almost all story information is presented neither in gameplay nor cutscenes, at first it seems like tapes are just explanations the player doesn't need to hear or side information, but by the end of the game everything seems like utterly nonsensical bullshit unless you've been listening to all the tapes. Skull Face is still a nothing villain, but his plan is at least less stupid when you have all the information, which is saying a lot.

I mean, some things are clearly the victim of being rushed, like half the plot having no sort of climax or even any real events because the mission involving it was cut, but you can only blame so much of the actual writing quality on Konami.
Kojima writes military FANTASY FFS.

Even tom clancy (bless his soul and legacy) made some dumb characters sometimes.

And while he's so-so in plot writing, team kojima is amazing with cutscenes and atmosphere
team kojima is amazing with cutscenes and atmosphere
Cutscenes is questionable in this game, but atmosphere, perhaps you missed my statement about amazing build up leading to nothing. Mission 20, Mission 43? God damn those were great, and I would love for that stuff to go anywhere, but it doesn't. 20 does, I guess, but not for Skull Face, in fact it makes less sense as time goes on where he is concerned.

The problem with this game is there are these pockets if good writing, or at least atmosphere and they're building up to something that is either nothing or even worse just not in the game.

This game probably has a hanful of moments that stick out it Metal Gear as being great, but as a whole it really isn't great. Hell, the game doesn't have any sort of ending, at all. I got to mission 43, and after that everything was unlocked except mission 45 because I have a Butterfly emblem, but 46 is open and that's not an ending, that's a reveal. And what's worse is it makes you sit for like 20 minites just to get to one cutscene that is just a reveal, a reveal that everyone guessed and doesn't make sense until you listen to the tapes you get after the cutscene then you get like 20 minutes or so of tapes that actually explain stuff and provide any sort of closure.

The fact there are like 6 tapes from a character who is never in the game and they are required to explain everything in this game is kind of staggering. And even then some stuff doesn't make sense.

But hey, why worry about the plot holes we're making when we can act like this was a clever way to fix a plot hole that is 25 years old that no one actually cared about.
So quiet is gamebreaking now,
and what did you guys think about
Paz being alive not really.
I never liked Paz, but the end of the last tape was good. Also if you use the tape of her humming Mother Base soldiers instantly recognize you, same for seeing you in a box.

Relevant endgame spoiler.
That whole scenario gets weirder when you think about the medic.
Don't forget the entire Moby Dick Studios Conspiracy.
As well as the fact that their "representative' was actually just all FOX Engine Graphics
Quick question, is the tweet where Kojima says this is MGSV not MGS5 real or not?


Firstly, that was a stupid argument, one where I believed it was a mask and was proven correct. And nobody was fooled by the Moby Dick thing, it was just silly, and there was nothing wrong with that other than it would have been nice if it wasn't so obvious from the word go, if you'd been following KojiPro, the moment that trailer started you recognized that it was the Fox engine, and what other purpose would there have been for hiding the main characters face? Then the letter cut outs, Moby Dick having not been established before, it wasn't done well, but Koji got his fun I imagine.

For the record, I'm going to say, everything the last several months has been fucking weird, and now having played through the entirety of MGSV, things only seem weirder and it feels like something is off.

The ingsoc thing? Yeah, I mean, that would have to have a lot of coincidences, though there is nothing to say it's not someone else perpetrating this. And I want to believe as much as anyone that everything is going to be okay. I want ZoE 3, a Koji/Del Toro horror game to exist and Metal Gear Solid V to be a complete game as much as anyone could, I just don't think that it can happen, at least as things stand, for a very obvious reason.

Because I honestly feel that there is absolutely NO way that Konami would sign off on a plan that involves there company's name to be dragged through the mud this hard.

Kojima showed us his name being erased before it happened, everything with PT has been pretty bizarre and a lot of things about MGSV are very bizarre, but how could anyone possibly believe that they would destroy their own brand image for a publicity stunt? Especially a publicity stunt like this where the people who love you will probably feel very upset by the fact you tricked them in this way.

Be honest if Kojima comes out and says "fooled you", yeah, you'll probably be excited for a new game or MGSV getting fixed, but are you really going to be okay with that?
Doing rounds of the internet, just looking up the conspiracy theory stuff, found something I think some people who are past mission 31 will find amusing.
Every WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!? down in Whoville liked English a lot
But the Skull Face who lived just North of Whoville did not!

The Skull Face hated English! The whole language treason!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.

It could be, perhaps, that his mask was too tight.
It could be his hat wasn't set on just right.

But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his Sahelanthropus was two sizes too small.

But, whatever the reason, his Mech or his shoes,
He stood there cursing English and hating the WHOOOOOOOOO?!'s,

Staring down from his chopper with a sour, grimy frown
At the warm lighted windows below in their town,

For he knew every WHOOOOOOOO?! down in Whoville beneath
Was busy now chatting away an english speech.

"Sahelanthropus is nearly complete," he snarled with a sneer.
"The death of all English! It's practically here!"

Then he growled, with his skeleton fingers nervously dreading,
"I must find some way to keep English from spreading!

For, tomorrow, I know all the WHOOOOOOOOOOO?! girls and boys
Will wake in (The devils house). They'll speak with such joys!

And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!
There's one thing I hate! All the NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!

They'll scream bits of russian, latin and bohemian squeals, racing 'round on their heels.
They'll continue on with Kikongo, Dine, Navajo and Nicaraguan speils
They'll blather on about irrelevant things like their homes, families and friend
They'll whine about wanting to go home, wanting to see the sun, when will the war end?
And then they'll make grim ear-splitting noises you see
As they're gunned down and hunted, screaming in their misery.

Sans Lingua Franca.

And then they'll do something I hate most of all!
Every WHOOOOOOOOOO?! down in Whoville, the tall and the small,

They'll stand close together, with sirens ringing.
They'll stand hand-in-hand, and those WHOOOOOOOOOOO?!'s will start singing!"




"And they'll sing! And they'll sing! And they'd SING! SING! SING! SING!"
And the more the Skull face thought of this WHOOOOOOOOOOO?! language Sing,
The more the Skull face thought, "I must stop this whole thing!

Why for forty-nine years I've put up with it now!
I must stop keep English from spreading! But how?"

Then he got an idea! An awful idea!
The Skull face got a wonderful, awful idea!

"I know just what to do!" The Skull face laughed with a gloat.
"I'll make a parasite that will destroy English from the very person's throat!."

"All I need is a sample." The Skull face looked around.
But since parasites are scarce, there was none to be found.

Did that stop the Skull face? Hah! He simply said,
"If I can't find a Sample, I'll make one instead!"

So he visited the old man, and he took some gold bells.
And he pursuaded the man, every chime a death knell.

Then he loaded some bags and his sample in a glass can
On a ramshackle jeep and he whistled for the man.

Then the Skull face said "Hop in!" and the car started down
Toward the place where the WHOOOOOOOO's lay a-snooze in their town.

All their windows were dark. No one knew he was there.
All the WHOOOOOOOOOOO's were all dreaming sweet dreams without care
When he came to the first little block of the square.

"This is stop number one," the old Skeleton man hissed,
As he climbed to the roof, parasites brimming in his fist.

Then he slid down the chimney, a rather tight place.
But if parasites could do it, then so could the face.

He got stuck only once, for a minute or two.
Then he stuck his head out of the fireplace flue

Where the little WHOOOOOOOOOOlings lay all in a row.
"The french language," he scoffed, "is the first thing to go!"

Then he slithered and slunk, with a smile most unpleasent,
Around the whole room, and he took everyones presence!
Alliterations, Exclamations, Prononciations, and Sounds!
Expositions, Propositions, Interjections, and Bounds!

Then he left the room laughing with glee.
"Now," grinned the Skull Face, "Second Kikongo will be!"

As the Skull face reached for the strand, as he started to shove,
He heard a small sound like the coo of a dove.

He turned around fast, and he saw a small WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?
Paz Andre Ortega Who, who looked more than Twenty two.

She stared at the man and said, "Skull face, why,
Why are you taking our peace? Why?"

But, you know, that old XO was so smart and so slick,
He thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick!

"Why, my sweet little schoolgirl," the fake grim reaper tisked,
"My Hate fairy sensed vengeance, your peace is at risk!"

"So I'm reporting it back to Cipher, my dear.
I'll wrap it up there, then I'll bring it back here."

It was quarter of dawn. All the WHOOOOOOOOOOOO?!'s still a-sleep,
All the WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!?'s still a-snooze, when he packed up his jeep,

Packed it up with their futures, their dreams, their ramblings,
Their laughter and their happiness, their joy and blatherings!

Ten thousand feet out, he drove through the sands,
He rode with his load, awaiting the world in silence to join hands!

"Pooh-pooh to the WHOOOOOOOOOOOO's!" he began to adore.
"They're finding out now that no language is safe anymore!

They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!
Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
Then the WHOOOOOOOOO!?'s down in Whoville will all speak a language of nukes!

That's a noise," grinned the man, "that I simply must hear!"
He paused, and the Skull Face put a hand to his ear.

And he did hear a sound rising over the ridge.
It started in low, then it started to grow.


But this sound wasn't sad!
Why, this sound sounded glad!

Every WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!? down in Whoville, the tall and the small,
Was singing without any side effects at all!

He hadn't stopped Language from spreading! It came!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!

And the Skull face, with his hands ice-cold in the snow,
Stood puzzling and puzzling. "How could it be so?

It came without fear! It came without mad!
It came without vengance, fury, or sad!"

He puzzled and puzzed till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Skull Face thought of something he hadn't before.

Maybe Nukes, he thought, don't come from a store.
Maybe Nukes, perhaps, means a little bit more!

And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say
That the Sahelanthropus stood up and grew three sizes that day!

And then the true meaning of nukes came through,
And the Skull face was crushed by the strength of ten skull faces, plus two!

"SUCH A LUST FOR REVENGE" The skull face screeched
"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?" his voice died as the weight crushed him underneath

But from atop the huge mech, only one voice did land.
A scientist who pointed to the skull Face, a gun in his hand.

Fuck Huey.
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Model swaps are of course being put to use in all of the best ways. You'd really be surprised how well all of Quiet's helicopter idol animations and her animations in general look on Ocelot. But here is some gold.
> Playing Ride of the Valkyries
> Riding D-Horse
> Go in Rambo-style, bullets coming and going from directions I didn't even know existed
> Reached target just as the music started to reach its climax
> Successful extraction, cardboard box slide to safety and the sunset as Love Deterrence starts to play
> S-rank

Stealth game...?
Stealth game...?
The game is designed so you can tackle things however you want, as long as you do them well you get a good ranking, code names and bonuses signify stealth, etc.

Example, I get Foxhound all the time for perfect stealth, no kills and have gotten several no traces bonuses which is a ton of points for perfect stealth without ever using CQC, any sort of weapon, item, buddy, support, etc.

You can look in your encyclopedia for the requirements of each code name.
I can't believe they spent so much time on Skullface when they could have focused more on Kaz's quest to make the best burger.
Quick question amid the MGSV hype: I'm going to be playing both Portable Ops and MGS4 soon, but is it a better idea to play PO right before Peace Walker because of chronological order, or before MGS4 because of release order? Basicaly I'm asking if Portable Ops flows right into Peace Walker story-wise.
Quick question amid the MGSV hype: I'm going to be playing both Portable Ops and MGS4 soon, but is it a better idea to play PO right before Peace Walker because of chronological order, or before MGS4 because of release order? Basicaly I'm asking if Portable Ops flows right into Peace Walker story-wise.

Portable Ops is actually non-canon, as nothing from the game is ever brought up again, save Kaz saying in PW that they "can finally leave all that crap in San Hieronymo behind."
I can't believe they spent so much time on Skullface when they could have focused more on Kaz's quest to make the best burger.
I can't believe they spent so much time on Skull Face when he's fucking nothing.

Quick question amid the MGSV hype: I'm going to be playing both Portable Ops and MGS4 soon, but is it a better idea to play PO right before Peace Walker because of chronological order, or before MGS4 because of release order? Basicaly I'm asking if Portable Ops flows right into Peace Walker story-wise.
Skip PO, it's non-canon other than some minor events, go from 4 to Peace Walker.
The idea right now is that the secret scene plays if all the FOBs disarm their nukes, which is NEVER going to happen, especially considering that there's already a group dedicated to building up nukes.
I find it hard to believe that anyone thought that was an obtainable goal, then again, having seen the cutscene, it's nothing, so it could totally be considered an easter egg.
Finally completed the game so now I visit this thread with no fear of spoilers. But I will keep spoilers in their boxes in case some one looking through this thread doesn't want to step on a landmine.

A.V. Club just published an interesting article that outlines the parallels between Huey and Hideo, (don't read it until you've finished MGSV!) as if Kojima was trying to express himself through the game:
It’s only the start of the parallels between the two, though: Both Emmerich and Kojima were effectively kicked out of an organization they helped build, both had to deal with the dissolution of the teams they were a part of, and both had to watch their organization head in a direction that didn’t fit their beliefs. Emmerich doesn’t support endless bloodshed, and Kojima simply doesn’t make quick and cheap games. We can even get literal with it: Hideo Kojima created the game Metal Gear while Emmerich created the giant robot called Metal Gear.

Of all the characters to associate with, why a traitor like Emmerich? MGSV changed my opinion of Huey.
Finally completed the game so now I visit this thread with no fear of spoilers. But I will keep spoilers in their boxes in case some one looking through this thread doesn't want to step on a landmine.

A.V. Club just published an interesting article that outlines the parallels between Huey and Hideo, (don't read it until you've finished MGSV!) as if Kojima was trying to express himself through the game:
Of all the characters to associate with, why a traitor like Emmerich? MGSV changed my opinion of Huey.

Metal Gear Spoilers

Does that Mean Hideo also used his son as a test subject, locked his spouse in a battery and poison konami with a deadly virus before he left? (Last one is very possible)
@BallotBoxer @Magma442
After fixing Sahelanthropus, finding out about Otacon, the fact he kept protecting Skull Face regardless of the situation, causing the outbreak and attacking you for cleaning up his mess and then the Strangelove tape I can't possibly imagine how anyone can empathize with a pathological liar who does terrible things, he changes his story every 2 seconds because what he did is wrong and he can't accept that so he needs to lie to everyone else in order to convince himself. The only thing that he might actually be innocent of was the death of MSF, I am completely willing to believe he didn't know and then co-operated once they got there.

There was certainly some commentary in these games about what happened to Kojima, remember the mission in GZ where you erase all of Kojima's games and that Konami then patched his name out of said games? So yeah, there may be some stuff there but I really can't imagine Hideo making Huey himself considering just how horrible Huey is, unless this was his Vertigo, to a far worse degree, I'm not sure about that.
I'm very glad I played MGS4 before moving onto PW and V. There is so many big reveals in that game that I feel like there's no way I could have gone into MGSV without that information.

Anyways, almost there. Then I can finally traverse the internet without being spoiled.
Right! Spoilers are everywhere, even in the trailers. I'm so glad I didn't watch the 2015 E3 trailer for MGSV:TPP. It is overflowing with spoilers now that I can look back on it after finishing the game. I don't regret seeing the Garbage "Not Your Kind of People" and Mike Oldfield "Nuclear" trailers, but they cross deep into spoiler territory too.

As per the Huey discussion with Magma and Aden:
Totally agree, Huey is a scumbag.
"I may dwell in the dark, but I refuse to be judged by your standards, traitor!" - Skull Face to Huey

Coming from a bastard like Skull Face, that means a lot.

Maybe Hideo is confessing Huey-level crimes, or... the Huey/Hideo parallels were just an excuse to show more J.F. Rey sponsored products.
WARNING! This is the Big Boss of spoilers! Turn back now...

The phantom Big Boss reveal is an interesting twist, but I wish they had more hints throughout the game. More cracks and hallucinations. More unravelling for a man whose entire life has been overwritten (glimpses of the doctor he was).

Also the reveal was kind of sloppy. My avatar was bald, had dark skin, cloudy white eyes, and a white raven forehead tattoo. Kind of a Vulcan Raven homage. Yet he wakes up in the hospital with pale skin before the plastic surgery ("look down at your missing arm"). Then good luck trying to explain how the surgery could replace all the skin on his body and fast-forward grow him a headful of hair and a beard. And how coincidental, to have the same Kiefer Sunderland voice.

Now I'm setting out to 100% the main campaign and continue to struggle in the chaotic fun of Metal Gear Online. That recent patch has turned Infiltrators into tissue paper...


with money

Cocknami went from zero to even less than my cat's poo.

Way to go to make things better.

(No offense to you jim, I'm just mad at them)
Remember to buy insurance for your fake base where your resources get stolen because you're offline with real money. And don't forget the costumes that you can't use.