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Mobile Season 1 Story Mode Discussion

If you're one of the lucky participants to get into the beta on the first wave, please discuss the Story mode here!

Until then, sit tight and keep your fingers crossed!
Man I can't believe that Juju showed up to save the day in the end.

This is clearly meant to be a joke.
Minette was talking directly to me. Game of the Year.

The writing has been great so far! Nothing has really happened as I'm only a couple of set up chapters in, but the onslaught of puns is pretty great.
Story mode is exactly what I expected. little bare bones here and there, but beta and all. its not terrible in any shape or form in fact I just finished fortunes story tomorrow I', going to tackle Peacocks and Bella's story.

still it would be weird to play fortunes story as fortune after the life gem and meet fortune before the life gem.
One tid bit of interest is that in the Ms.Fortune arc it's mentioned that she's part of the Fishbones Gang. She appears to be post-Life Gem, which is also when the rest of the gang was murdered. I guess the gang didn't die with everyone else?
One tid bit of interest is that in the Ms.Fortune arc it's mentioned that she's part of the Fishbones Gang. She appears to be post-Life Gem, which is also when the rest of the gang was murdered. I guess the gang didn't die with everyone else?

She is actually PRE Life Gem! Note her lack of scars (and pants!).

Photo Aug 19, 12 43 59 AM.png
I'm traveling with Bella...its just like that fanfic that I totally didn't write....*cough*

Also I never knew how much I wanted hatless Cerebella until now.

She is actually PRE Life Gem! Note her lack of scars (and pants!).
So much for the brown haired-Nadia fanon on the YMMV page on TV Tropes. :P

Edit: Wait, I didn't get the closed beta yet, if at all. Should I not be posting here? I'll delete this post if you want.
Wait, I didn't get the closed beta yet, if at all. Should I not be posting here? I'll delete this post if you want.

Up to you! Although THERE BE SPOILERS HERE.
Up to you! Although THERE BE SPOILERS HERE.
Alright, thanks. Maybe someone should change the thread title to add a spoiler warning?

Also, if this can be answered, how does character choice in story mode work? Are you assigned a specific character for that battle/story, or do you choose your character? If it's the latter, how do the other characters react to yours in cutscenes? Do they simply refer to your character ambiguously?
Alright, thanks. Maybe someone should change the thread title to add a spoiler warning?

Also, if this can be answered, how does character choice in story mode work? Are you assigned a specific character for that battle/story, or do you choose your character? If it's the latter, how do the other characters react to yours in cutscenes? Do they simply refer to your character ambiguously?

Here's how it is done, you get a deck of characters to use then you test your characters against a set character team in a stage. That's the jist of it.

So if I'm playing Cerebellas story I don't have to play/need to play Bella.
Here's how it is done, you get a deck of characters to use then you test your characters against a set character team in a stage. That's the jist of it.

So if I'm playing Cerebellas story I don't have to play/need to play Bella.
And the characters you used are only acknowledged by other characters in cutscenes in a generic manner, not by their actual identities in lore?

Like for example, instead of this...

"Thanks, Filia! You and your crazy hair buddy saved me!"

...you instead have this?

"Wow, thanks! You really saved me back there!"
Pretty much, you could play as Cerebella and Eliza and Minette will still thank you for handling with Medici goons.
Pretty much, you could play as Cerebella and Eliza and Minette will still thank you for handling with Medici goons.
Welp, there goes my theory that Filia knowing who Minette and Ms. Fortune were was going to be officially canon, for now at least. At least she knows Yu-Wan, if Samson's apparent connection with him from the canon info thread is anything to go by. :P
She is actually PRE Life Gem! Note her lack of scars (and pants!).
Holy crap how did I not notice that. Waaaaaa.

Welp, there goes my theory that Filia knowing who Minette and Ms. Fortune were was going to be officially canon, for now at least. At least she knows Yu-Wan, if Samson's apparent connection with him from the canon info thread is anything to go by. :P
You play as an unnamed newcomer to Canopolis/New Meridian. You're not actually any of the cast. You pick fights with actual characters, but the fights themselves aren't real.
My team of Valentine/Big Band/Peacock versus Cerebella's Big Band/Big Band team doesn't actually mean anything. It's me fighting Cerebella.
So going through the story mode a little more (I promise I'll get around to writing actual feedback and bug reports soon :P) I noticed a cool little easter egg of sorts.
At one point you bump into a few new Medici Goons.

Medici Goons copy.png

Or are they actually new? This first season of the game is a prequel, before Marie starts going around murdering Medicis and drafting them...

Marie and Friends copy.PNG
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An interesting thought on the goons...
Here's a scary thought: Squigly died 14 years before these guys. How did they literally lose their skin so fast, while Squigly has only had her left arm up to her elbow, a part of her back, and her eye socket decay out for a longer time?
yeah but then... what about the goon that hurt Peacock? When Marie shows him off he still has his skin.

So was he freshly killed? Or what? Also Marie does have her backside exposing her rib cage and she's only had the skullheart for like what? a couple months? so...


also how far in the past do these events take place? I know it's before Fortune gets the life gem but that could mean weeks or months away from the events in the console version. Where it's obvious that Fortune was plotting on taking down the Medicis for a while... so... Fortune gets the life gem... the Fishbone gang gets killed and Fortune chopped up along side them [Just thinking about said event is kinda horrifying, wonder if you guys are going to put it in or not.] Then Fortune collects herself, possibly spends a week or two grieving and recovering from her own wounds, then begins to plan on taking down the Medicis, only to have the events of the console version happen where Minette is being bothered by those two goons.

right? sigh... Alex why did you have to make each story a possible separate time line? Yeah I get it that it wouldn't be possible for Beowulf to actually defeat Marie since she's a skullgirl [despite being one of the weaker ones...] but come on... it makes the time lines that do cross over possibly non cannon.
It sucks because at this point I've just accepted anything pre DLC to be super non canon.

Because the stories were written WAAAY before things like this were even conceived so mix that in with DLC characters that were not part of the original story being playable over the ones that were meant to be, DLC stories that have more depth then the base ones, and a prequel story, you're going to have some errors.

Stuff like the Medici goons being the skeletal ones Marie calls I don't think should be taken as "this is how long ago it was" it's probably just a fun nod. hell they probably aren't even the same skeletons
I disagree; I think those indeed are Marie's undead slaves. Maybe Valentine experimented on them under Marie for whatever reason, and a side effect was their skins melting off or something? :P
Or are they actually new? This first season of the game is a prequel, before Marie starts going around murdering Medicis and drafting them...

Stuff like the Medici goons being the skeletal ones Marie calls I don't think should be taken as "this is how long ago it was" it's probably just a fun nod. hell they probably aren't even the same skeletons

I disagree; I think those indeed are Marie's undead slaves. Maybe Valentine experimented on them under Marie for whatever reason, and a side effect was their skins melting off or something? :P

There may MAY be clues to this effect within Story Mode!

Play through the entire 1st Season to find out. ;)
Just finished the stories and here are my thoughts.

I like it, a lot actually. its still very bare bones and basic but beta and all. I liked the little nods and small plot details that wouldn't be big in the long run. stuff like Cerebella confirmed to be obvious to Medici misdeeds, her hating the egrets because of what they did to no man lands, which is interesting because Cerebella doesn't have an accent like panzerfaust did so I guess its safe to assume that she was "adopted" at a very, very, young age? And finally one thing I LOVED was how lighthearted the story felt, granted SG does have dark undertones but the reason I'm not too big on the base stories is they're too depressing. Which isn't a bad thing, but they never really had much lightheartedness to them. This is why I loved the story in this because you dont get massive plot drops to answers like a certain series (looking at you Kingdom hearts) but at the same time the jokes were very refreshing that it keep me wanting to play more. Like the running gag that Lawrence and Riccardo get beat up, bells chicken in a barrel joke, or the Panzerfaust surgery gag. I really like that stuff and base Skullgirls could use some more lighter tones in the base game aside from peacock.
Just finished the stories and here are my thoughts.

I like it, a lot actually. its still very bare bones and basic but beta and all. I liked the little nods and small plot details that wouldn't be big in the long run.

stuff like Cerebella confirmed to be obvious to Medici misdeeds, her hating the egrets because of what they did to no man lands, which is interesting because Cerebella doesn't have an accent like panzerfaust did so I guess its safe to assume that she was "adopted" at a very, very, young age?

And finally one thing I LOVED was how lighthearted the story felt, granted SG does have dark undertones but the reason I'm not too big on the base stories is they're too depressing. Which isn't a bad thing, but they never really had much lightheartedness to them.

This is why I loved the story in this because you dont get massive plot drops to answers like a certain series (looking at you Kingdom hearts) but at the same time the jokes were very refreshing that it keep me wanting to play more. Like the running gag that Lawrence and Riccardo get beat up, bells chicken in a barrel joke, or the Panzerfaust surgery gag. I really like that stuff and base Skullgirls could use some more lighter tones in the base game aside from peacock.
Holy crap. Paragraphs are your friend.

My thoughts:
This is pretty much exactly what I expected the game to be plotwise, and I am totally happy with that. Not a whole lot happened that we didn't already know, but it was cool to see certain things spelled out and character interactions getting fleshed out. Also the jokes writing was top notch. Those were some serious puns.

It's mentioned in a few places that Lorenzo was getting so big and powerful he feels he can take on the Royal Family head to head, so it's nice to see that actually start to happen here.

Some of the other minor things were neat like Cerebella actually being confirmed as a war orphan from No Man's Land (same as Peacock and Marie) so it's pretty clear why she doesn't like the Renoirs much. And while it was played off as a joke, Panzerfaust being brainwashed while undergoing super soldier surgery was something Parasoul didn't know about. Parasoul really needs to read up on all the shit that went on in the Labs.

I have a soft spot for the Medici Goons now and their ending was great. Fwoosh. I hope future episodes jump forward and backward in the timeline so we can hang out with guys like them some more!
One thing I do wish though and its purely my personal taste.

Im kind of not a fan of the overarching egret plotline. I'd rather just have seprate stories from around the city, the egret stuff really only came back with the Medici plot, when i would just rather have it as its own separate thing. cause I like mob stuff.

Personal taste, take with a grain of salt.
So... wait. The only reason Ms. Fortune is dressed the way is because its the same outfit she got sliced up in...


[I still miss the original Fortune with the red hair and orange suit. was just as cute as her final design.]
It seems like my phone is really struggling with the game. I have a Samsug Galaxy Alpha, not really a high-end phone but its got more RAM than a PS3 (lol) so I figured I'd be ok. As it is the framerate is really chuging and I'm getting bad input lag so I don't think I'm going to bother to complete the story unless there's some kind of update to make it run better on weaker hardware.
It seems like my phone is really struggling with the game. I have a Samsug Galaxy Alpha, not really a high-end phone but its got more RAM than a PS3 (lol) so I figured I'd be ok. As it is the framerate is really chuging and I'm getting bad input lag so I don't think I'm going to bother to complete the story unless there's some kind of update to make it run better on weaker hardware.
The game is an absolute monster performance-wise. I'm on a Galaxy A8, which is pretty new but admittedly not a massive powerhouse. It chugs pretty badly on 3v3s or anything with Big Band.
You CAN make the game significantly smoother by going into Options on the main menu and turning of Lighting. It removes shadows and whatnot from the stages.
You CAN make the game significantly smoother by going into Options on the main menu and turning of Lighting. It removes shadows and whatnot from the stages.
I didn't know that was a thing. This should be default left off imo. Not everyone has amazing phones that can run it well.
Are the four chapters in the beta all of season 1, or will there be more by release? Chapter 4 seems like a pretty definitive ending to the prequel, but it seems like there's a lot of things missing that could've gone before that. 4 out of 6 playable characters (and 1 out of 2 bosses) don't even show up in the story! Would've liked to see Valentine together with The Last Hope and Filia waking up for the first time with Samson on her head.
Are the four chapters in the beta all of season 1, or will there be more by release? Chapter 4 seems like a pretty definitive ending to the prequel, but it seems like there's a lot of things missing that could've gone before that. 4 out of 6 playable characters (and 1 out of 2 bosses) don't even show up in the story! Would've liked to see Valentine together with The Last Hope and Filia waking up for the first time with Samson on her head.
The virtues of doing a game like this is that chapters can follow any characters and be set in any time frame.
This set of chapters focus almost exclusively on the Medicis with a little bit of Parasoul.
What was everyone else doing at that time? They could hop around to any point in the timeline and do short 4-10 chapter plots.