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Ms. Fortune's Encore Combos

So turns out I had the dummy set to block low, and also block never, so yeah my bad for the misinformation.
Sorry if it sounded like I overreacted. I just don't like being told I'm wrong when i know without a doubt I'm right -.-
This path is really fun

c.lk, s.mk, s.hk (delay), L fiber,
H el gato,
(head otg), s.hk,
IAD j.mp, M el gato,
ground el gato,
s.lk*, s.mk, H fiber,
j.mk, M el gato, zoom,
dash, s.lpx2, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, c.hk(1), M rekka, super.

8.2k - doesn't work on heavies and peacock(kinda) and the first hit of fiber might miss on some characters, to avoid it use *c.lk instead or just hold forward after the last ground el gato.
Hi perhaps I may learn this character, so I made a combo!
In classic EU tradition, it is pretty, has a lot of reset points and deals zero damage
It does build a chunk of meter though, especially during the first string, so that's kinda nice on a point character.

cLK sHP xx L.Rekka Rekka Slide
- jHP ad jLK jHP xx M.Axekick
sHK xx L.Fiber
- jLP jHP
cLK sMP sMK sHP xx H.Rekka Rekka Rekka

Uses up the OTG, Char universal
6067 Meterless, 7289 with Super

E: @Shnarfl told me about a better restand, so here we go! Damage is a bit less abysmal now.

cLK sMK(1) sHP seems like a bad idea from what little I have played now, as it is simply begging the opponent to PBGC you
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If you do have a "better" universal combo after cLK sMK(1) sHP xx L.Rekka Rekka Slide, I am very curious!
I started playing her like 2 days ago and made this combo yesterday.. so I am not exactly well versed in her paths; quite possible that I missed strings..
Just that isn't the best way to maximize damage with her. I understand you started playing her 2 days ago and I said that "that's a start I guess" sorry if it sounded offensive?...
Well anyways you can start off with c lk > s mk > s hk (2 hits) > l fiber > j hp > j hp > m axe
From that M Axe kick you can pretty much do whatever you want because of the hit stun. Usually is dependent on what you do to cross up the opponent. For example vs Valentine and Cerebella you can IAD and cross up with a j HP. Or vs Eliza or Parasoul you can cross up in a really funky way with a j HK. Or you can even go for a grab reset vs Big Band and use l Fiber to convert off it for a full combo.
I know that it isn't the best way to maximize damage.. that was never the goal.
The rekka starter is there because it builds half a bar in 5 hits
Meter is kind of useful, you know

I did the Fiber jHP jHP Axekick stuff before, and didn't like it.
Nothing I do is PRONKA PRONKA 8000 DAMAGE KABOOM, sorry!
Hi perhaps I may learn this character, so I made a combo!
In classic EU tradition, it is pretty, has a lot of reset points and deals zero damage
It does build a chunk of meter though, especially during the first string, so that's kinda nice on a point character.

cLK sHP xx L.Rekka Rekka Slide
- jHP ad jLK jHP xx M.Rekka
sHK xx L.Fiber
- jLP jHP
cLK sMP sMK sHP xx H.Rekka Rekka Rekka

Uses up the OTG, Char universal
6067 Meterless, 7289 with Super

E: @Shnarfl told me about a better restand, so here we go! Damage is a bit less abysmal now.

cLK sMK(1) sHP seems like a bad idea from what little I have played now, as it is simply begging the opponent to PBGC you

So I modified your combo a bit!

cLK > sHP xx H Rekka(x2) Slide
otg cLK > cHP
jHP > jLK > jHP xx M Axekick
sHK xx L Fiber
jLP > jHP (timing the adc is hard so maybe try delaying the jLP and jHP though I assume you know that already)
adc (or if you did the restand it'll be a microdash) sLP sLP sLK sMP sMK sHP xx H Rekka (x3)

6239 (meterless) 7461 with super <-- this might vary on how long you do sMP

It's also as meter generative as you'd like! I will also practice this one from now on because of the same reason.
Thanks for the idea vulpes!

NOTE: I did this on Squigly,Bella,Filia and Double. I'm currently checking the rest of the cast. On painwheel you have microdash after the slide or really just so it sinks in better do a microdash for all the characters after slide.

The corner route (doing all 3 rekkas and not slide) does 8.1k
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Hmm? Well that might actually be a good idea. i'll go experiment to see if I can get a combo that builds the most meter with Fortune instead of focusing on damage then since I guess that was your intent. Off to the training room!
Ok, to explain some parts @Stuff mentioned:
- I used L.Rekka over H.Rekka to have time to confirm it properly (xx H.Rekka has to be done very early, xx L.Rekka can be delayed a bunch - sometimes I get eg pushblocked out, then I would prefer to cancel into Fiber instead)
- I use sLP instead of cLK after Slide, because it provides me with an additional reset opportunity (Slide - sLPx2, then High/Low/Throw/etc; I can't chain cLK into anything useful here)

That said, I did move around things a bit:

cLK sMK sHP xx H.Rekka Rekka Slide
- jHP ad jLK jHP xx M.Axekick
sHK xx L.Fiber
- jLP jHP
cLK sMP sMK sHP xx H.Rekka Rekka Rekka (xx Scratch)

This actually deals 7 damage less than the previous version (and builds a nudge less meter);
But it has a bunch more frontload, which ultimately feels more important to me.
(Eg if I do the aforementioned reset with sLPx2 after Slide; at this point I have dealt 3010. The previous version got 2588 here)
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Why "3-4 bar" instead of uh, 1-3? 4 bars actually sometimes doesn't show the full metergain of the opponent.
I play on 3 bars, as it allows me to do pretty much anything ever (Combo into Lv3, Combo into Lv1 DHC Lv3)
I can see the point for 3 bars over 1-2; I can't see any point in 4.
Why "3-4 bar" instead of uh, 1-3? 4 bars actually sometimes doesn't show the full metergain of the opponent.
I play on 3 bars, as it allows me to do pretty much anything ever (Combo into Lv3, Combo into Lv1 DHC Lv3)
I can see the point for 3 bars over 1-2; I can't see any point in 4.
I should have said 1-3

2lk 5mk 2hp 623lk~k j.hp adc j.hp j.214mk 2mp 5mk 5hk(2) 623lk~lk j.lk j.hp j.214mk microdash 5lplp 5lk 5mp 5mk 5hp 236hphphp 236PP 7838 damage for 1 meter

this is the normal head-on fortune combo but I switched 5hk for 5hp during the first chain and it does 500~ more damage. Only problem is that its harder to do on Fortune, Painwheel, Valentine and Squigly. You just have to delay your j.hp adc j.hp 214mk to get it to work on them, except for val who i always have to use my otg on.
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I experimented with this and found this to work only if you are point blank range. 5HP just shoves them back too far for the lk fiber to connect properly. Works in the corner tho so there is that. Also, small typo at the combo ender, it should be 5lplp 5lk 5mp...etc.
Hi uh,
This might be slightly irrelevant, but I made a thing yesterday and I didn't know where else to put it so here it is:

(Filia/Fortune ToD. I don't main Fortune, but I love playing her.)
Here are a few things I found stuck together into one thing so you can observe them and stuff

edit: you can also fastfall the jMKx2 with jHP/jHK instead of doing a gato and go into sLP and as shown in the previous headless videos, if you haven't used jHK yet, you can do an adc after the jLK to retain air height and land a gato after jHK

though I'm not sure if any gato aside from H would allow IAD jLP to land after it and it probably won't land on the ground bounce (but forward jump (neutral in the corner) delay jLP jLK jHK (optional gato) totally works on HGato ground bounce on Filia)
Sweep whenever possible I guess.

uh if only this was something you could do at any range then my technically second low would be more useful.
I've decided I'm bad at optimizing this character since I can't outdo caio's weird corner route so here's his weird corner route with a bad HCH starter and an extra few things in the middle

edit: midscreen hgato things are fun

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I forget if people actually do IAD strings in sandwich combos so here's IAD strings in a sandwich combo

Is there a specific timing in order to land that 5HK after the MAxe in Isa's combo? having trouble getting the timing of the air portion right, they either land and backwards tech or just land and I've already used otg for 5LP.
you're supposed to restand so you are likely doing the air chain too quickly.
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What do people do off of Nom?

I've asked like four fortune players so far and none of them had anything optimized for it haha

I haven't optimized anything off it, but depending on spacing, the hardest hitting thing you can do off nom is jHK HGato, but nom also forces scaling? (doesn't it? I forget) plus its many hits, so i suppose after that you want a combo with as many hits as possible.. but its headless fortune

if you just land like raw nom or first string into nom something like

jHK HGato delay jLK jHK HGato delay jLP jLK jHK HGato walk forward sLP sLK sMP sMK2 MRekka CSF would work on Filia theoretically?


nom is also a free tag to half the cast but
squigly and double
sorry idk
I haven't optimized anything off it, but depending on spacing, the hardest hitting thing you can do off nom is jHK HGato, but nom also forces scaling? (doesn't it? I forget) plus its many hits, so i suppose after that you want a combo with as many hits as possible.. but its headless fortune

if you just land like raw nom or first string into nom something like

jHK HGato delay jLK jHK HGato delay jLP jLK jHK HGato walk forward sLP sLK sMP sMK2 MRekka CSF would work on Filia theoretically?


nom is also a free tag to half the cast but
squigly and double
sorry idk
its okay. thank you for responding!