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Ms. Fortune's Encore Combos

crouching heavy punch combos into tk h gato midscreen on everyone I believe if what I just tested is correct. You might have to be close for it to work though. I'm assuming you want this for the hard knockdown, cause otherwise m gato only does like 50 less damage than h gato.
Why do you want H El Gato though? Every way to get it is just high scaling and a H gato loop is hardly worth it these days.

I find it better to just use H gato on the first chain and then doing a regular fiber loop as that does more damage anyway.

for hard knockdown you can do launcher to H el gato or if you're headless sneeze to H el gato
The ways to combo into it are only weight dependant, I made a list of the ways to optimize damage that I can post when I get home, but the only way that I think is actually worth it (besides jump loops) is L fiber, j.hp, H axe kick which only works on lights in the corner.
Anybody got that CH anti-BB combo that starts with j.hp j.hk h.gato?

I found that mine does much more damage than the other one.

IIRC I haven't even optimized it.

What you're seeing is updo getting punished but that works on band too.

(Also you can restand with jLP jHP 214MK on lighter characters if you delay jHP after jLP a bit)

band is also wide as hell so it shouuuuld work midscreen edit: it does

Also it's 11.1k
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I was looking for ways to combo into it for the H Gato loops but if it doesn't really do that much extra damage then it doesn't matter.
Does anybody have a good optimized Big Band specific combo for headless? Struggling to find anything super good.
I just started playing this character. want to learn head-on.
Is this any good for a ch combo? big band specific from what i tried so far. sorry if its been done before. had to use youtube audio so mute it lol
universal i think, to cross under band with headless you need to do m fiber tho
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Is there a video/notation down for headless h gato loops? I heard headless can do them and wanted to practice but all I can easily find is head on stuff with jhp.
Is there a video/notation down for headless h gato loops? I heard headless can do them and wanted to practice but all I can easily find is head on stuff with jhp.

I could probably make one for you.
Hi, I've recently decided to play Headless and I'm having some trouble...
Aside from needing what feels like a million combos I've managed to get one combo down from the compendium:
c.lk, s.mk, Headbutt, s.hk,
j.mp, j.mk xx M El Gato, Zoom!,
s.mk, s.hk,
j.lp, j.mk xx M El Gato, Zoom!,
dash, s.lp, s.lp, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, c.hk(1 hit) xx M Cat Scratch xx Cat Scratch Fever.
Highlighted is where I'm having problem: it seems to sometimes trigger ips and sometimes not?
At first I thought it was OTG but I'm capable of doing the combo without using my OTG??
If it's relevant, I usually just do cr.lk cr.mk cr.hk(1) on that last string.
You're probably delaying the HK in the first chain too much so that it starts a separate chain (adding 30 undizzy to your combo). Input your headbutt, HK a bit faster and it should be fine.
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You're probably delaying the HK in the first chain too much so that it starts a separate chain (adding 30 undizzy to your combo). Input your headbutt, HK a bit faster and it should be fine.
Ah that explains why it doesn't happen when I skip headbutt when the head's too far.
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Here's some midscreen headless sandwich combos:
Huffy made the first one and then I adjusted it for when the head decides to fly the other way for the second route.
They both work on lights and mids. The second one doesn't work on Bella and for Peacock you have to sneeze before CSF and then replace headbutt with Zoom!

It works in retail as well, but you can replace the M Gato with H Gato for an easier link and more damage.
Some Fortune H LnL combos:
I'm not using the standard cr.LK, MK, HK starting string in these combos because I feel that with this assist you are better off going for cr.LK, HP, H Cat Scratch + H LnL. This string is a frame trap between cr.LK and HP (may catch pushblock attempts), the H LnL makes the H Cat Scratch + on block and this deals a boatload of damage. It also works at max range.

EDIT: Updated with better midscreen combos.
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I'm trying to figure out a new midscreen BnB with the new head-on scaling. This one, from the Fortune Compendium, used to do 7479 damage and now does 7242:

c.lk, s.mk, c.hp,
j.hp, adc, j.lk, j.hp xx M El Gato,
dash, c.mk, c.hp,
j.mp, j.mk, j.hp xx M El Gato,
dash, OTG s.lp, s.lp, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, s.hp xx H Cat Scratch x3 xx Cat Scratch Fever.

I tried variations of that + fiber loop and came up with this, which does 7345, but I feel like this could probably be pushed further:

c.lk, s.mk, c.hp,
j.hp, adc, j.hp xx M El Gato,
c.mp, s.mk, s.hk xx L Fiber Upper,
j.lk, j.hp xx M El Gato,
dash, s.lp, s.lp, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, s.hp xx H Cat Scratch x3 xx Cat Scratch Fever.

Any ideas?
So my combo above -- I finally got consistent enough with it to check for sure, and it works on everyone... except Ms. Fortune. So not quite BnB-worthy but still kinda funny.
You can add in an L Fiber after the cr.HP and I believe the combo is universal (or at least nearly universal) and it does very good damage. The only problem is that on different characters the second j.HP will either cross up or not so you have to either react to the potential side-switch for the M Gato or memorise which characters it side switches on. If you hit the opponent at point blank/in the corner and ithen you can replace the cr.HP with HP for the same damage (doesn't work vs standing Bella or crouching Squigly midscreen).
The burst bait only works on the instant burst dummy, but I guess it might catch someone trying to mash to tech every once in a while. If there's any delay at all on the burst though, the second hit of fiber will launch and the burst will be safe.
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The burst bait only works on the instant burst dummy, but I guess it might catch someone trying to mash to tech every once in a while. If there's any delay at all on the burst though, the second hit of fiber will launch and the burst will be safe.

Huh, You make a really solid point dood ╹‿╹)

Though honestly I'm mostly astonished that someone would get 'That' much damage off a single burst bait. Maybe I haven't played this game long enough but this is the first time I've seen someone get around 80% from one combo only using one super. it's terrifying imo that someone could actually imagine a combo like that, let alone pull it off :x

Edit: becomes less scary when you factor in team scaling and all ╹‿╹)
but becomes absolutely petrifying if it's 1 vs. something other than 1 ◠‿◠;)
Fortune gets like 10-11k by herself on a punish
Fortune gets like 10-11k by herself on a punish

I know this isn't the end all be all since character tend to be as good as the player

With that type of potential, How is she only number 5?!
And on top of that; If that's what 'number 5' is capable of then what type of armageddon does Peacock and Eliza have access to? Could they just knock you out from 100 to 0 from a poke alone? or is because of the tools they have? ╹╹)
That looks like it's from eventhubs, don't bother with that thing afaik no real player even votes in those lol. Some of those 'top' characters do less damage, it's not about damage either but it sure does help.
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I know this isn't the end all be all since character tend to be as good as the player

With that type of potential, How is she only number 5?!
And on top of that; If that's what 'number 5' is capable of then what type of armageddon does Peacock and Eliza have access to? Could they just knock you out from 100 to 0 from a poke alone? or is because of the tools they have? ╹╹)
Literally anyone, even people that have never touched the game, can vote for the eventhub tier lists. They are a joke tbh, don't take ANY list on that site seriously.

With that being said, Peacock can throw out damage in the 9k range with 1 bar and no counterhit. I think Eliza can do something like 8k? Counterhit combos general add at least 1k damage on top of that, usually more.
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If you want a full combo into burst bait for Fortune then you may as well just do fiber loops into launcher, IAD/jump back, j.HK. That way you at least get a knockdown if they don't burst, though people very rarely burst at the end of combos anyway.

Anything with j.HP, j.HK, H Gato as a starter will do crazy damage btw, like, genuinely stupid damage. Only really a practical starter on bursts/Big Band though (but you can do short jump, j.LK, j.HK, H Gato for slightly less which is much more practical).
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Huh Always thought the people who vote of Eventhub actually took the time to play at least one match but look at it now. I guess anyone can vote on these. Man do I have egg on my face haha.
(There could be some truth to this like you said but just gotta take the stuff on there with a grain of salt n_n)

With that being said, Peacock can throw out damage in the 9k range with 1 bar and no counterhit. I think Eliza can do something like 8k? Counterhit combos general add at least 1k damage on top of that, usually more.

I really need to step up my Squigly and Fukua game if I'm gonna combat that.
The most I was able to get off in a single combo with one is around the 5 or 4k range and
only gets higher is I start throwing in grab resets and AA (ability abuse.) =P
(AA like using Squigly's stance cancel 4 or 5 times in a row for quick high and lows or really pushing my luck with Fukua's grab reset into shadow super)

If you want a full combo into burst bait for Fortune then you may as well just do fiber loops into launcher, IAD/jump back, j.HK. That way you at least get a knockdown if they don't burst, though people very rarely burst at the end of combos anyway.

Anything with j.HP, j.HK, H Gato as a starter will do crazy damage btw, like, genuinely stupid damage. Only really a practical starter on bursts/Big Band though (but you can do short jump, j.LK, j.HK, H Gato for slightly less which is much more practical).

Amazing tips dood, I'll be sure to use them next time I get a chance ╹‿╹)
Though Quick Question: Would using a c.LK or c.LP as a burst bait that works by being outta ranged to get knocked back also be a good way to set up for a J.H starter since you could hop right back in with an iad? or is fiber upper the only practical way to pull it off?
That's not true, Fortune can punish a variety of things with instant jHP. Updo is one of them. There are a lot of moves that are very minus and leave the character standing tall.

iad jHP results in not doing the optimal punish so in that regard, no but as a different punish, yes
There are a variety of more specific circumstances where you can punish with the H Gato starter like Stuff said !in addition to Updo I think Eliza's H DP is another). But since those are more specific cases I didn't mention them.

You should be able to get the H Gato starter after most burst baits as well yeah.
Ah that's cool; For a min there I thought only particular set ups like the one Ms/F get's from getting a burst bait off of something the puts her in the air already like Fiber upper does was the only reasonable way to start a combo with one of her J.H's. But from the looks of it and thanks to the feed from you helpful doods that isn't the case haha.

Stop me if I'm wrong here but from the looks of stuff's video, F's J.H's come out a bit quicker than most. Allowing her to use them raw in most punishes and scenarios in general, right? (Heck one of her main BnB's is a launcher into a jHP->jHP n_n) Which gives her punishes, in general, this absurd power boost to them because she's one of the few characters in the game that can chain about 8 or 9 H's in a single combo and have the beginning of it start off with about 2 with a fresh start.
Made a Fortune + M Bomber combo, not very useful but I thought the starter was kinda cool.
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c.lk s.mk M rekka zoom
s.mp s.hk
ad j.mp M gato
ground gato
s.mk s.hk H fiber
j.mk H gato
s.lpx2 s.lk s.mp s.mk c.hk(1) M rekka super

8641 dmg

c.lk s.mk M rekka zoom
s.mp s.hk
ad j.mp M gato
ground gato
s.lk s.mk s.hk H fiber
j.mk H gato
s.lpx2 s.lk s.mp s.mk c.hk(1) M rekka super

8416 dmg

without the infinite and the 2f link
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Here's some Fortune + H Bypass combos with a couple resets thrown in at the end. 2nd reset is Fil/Fuk specific.
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Some more assisted Fortune combos. This time with M Bomber:
Headless stuff:

Here's more stuff I found.
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Damn, here I am posting again, nobody else finding tech and posting it on SH :,(
Anyway, here's an anti-Squigly level 3 route.
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