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PS3 PSN Matchmaking Thread

Still playing the old PS3 version.
Not too good at playing it, though.
Like at all.
PSN is Animeking194
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I'm terrible at the old version and with my old characters but feel free to message me/add me for a match.

PSN - theonlypie31415
Region: Canada (West)
Main Character(s)/Team(s): Valentine/Fortune
I, too, am console-bound.
Region - UK
I'll play anyone whenever as long as I'm not already in a game and our ping is under 180
I have it on PC, but I still play SDE from time to time.
PSN - ShinjixKaworu
Feel free to invite me if you see me online. As long as our ping isn't red, you have yourself an opponent.
PSN - G_Pheno (I think ^-^; )
West Coast

Edit: Had to factory reset my ps3 and didn't back up my game saves
(Oh the horror! Dx) But yeah, my PSN is G_Pheno
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I'm on currentley. Psn SkyKing _J. Off now ggs CloudKing.
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US West Coast, PSN: GGPhoenix. I'm not that great. I was getting better, but then everyone jumped ship to the PC version.
Warning; I play Peacock.
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PSN: dcalvaneso
US Central (Texas)

Superscrub status, be warned. PSN version seems to be a bit empty. I have the PC version, but for some reason I keep trying those PS3 queues.
For anyone who wants to get in some SG action but is strapped to the PS3 like myself, I will try to have a room open between 13:00 and 16:00 GMT+1 every Tuesday and from 20:00 to 0:00 GMT+1 every Friday.

Anyone of any skill level is free to join but, due to being from the UK, the further west you are, the more likely we are to experience lag (although I have played smooth games with people from the West Coast on a number of occasions).
I believe it should be within 2-3 weeks from when they said it would be updated? They said it would take about a month from the pc release before she appears on console
PSN: Bit_Strife

Region: West Coast

I'd love to play people. I think that's what the game was made for.
Console here.

IGN: RyokuSonic

I must warn you though, I suck at quarter circle turns, so don't be surprised if you see me repeadetly jumping multiple times to use painwheel's air blockbuster.
It's unfortunate that we're playing old content, I can't even play my team properly.

Guess I'm switching squigs out for Parasoul.

PSN: Austin_QED.

Beast Coast.
Got a room open if anyone want to play (PSN)

Nevermind... my internet's being real slow right now
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Its pretty dead right now, but I can say at least for myself the second the patch hits PSN I'm back there.
Until last week I had been sitting around online a lot but then everyone except complete scrubs disappeared so I'll be waiting for the patch before coming back.
PSN: Grimsley-San
Region: US (Pacific Coast)
Skill Level: Noob/Decent
Availibility: ???
Main(s): Everyone solo
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PSN- UnGodlyCarnage
Region-East Coast

I've barely had a chance to play this game against people, so if anyone wants some free wins against a total rookie to the game, shoot me a message, lol.
Mysterious_Tokyo on PSN

I'm pretty bad and looking to get better if anybody feels like playing me. I do like this game, and want to delve deeply into it.

I'm in the midwest of the USA.