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USA Skullgirls Community Tour? (Discussion)

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That's your problem. Actually doing things is important, but you're not doing this for that. You're doing this for you. You want to feel good about being the guy. Is being a well-liked figurehead is more important to you than actual results?
Look at your previous posts (and everyone else's) and tell us how this doesn't speak more to you than for what Dolfinh has been saying.
if this is the thread where you all feel ok voicing your feelings, if this is your safe space, then I guess that's how it has to be

That's not fair. People have brought it up prior to this thread happening.

We're cool, Kai. I appreciate the stuff you do behind the scenes to make sure shit happens, but do not act like no one has brought this up before.
I've called you and spoke with you outside of a tournament regarding this.

No one is bigger than the community. Not a single person.
Not me, not you, not Mike. No one.
No one is an exception.
That's your problem. actually doing things is important, but you're not doing this for that. You're doing this for you. You want to feel good about being the guy.

This is how you act whenever someone criticizes you or your attitude. Get the hell over yourself.

I'm posting because I know people have been unhappy with your attitude for years and everyone has thought it- but no one has been wanting to say it.

So I am. And that's all. I care about this game and the community to death, even if I've moved on from SG.
This thread actively is turning out to be harmful to the community. People outside of our circle are seeing this. It's really not funny anymore.
This is a little crazy coming from me, I know, and I'm an out of commission player but
everybody gotta chill, I'm stressed and y'all stressed
Go play some Skullgirls, or some other games, everybody check that boiling rage out at the counter
Leave the passive aggressive shitposting at the door, makes nothing better either
Yall turned this bitch into a goddamn oven wtf is up with that
And Kai, using the real names not cool dude, and if you reading this just go outside and look at the night sky for a bit
Cause I know frustration when I see it and shit like this ain't going anywhere good if it continues and I know you know better

We are a community first and foremost, and we all gotta stick together, and that means bearing each others bad times and good times and helping each other out
Not this bullshit
I'm gonna finish my stick in the next couple months, and keep working towards a better future and better me, I would hope you all do the same
Hope to see you all at Combo Breaker 2017, peace out

Now everybody get the fuck out and go be productive with your evening. Somebody lock this shitshow already.
Excuse me... Can I ask if it's too much, that people who are arguing please take it to the PMs and not here? please?

or something. cause really this is getting Way out of hand. and I don't want to see shit like this happen between you guys... come on.

Love and Peace people

Love and Peace.

I've moved on from SG.
Ugh, this is the worst, to me.

You've said what you felt safe saying. If you really feel that you speak for a cabal of people that have been waiting patiently to all jump out at the same time and say man I can't stand Kai, then round up your posse and do what you threatened to do. Your success or failure will be a concrete and clear signal, either way.
Ugh, this is the worst, to me.

You've said what you felt safe saying. If you really feel that you speak for a cabal of people that have been waiting patiently to all jump out at the same time and say man I can't stand Kai, then round up your posse and do what you threatened to do. Your success or failure will be a concrete and clear signal, either way.
No problem.
Hey guys can someone writeup the entire ordeal for me? All I ever saw of this was the beginning thread a while back when it started, and it seems it has devolved way past that so I am super lost atm. Why is there a controversy? What was going to be changed from the old system anyway? Thank you
The one and only time I thought "Man, Kai is kinda a dick" is in this thread when you called community members by their names and called them useless.

Literally this.
Otherwise, I feel as though things are blown WAY out of proportion right now.
its good for people to let this shit out, no sense in people keeping it bottled up
i know.. but like... some of that stuff got kinda personal... and that's... not right to have going on in a public space like this thread.

sorry. i just, i really hope everyone just calms down and in the morning everything is back to normal. I don't want Dolphin leaving all angry, and I don't want to see this Tour fall apart either. I just want something that the community as a whole can find joy in.
So can we come to a consensus that Kai is and or was a pretty cool dude and not many people want to do a point system and we just want to play at these tournaments that sound fun. It's kind of interesting to see that everyone is seeing certain perspectives on how things are ran and done. There are things that must be said about things pertaining to events that are happening and it's best if we get it out of the way now than later down when just as now, will get blown up. Deal with problems soon so when we do get these tournaments underway there could have been time for it to settle? I am rambling and forgot what i'm talking about
Remember how much fun that one DaRabidDuckie tournament presence thread was back in SDE

encore, encore

Tagging as /sarcasm because honestly this happens to this community every single time we talk about this can we enjoy our game
i know.. but like... some of that stuff got kinda personal... and that's... not right to have going on in a public space like this thread.

sorry. i just, i really hope everyone just calms down and in the morning everything is back to normal. I don't want Dolphin leaving all angry, and I don't want to see this Tour fall apart either. I just want something that the community as a whole can find joy in.

Okay 1st of all, calling it a tour implies that there's an end event thats going to happen. Most people in the community can only go to 1-2 events, typically something local to them and CB. It's not going to fall apart because people are going to go to the events they can afford, not all of them. 2nd of all, there has been a large group of people upset with the way Kai has acted in regards to community input, and as such, it was going to show up in a big way at some point, now's that time. Things become less personal when a large number of people are upset with something. Dolfin isn't leaving angry because he's happy that this discussion was able to happen, and that such a large number of people showed support.
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its good for people to let this shit out, no sense in people keeping this shit bottled up
Y'all don't gotta bottle shit.
Those of you got problems with each other step out, cool off, and let's handle this shit later instead of airing out dirty laundry

You all revived me, and fuggin ciscokid do you know what evil you've wrought
Why... why not spend that mana on reviving mash5a.com and 240p+ you meme loving fucks
I mean... I'm one person that IF EVER manages to attend one of the events in question (since I'm from another country), it would be Combo Breaker just because it is the place I'm most likely to have fun. So yeah, I represent the percentage of people who will likely attend ONE of the events in question, if any, so I should choose "the best" from the list, aye?

But I feel like that's also putting demerit into other events like GUTS. If I was a GUTS organizer looking at this tour, I'd kinda sad since no matter what effort I do to make my event bigger or better for the SG community, the main truck will always be Combo Breaker. At least for people who would only manage to attend to one of these. That's a bit saddening imo.

Also, NEC is one of the events I look up to the most to watch and it hasn't even been mentioned from what I could see. Was there a particular reason for it?
I wish that rather than arguing and just throwing insults all over the place we could just actually have a proper forum discussion?

I love so many ideas here however so many flawed ways of confronting these topics and others.

I ask so desperately that you try and really get your priorities straight in this thread.
Remember how much fun that one DaRabidDuckie tournament presence thread was back in SDE

encore, encore

Tagging as /sarcasm because honestly this happens to this community every single time we talk about this can we enjoy our game
Oh yeah. That thread had people running out and jumping in front of shots not directed at them while this one has people selectively picking up bullets off the ground and stabbing themselves with them.
This is super important, and fwiw this is tame/civilized af compared to other "drama" I've glossed over

Y'all should be proud of yourselves

Well I mean some of you apparently have done enough of that already, so be proud sparingly.

I have better visibility of what events to consider, excited for next year!
Also, NEC is one of the events I look up to the most to watch and it hasn't even been mentioned from what I could see. Was there a particular reason for it?

As someone who has gone to NEC last year and will go again this year, it seems to be that people have had problems with how the tournament was run.
Also, NEC is one of the events I look up to the most to watch and it hasn't even been mentioned from what I could see. Was there a particular reason for it?

Big E events don't give us the best of treatment, versus these other events. You can check the focusing tournament activity thread for more on that.
Okay first of all, calling it a tour implies that there's an end event thats going to happen. Most people in the community can only go to 1-2 events, typically something local to them and CB. It's not going to fall apart because people are going to go to the events they can afford, not all of them. 2nd of all, there has been a large group of people upset with the way Kai has acted in regards to community input, and as such, it was going to show up in a big way at some point, now's that time. Things become less personal when a large number of people are upset with something. Dolfin isn't leaving angry because he's happy that this discussion was able to happen, and that such a large number of people showed support.
alright thank you Warped.
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