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Cosplay Skullgirls general cosplay thread.

i feel like theres a joke here im not getting. the cosplays are all pretty terrible. the only passable ones are umbrella and nun double.
i feel like theres a joke here im not getting. the cosplays are all pretty terrible. the only passable ones are umbrella and nun double.
ah my misunderstanding, thought you were talking about the quality and framing of the photos.
How about this?

Source: http://rigaudon.tumblr.com/
I saw a really good Squigly cosplay at PAX Prime , she was with a whole band of great Skullgirls cosplays too.
I really should've got some pictures of em >_<

You know, I really got to get over the idea that I'm bothering cosplayers if I ask for a picture, cause that makes no sense.
You know, I really got to get over the idea that I'm bothering cosplayers if I ask for a picture, cause that makes no sense.
A year ago, I went to my first con and was nervous to ask for pics, but I found as long as you're cool about it, and not ask them when they're eating or dead tired, they're cool with pictures. A lot of times the enthusiasm and getting into character are the best parts of a con. :)
Might be the worst cosplay I've ever seen. You overlooked the fact that Parasoul is one character.
There are two people there. That's a pretty big oversight. Parasoul only has 2 arms, yet this picture CLEARLY shows 4.
Do some fucking research before you cosplay.
This made me laugh out loud pretty hard
I saw an Eliza, Filia, Ms Fortune, and Valentine at Afest but... I didn't get a picture with them.

It was... a bad day.
Quite good that Brain Drain, Beowulf and Curleh Moustache Issac. Parasol just kinda phoned it in...
lol yea, parasol was going to be adam but plans fell through. So he planned a parasol pretty much 2 days before the con
So I've really, really fallen out of touch with the SG community and the forums ever since Skullheart went down, and I guess at the same time I haven't been able to game as much as I'd like recently, so I've been a bit moot about SG stuff... that being said, this is a picture I wanted to post from NY Comic Con about a month ago that I never got around to due to being so busy. I'm the Black Egret, LittleMissKoko is Parasoul, and I'm not sure who the Cerebella cosplayer is. I met another Parasoul on a day I wasn't a Black Egret, but I only stopped to say hello so I didn't end up getting any pictures.

The funny thing is we tried to organize ourselves so we'd get good photos before we went, but we were having so much fun while actually there that we ended up barely getting any for ourselves. We know plenty of con-goers took pictures, but trying to find them on tumblr is pretty much impossible, haha. Here's the one I did get on my phone!

The mask, webbing/pouch/grenades were all made by a friend, and unfortunately the helmet broke since the con, so I'll have to take the opportunity before Anime Boston to fix/improve it.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a sage-green double-breasted suit, so olive had to do :(.

We knew Cristina Vee was at NY Comic Con, but we weren't able to find her considering how many people there were :(.


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Welcome back dude, it's never too late to come back, especially now that stuff is brewing with Eliza! :) Cool pic and costume, sorry to hear the helmet broke. :(
Hey guys, any help with Squigly's dress? I've decided to just go with a simple, literal just a single seam dress for the basic skirt and stuff.
I'm not sure what kind of seam I want though? I want it to be invisible or close to.
Does anyone have a tutorial on how to make a Samson wig? Or Valentine's dress? I'm considering doing a cosplay for my hopefully first convention.
Does anyone have a tutorial on how to make a Samson wig? Or Valentine's dress? I'm considering doing a cosplay for my hopefully first convention.
while i dont know how to go about making these items, i would suggest asking others that have done the cosplay that you want to do. some places you can try finding someone is cosplay.com and deviantart.com.

but, I did find a comment on there costume page about what they did to make there samson wig. its not detailed but maybe it will help?

"Base wig was a long wig I got off of arda wigs. I ripped off the wefts in the back and created a hard felt shape for the mouth. Hair was then carefully applied with glue and hairspray to cover it. Inside of the mouth is felt that was glued on while the teeth and eyes were made from lightweight sculpy and glued on."

link to said page
I suppose I could throw in some Eliza since she's very popular right now :3
Unfortunately these aren't the greatest quality photos. My feet were killing me when these pictures were taken and I hadn't practiced any poses.

There is also half of a Patty in the first picture.

I intend on cosplaying Val for UFGT and/or EVO. Will post pictures once I have it ready. I'm not going to do a modified version, like the guy in the video at the top of the page, rather I am going to dress as skimpily as mai waifu. Cause the world needs more of my legs, i think.