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Canada Southern Ontario Thread (GTA and surrounding towns)


Silent Dolphin
Step it up, guys. Don't let me win everything free.

Add yourself to the player list!

SH Name:
Where do you play offline:

Nickname/Tag: @worldjem
Region: Toronto
PSN: worldjem7
Steam: Silent Dolphin
Chars/Teams: Peacock, Filia, Fukua, Ms. Fortune, Parasoul
Where do you play offline: A&C World

Nickname/Tag: @GandalfTheBlack
Region: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
PSN: GushinGrannies (not proud, all other options were gone)
Steam: NerakuFrostrike -GTB-
Chars/Teams: Val/Painwheel/Fukua
Where do you play offline: A&C World

Nickname/Tag: @ManoxMano
Region:Toronto, Ontario
Steam:The Jahookie 5
Where do you play offline:AnC and at home if you're down to travel

Nickname/Tag: @Tanarus Asamiya
Region: Orangeville, Ontario
Steam: Tanarus Asamiya
Chars/Teams: Valentine/Peacock
Where do you play offline: Rarely A&C World

Nickname/Tag: @JBThazard
Region: Brampton, Ontario
PSN: JBThazardous
XBL: JBThazard
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jbthazard/ (feel free to add)
Chars/Teams: Val/Soul/Bella, but more recently Val/Robo/Band, sometimes with Filia in the mix
Where do you play offline: Uh, nowhere, except occasionally with friends on my laptop. Hopefully wherever you guys play? I'm not an amateur but I expect to get bodied nonetheless. If casuals or some kinda small tourney ever opens up I'd love to go and see how much of a fraud I really am.

Tag: @ArkBat
Region: GTA New Jersey
Steam: ark_bat
PSN: PokeyMinch
Chars: Beowulf/Fukua/Parasoul
Area to play offline: Willing to try and make it out in the GTA where feasible

Nickname/Tag: @Super Spice
Region: Toronto
Steam: King of the Losers
Chars/Teams: Beowulf/BigBand/MsFortune, Fukua/Squigly/Cerebella and rarely Painwheel/Robofortune/Double
Where do you play offline: Mostly at friends houses. I'm not very good.


Known players:

@Beefy Heropon (Customer Service Heropon)
@karismatic_prik (Sam)
Raymond E. Sacks
Milanor J. Sacks
Marcus F. Sacks

Ryan Ken(?)
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Sarnia checking in.

Toronto and London are kinda far :/. I already drive an hour to work every day and want to avoid any more highway driving than absolutely necessary. But if there is anyone here from Lambton County we definitely need to get together.
Skullgirls room was best room at Evo, btw! Reminds me that I never posted any shoutouts for Evo... <_<;;
Requisite 'sup'.

Nickname/Tag: Tanarus Asamiya
Region: Orangeville, Ontario
Steam: Tanarus Asamiya
Chars/Teams: Valentine/Peacock
Where do you play offline: Rarely A&C World
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@ManoxMano I can't find you on steam anymore. =(

Also, after seeing another thread (thanks @keninblack), I think it'd be a good idea to also make this a player directory as well as a discussion thread.

Here's the format:

Where do you play offline:

I added it to the first post.
Nickname/Tag: GandalfTheBlack
Region: Toronto, Ontario Canada
PSN: GushinGrannies (not proud, all other options were gone)
Steam: NerakuFrostrike -GTB-
Chars/Teams: Val/Painwheel/Fukua
Where do you play offline: A&C World
hey im going to be in toronto for work related stuff on the 15-18 dec (im pretty sure those are the dates). im not sure exactly how much free time im gonna have just yet but if there was something goin on with some skullgirls players it would be awesome to meet up and play some games.

there is basically nobody who plays where i live so im restricted to online most times.
Aw, weekdays.

There's A&C world that no one goes to because no one goes to A&C world (for skullgirls).

I could maybe meet you at A&C world on a day. They're open until 10pm on weekdays, I think.
Aw, weekdays.

There's A&C world that no one goes to because no one goes to A&C world (for skullgirls).

I could maybe meet you at A&C world on a day. They're open until 10pm on weekdays, I think.

ill keep that in mind. im not sure of my schedule atm really or if ill be able to get internet without paying at the hotel to keep an eye on the thread. i wouldnt be able to bring anything with me like sticks etc since my case is pretty ful as is.

ill try and give you plenty of notice once i figure my stuff out though.
Nickname/Tag:Mano aka ManoxMano aka Jahookie
Region:Toronto, Ontario
Steam:The Jahookie 5
Where do you play offline:AnC and at home if you're down to travel

Hoping to be a future T.O. hope you guys will reach to my tournies
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Oh man, so there is a GTA community for Skullgirls after all!

Nickname/Tag: JBThazard
Region: Brampton, Ontario
PSN: JBThazardous
XBL: JBThazard
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jbthazard/ (feel free to add)
Chars/Teams: Val/Soul/Bella, but more recently Val/Robo/Band, sometimes with Filia in the mix
Where do you play offline: Uh, nowhere, except occasionally with friends on my laptop. Hopefully wherever you guys play? I'm not an amateur but I expect to get bodied nonetheless. If casuals or some kinda small tourney ever opens up I'd love to go and see how much of a fraud I really am.
I was hosting a monthly tournament at A&C World the entire last year. lol

Stopped because got too busy with new job.

I am starting to go to A&C World more often on Wednesdays, but I am also hosting weeklies at my house (of which, I am a bit restrictive in who I let in because I live there).
Understandable. I've been into SG for a year and have only recently been stepping up my involvement in the community. How many people does A&C normally get nowadays?
A&C has never really been a place where SG players go, so usually zero? Most of us don't live downtown, so it's always a bit of a hassle to actually go.

I am starting to go Wednesdays, to see if people are more keen to pick it up after CB, so if you're ever in town that evening you can stop by.
I usually show up there around 18:30 and stay until 22:00 or whenever they close, but so far, the reception has been pretty much the same as it was before CB.

However, we are pretty much on our own for tournaments because TTT does not care about SG at all.

I have been talking with Vince RXS from Hamilton, and I'm looking forward to going to local tournaments there.
Hey, I just got back in the area and I'm looking for people to play offline. I can make it to downtown on Wednesdays like @worldjem says, so if you're there next week I can make it for sure. Also if we need an extra setup I can bring my notebook if necessary :)


Here's some player info

Tag: ArkBat
Region: GTA
Steam: ark_bat
PSN: PokeyMinch
Chars: Beowulf/Fukua/Parasoul
Area to play offline: Willing to try and make it out in the GTA where feasible
All you newheads should make it out to my SG tourny at ANC World.
It's gonna be starting at like June 14th, 1 PMish. More details here:
Hey, why don't you make a thread on Skullheart about your event? =D

I can make it to downtown on Wednesdays
I'll meet you there next Wednesday. I didn't go this week because I was too beat from work and lack of sleep.

I usually bring my laptop, but you can never have too many SG setups. =)
I'll be there for the 14th. The next couple Weds are actually real bad for me. I have a toaster of a laptop that runs SG pretty well as long as backgrounds are set to 2D (>'')>
Well, it's not a Major, so yeah. In this subforum.

The next couple Weds are actually real bad for me.
So, you're not going next wed, then?
I'll try to do it monthly but I get my schedule on a weekly basis and I'm scared every time I book a date for AnC I'll have to work. That's what's happening for this month but SG>work