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The Palettes of Skullgirls

I got 24 of the 26 necessary kills and accidentally did a little too much damage.

The trumpet killed her, man.


The palette was meant to eventually be unlocked by people playing the game normally, making it consecutive would go entirely against that point.
Pretty sure 20 is a reference to the virtualboy, 22 is a reference too shameful to speak of according to the one person that knows.

I don't actually have any idea what the reference is, but maybe I'm better off not knowing. It is a mystery.
Well it's really pink, so it's possible that's something with skin (so probably not a robot) or something that resembles skins. The green parts could be clothing or something, but the interesting bit is that the eyes are black with a small yellow line, and the black part seems to be similar to the black found in the arms.

"Shameful"... at this point I'm thinking about some sexualised furry stuff (lizard-like) or some lewd character, which is possible if the palette was requested like a IGG reward. The hell could that be? Or why would someone make a request like that?
So, have we figured out what Robo 20 and 22 are supposed to be?

By #20 do you mean the red and black one? Because that one's number 7 now, and is a pretty clear reference to the army of Robo Fortunes at the end of her story mode. According to the wiki, Robo #20 (formerly #7) is KOS-MOS (Xenosaga series).

Robo Palettes.png


As for #22? No idea. Any word from whoever paid for it? I also have trouble figuring what Lab Zero would consider shameful. I mean, Squigly introduced me to Zone-Tan, so it's hard to imagine what would top that. Unless it's shameful for a different reason?
Yeah, I meant Red-and-black when I said #20. I was going by the wiki's color notation 'cause I didn't feel like opening the game to check. This thing about #22 makes it all the more curious, though. Thanks for answering.
WHAT? Oh my goodness my savior thank you

EDIT: Palette is mine, totally worth it
Cool, I've been doing this for a while on PS3 for while but don't have it yet. Seems like I have over 26 KOs w/the move in CPU QM, but I guess I should've asked... is the color for PC only or is it on consoles as well?
Cool, I've been doing this for a while on PS3 for while but don't have it yet. Seems like I have over 26 KOs w/the move in CPU QM, but I guess I should've asked... is the color for PC only or is it on consoles as well?
I set up a 2nd player and had them constantly block (held down with a trombone mouthpiece, how coincidental). Did you use the level 5 version, or the SSJ one after a taunt?
I set up a 2nd player and had them constantly block (held down with a trombone mouthpiece, how coincidental). Did you use the level 5 version, or the SSJ one after a taunt?

Yep, I did Lv5s.
I was meter building w/Beo, Fukua & Robo to practice their combos on moving targets (easy difficulty).
Maybe I'm one or two short of the total. Didn't end every match w/it due to accidental KO, CPU blocking, etc. Writing down each one over the past few weeks would've helped, ha.
Wait, I think I remember it being basically purple with green and yellow parts in the early beta RF. Or something.
22 is a reference too shameful to speak of according to the one person that knows.
#22 used to look worse. A lot worse.
By this point, I can only imagine the amount of "oh god why" felt during palette creation, when repeated glancing at the source picture was needed for reference.
Great so chances are someone felt like forcing some indie dev into making a palette referencing something like either porn or CWC-level artwork just because they gave them a lot of money and they're too ashamed to come out and say what the source was.

If that's correct then
I really don't think it's something to get upset about. Guy donated and got his palette. It could be something creepy, yeah, but it could also just be something the owner would rather not talk about, like a sonic OC or something.

It could also just be that the donor doesn't actually come to skullheart and eu03 and other LZ members aren't in a position to talk about it.

The dude gave their part for the 829k , I don't think its right to criticize what he used his donation incentive for. Besides, if you wanna dig I'm pretty sure you could find a lot of the backer stuff comes from creepy places (depending on your perspective, I guess).

Personally I like Robo's 22, it matches beo's ultimate warrior palette very well.
Robo 22 was an original from one of the IGG backers. It isn't a reference as far as we know.

Let's calm down about it! :D
That's about Fortune #20, right? It's a backer palette, not meant to be a reference to anything in particular. I remember the thread from before forums went down, where the backer in question presented several color versions of this palette and asked for feedback about which looks best.

Of course the best thing about palettes is how they work in our eyes. If it's blaziken for you, then blaziken it is.
That's about Fortune #20, right? It's a backer palette, not meant to be a reference to anything in particular. I remember the thread from before forums went down, where the backer in question presented several color versions of this palette and asked for feedback about which looks best.

Of course the best thing about palettes is how they work in our eyes. If it's blaziken for you, then blaziken it is.
Yeah that's what I was referring to. Thanks for letting me know.
My favorite one is Parasoul #17.
I agree that Parasoul as Jessica Rabbit was clever. On a similar note in the art section there is a thread with people posting fan palette designs and taking requests. I suggested Peacock as Roger Rabbit (she does have a really good line that is a joke off of a famous quote from that, and just fits with the movie really well) and I think it came out really cool. I put other ideas too and people did a handful of them, which I really liked, so there are a few around it but it's near the end of the thread and not too hard to find.

By this point, I can only imagine the amount of "oh god why" felt during palette creation, when repeated glancing at the source picture was needed for reference.
Whatever it was, I think I the color scheme came out looking alright I suppose. It's also pretty different than any of the others, so that much is good.
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