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Increase input leniency on Squigly Battle Opera

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Artist & summer addict
I've recently been trying to learn Squigly and I've been finding her Battle Operas really inconsistent to pull off. I fully realize it's my lack of execution but I still think the game could benefit from making the move recognition more lenient on this special. After all, there's no other move of Squigly's where you'll press 214+LK and then MK on the next frame. It was obviously meant to be one of the Battle Operas, so why not have it still come out? With regular kick supers I don't have as much of a problem because I press all 3 buttons and usually 2 of them will have been pressed on the same frame, and for punch supers I just use the dash/pushblock macro. But with this move it has to be two very specific buttons being hit on the same frame, and I find it harder to coordinate especially for 214+LK+HK where it's my index and ring fingers hitting the button at exactly the same time.

Would it be possible to make it so it detects the move when the two buttons are pressed a frame apart? It's the only thing where I find myself constantly fighting the game to execute and I think would make both my experience and of other newcomers to the character a lot more pleasant while not interfering with the other mechanics.
Man I hate to say this but the game already does have the kind of leniency you're talking about. The buttons can be pressed up to 3 frames apart.
Man I hate to say this but the game already does have the kind of leniency you're talking about. The buttons can be pressed up to 3 frames apart.
Wait, really? Wow, I guess my inputs are way worse than I thought. ;u;

Time to hit the lab more it seems. Mods feel free to lock this thread.
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