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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

A whole lot more minus than that
wait are people actually really upset about 250 less damage on cerecopter? or is this some joke im not getting?
Like I said before, gimme the less damage from copter for kanchou being a less finicky combo tool

wait are people actually really upset about 250 less damage on cerecopter? or is this some joke im not getting?

I'm pretty happy with this change. I thought the damage I was getting on my Bella BnB was pretty ridiculous compared to the other characters I use considering what's needed to set it up (cr. short) and the amount of effort it takes to practice it. (only link: j.HK restand)
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A loss of 250 damage wont stop her from being like the 2nd most damaging character.

Consistent kancho combos will be better in the end.
Now if only Cerebella could follow up MGR the same way on Painwheel as she does everyone else. (c.lk c.mk not working still makes me sad)
This. I don't see why this is still a thing. I just use piss easy cr.lp, cr.mp, cr.hp off mgr, and it works on everyone but painwheel. With painwheel I need to gamble a microdash before hand, and usually it just drops.
Now if only Cerebella could follow up MGR the same way on Painwheel as she does everyone else. (c.lk c.mk not working still makes me sad)
you can get like 7.1K from mgr on painwheel wat
Today's Patch Notes BGM™ is Robeast, a track I was introduced to by a member of the SG community and ended up purchasing and listening to for about a week straight:

- Fix flashing round timer during things like EKG Flatliner in Versus. Now it is properly grey while time-out is disabled.
- Tags now autocorrect like all other special moves, the exiting character will face the correct direction before the incoming character starts their action. Nobody told me this was wrong for two years, hahahahaha.
- Fix assists teleporting before landing under certain specific conditions (facing backward and having them blocked for most of their descent). Thanks Weatherbee for finally having it happen on video AND for going to look it up in the archive!
- Bugfix: Sekhmet no longer gains meter when her attacks connect vs opponent pushblocking, Fortune's head, or armored moves/another Sekhmet. Thanks Arcana and others.

Beta Experiments

- Byebye modified superjumps, we hardly knew ye. I have never gotten so many negative responses to a change! I liked them, but this game isn't only for me, so out they go. I hope all you curmudgeons are satisfied. :^)
- Reversal window after hitstun/wakeup restored to the original 4f.
- Bugfix, crouching preblock (only crouching) will now happen vs air attacks, which changes nothing but removes a buggy instant-overhead setup. Thanks TheGamaniac.
- Add 1200 health to everyone's lifebar (at 1.0, multiplied by the normal ratios for solos/duos). Lets you live through one more hard hit, gives you a little bit more of a chance vs some optimized junk.
- Double-snap required distance to corner reduced by 1/3. After being snapped, assists must hit the wall within 10f. (Real Game distance is 15f.) Just enough to affect most round-start double snaps.

New solo mechanic test!

No more auto-healing: Solos will keep up to 1/3 a bar of red health vs a trio and 1/2 vs a duo (none in 1v1). Hitting the solo with a snapback removes all accumulated red health. The solo hitting with a snapback restores 2/3 red health if they hit a point character and 1/3 red health if they hit an assist. I'm not sure I like this, but experiments!

- Kanchou travels faster when she's going behind the opponent; s.HP->Kanchou now works on Big Band and Beowulf.
- j.D+MP has bigger vertical hitboxes while falling and longer opponent hitstop. Can hit more often and followup more easily.
- Cerecopter damage redistributed, base damage almost the same (-100 or so), fully scaled damage 721->520.
- Merry Go-Rilla no longer strike invincible during startup, still throw invincible on grab frames. Should maybe be invincible on the 1f before the grab but let's see.
- Redistribute damage on Khepri Sun. Fully scaled damage ~4100->~3700.
- Added 5f buffer window after L Osiris Spiral to more easily link normal attacks and continue.
- Updo assist comes out at the correct position relative to the point character instead of 100 pixels further forward than any other DP assist. Heh.
- Increase flight speed Forward by 0.5 pixels/frame, Back by 0.5 px/frame, Up by 1 px/frame, Down unchanged. Install no longer makes her fly faster.
- Pinion Dash returned to assist-only, updated faster Stunt Double (alpha counter) version still there. From Custom Action ye rose, to Custom Action shalt thou return.
- Can catch bursts with counter supers, but doing that now scales any followup combo to 50% for both versions. Countering other moves besides bursts does not scale the following combo.
- Air Bypass scales damage to 66% instead of 75%.
- Mortuary Drop forward movement distance increased by ~90 pixels to help it connect after pushblocks.
2nd update - Level 3 won't slide past the opponent, should greatly improve usability. No thanks whatsoever to Izzmo. :^)

- Bugfix: Moonsault will no longer trigger the cinematic when the third hit is an OTG.
- Tag in has correct blockstun, now -20 instead of -3. Thanks negus_eyoel!
- First test of Crowd Hype. Holding down s.LP / dropping a mic from s.MP / taunting all build excitement. Confetti falls whenever the excitement level increases. Max level (Lv2) will make the ref come out from Splash like before. It'll do more stuff soon.
- Altered opponent's arc when released from a Headbutt/Knee for better juggles.
- Headbutts/Knees will not kill during a super as long as the opponent will still be grabbed after that attack.
- j.HK chair toss is now done by holding the button down instead of D+HK. See what you think, this way seems more intuitive to me.
- c.MK and chairless s.HP/j.HP will no longer grab dead characters.
- Dashing LP no longer goes over crouching Painwheel. Thanks someone or other.
- M chair toss releases the chair closer to Beowulf, should be more useful as an overhead setup and assist now.

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Super Jumps gone. It certainly was wacky while it lasted. Maybe it'll be back for Skullgirls 2: The Skullvengeance.

The new Solo snapback health regen thing feels pretty different from the "don't get hit, get back red life" style.

And Pinion's gone again as a special and back to assist only. I hardly knew ye. Maybe because it was a forgettable move with a very very unintuitive input?
RIP, MvC SJ, I'll never forget you! ;_;7

Hopefully needing to hold Beowulf's jHP won't screw with my muscle memory like Val's shuriken/syringe change did.
I was sort of getting the hang of the 25% super jumps but overall I think its better for everybody's sanity if they don't stick around. People were getting kinda militant.

5f buffer after LK Spiral is nice, I wonder why it wasn't there before now.
- Add 1200 health to everyone's lifebar (at 1.0, multiplied by the normal ratios for solos/duos). Lets you live through one more hard hit, gives you a little bit more of a chance vs some optimized junk.

- Altered opponent's arc when released from a Headbutt/Knee for better juggles.

Thank you based MikeZ! I look forward to trying this stuff out
cLP cMK sure works; is just a bit harder, but surely still match-reliable..

It's not :( But its fine. The difference between 7.1k and 7.5 is like w/e.(6.9 and 7.3 now in the beta.)
Mike you posted the wrong patch notes bgm:

Not really a fan of the air bypass changes although the change in itself was a pretty big buff. But I would argue Valentine already does lower than average damage and also now everyone has 1.2k more HP.

Never really had problems with the lvl3 so I don't really know much about that. The move isn't really that good to begin with, lol. May as well just DHC for the kill unless you know it will kill and want to go out in style.

I like the Mortuary Drop changes though, I was always bummered that it never went far enough if they pushblocked but this may give it some use, maybe.
damage nerf AND more health for everyone?

Gonna repeat myself but :
the only think i really liked about the super jump changes was the drifting but its gone now so oh well.
Pinion is gone again? Darn, I am all sorts of sad right now.
@Mike_Z you mentioned before that you would make the link after Beowulf's headbutt finisher easier. Did you decide against that or just haven't gotten around to it?
@Mike_Z you mentioned before that you would make the link after Beowulf's headbutt finisher easier. Did you decide against that or just haven't gotten around to it?

"- Altered opponent's arc when released from a Headbutt/Knee for better juggles."
@Mike_Z you mentioned before that you would make the link after Beowulf's headbutt finisher easier. Did you decide against that or just haven't gotten around to it?

you can do c.hp(chair) after headbutt midscreen
Oh I must have missed that change, my game didn't update for some reason.
RIP drifting during superjumps 2014 - 2014.

The flying chair of ambiguity is no more.

Easier links after Osiris and Beowulf pummels, I like this very much.
5f buffer after LK Spiral is nice, I wonder why it wasn't there before now.
I'm more wondering what it's there for
Can I get the same thing for Tearshot, so I don't have to practice the sMP link (hey it's 1f against some chars in the corner!) :~

Cool I can play beta again
Would still kinda like if the things that are 2f in retail (after blockstun, after PBGC? or so?) became 4f as well

It's not :(
It didn't feel that bad to me, will be trying this out again I guess
Make sure you're trying it on painwheel if you're not. Because I've never been able to get it on her :(
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I'm more wondering what it's there for
I'm mostly wondering "why eliza?"
Someone cried very hard about the "difficulty" of the spiral links? Is this link so vital to Eliza she shouldn't have an execution barrier on it?

I just use piss easy cr.lp, cr.mp, cr.hp off mgr, and it works on everyone but painwheel
I don't know if there was a change that I missed at some point that fixed it, but it also works on painwheel for me...
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Make sure you're trying it on painwheel if you're not. Because I've never been able to get it on her :(
The timing is different on her for sure, and tighter in general.
I had it decently consistent a few days back (which caused my comment above), but I forgot how I did it;
Right now it does not feel very reliable indeed.. I think it is tied around a shorter dash or something.

Here just as "proof of concept" (mute vid and excuse the terrible video quality, phone recording with bad settings etc):
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I'm more wondering what it's there for
Can I get the same thing for Tearshot, so I don't have to practice the sMP link (hey it's 1f against some chars in the corner!) :~
This. I kinda like the change but I don't understand why Eliza got it. Parasoul has +11 from her tears with a 7f LP and a 8f LK (and a 10f MP). Eliza has +10 from Spiral with a 6f LP and a 7f LK.
Although I will gladly accept the buff(er), all it does is make both her midscreen (7.6k) and corner optimized BnB (7.8k) easier. Y
Wait, wait wait...

Are you telling me the 4f reversal window has something to do with this?

Because I swear when it was set to 2f I was getting crossed up by my own ground tech much less than before.
Well, yeah. No one should complain an Eliza didn't drop a combo. But the buff seems kinda unnecessary. The 4f and 3f links aren't really that bad.
Meanwhile Parasoul, who has been dealing with 3f and 4f links for a long time, has to deal with a 1f link against everyone but Peacock, Bella, Val and Eliza. And against those she has either a 2f or a 3f link.
It sounds like on hit it would scale the combo down 75%. Now it will scale it down to 66%.

I'm guessing it is to stop high damage, full screen confirms? In any case, I'm all for it. I was just curious if there was any reasoning given that led up to it as it was out of nowhere.