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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

but Yosuke WOULD beat Junpei.
Junpei is the dah best Persona character, hands down. He's pretty funny, useful as hell, has some of the best development in the persona series. Honestly, Junpie's P3 arc and how they defined him in future games makes him easily one of the best characters the series has had. Akihiko kinda does the exact opposite. Goes from competent and cool to a completely different person as of Q, which sits with you painfully if you just played FES before playing Q.
you know that Q Akihiko is pre-character development right
shinji is still alive there after all
you know that Q Akihiko is pre-character development right
shinji is still alive there after all
Yes, I do realize that. He never really felt like he was that mindless about fighting, though. It feels like they took that eagerness of his to fight and amped it up a bit too much, at least in my opinion.
More like amped it up too little
Aki had his clothes on way too much during Q
Reversing time and canceling pre order
Yes, I do realize that. He never really felt like he was that mindless about fighting, though. It feels like they took that eagerness of his to fight and amped it up a bit too much, at least in my opinion.
this 100%. this was without a doubt my biggest gripe about the game
they exaggerated a lot of the characters in PQ.
Teddie adds more to the conversation than hitting on girls.
Kanji is more than just "radda radda men radda radda cute things"
Yukiko is actully more boring than they made her out to be.
Yukiko became a downright DEMON in terms of putting people down
But yeah other than that she was still boring bad cook girl
They overdid a ton of jokes, like Yukiko not laughing at funny things, and Teddy getting ignored.

My biggest gripe gameplay-wise, is easily the menus. Oh god you can't effectively check anything. Instead of displaying their stats with their HP and skills, they spread it out to two screens and make you jump around to check the character's current equipment and persona equipped and oh god it's a mess. Can't even check the cost of skills until you're actually in battle. That bugs me so much.

The whole idea of persona fusion falls apart when you need to constantly update your personas, but need to do it for a whole team. It's impossible to decide what to throw away, and as such I have a bunch of weaker personas still since it's impossible to carry over what I need in order to keep strategies working. If they had expanded the limit, maybe.
So much of Q rubs me the wrong way, but I still like it.
Is that Sho? THAT BETTER BE FREAKING SHO! I-it's not Sho, is it? Dammit, and the ending of P4U set up some secondary Sho arc...
is that a shadow self?
Do Shadow Selves in P5 have maskes?
Because if so I'm fucking down for that.
Sho is terrible though.
What's wrong with Sho? Sure he's a jerk, but I'm starved for any connection to P4U in the main canon. Unless he's playable in DANL...which I would cringe at so heavily.

The Phantom? Geeze, a phantom theif? This is gonna be...cliché...
I'm thinking this "Phantom" is behind all the bad stuff happening in the unnamed P5 city that is making people feel stressed
Ain't nothing wrong with the Phantom Thief trope.
I saw a post on tumblr that thinks the thing with this might be that this phantom dude steals persona.
Who the fuck knows.
That trailers gonna be hype
Quoted from Neogaf:

'Does anyone think that these teenagers will be wearing masks and be taking a different "persona" as a way to break free from society's shackles?'

I want this. Teen Titans: Persona edition.
As long as it's not Sho. He's almost Marie-level bad.
Whatever's everyone got against Sho?

Also, in the previous Persona 2, there were masks from the Pheonix Featherman that unlocked the character's ultimate persona, perhaps this is kinda like that?
Anyone else notice the kanji is placed together like one of those ransom letters?

Yeah yeah it's like a calling card or something
Isn't that a part of the Ghost Stealer thing
Saying "omw to steal your stuff lol" in a subtle way before doing it
So P3, we had existential crisises and dealing with death
P4 we dealt with murders and seeking the truth
P5 we deal with some asshole stealing our shit and breaking society's boundaries.
Well, gotta say I didn't think we'd go that direction.
Still gonna play it and live it.
This Phantom probably targets specific people or areas? And how does that tie into the blue fire in the trailer? It's all over the place, but instead of an investigation squad, or going on a murder solving spree, we're trying to catch a phantom guy who's stealing souls or maybe....

What if the Phantom steals your identity? Steals what makes you who you are, which manifests as a Shadow or persona?
This Phantom probably targets specific people or areas? And how does that tie into the blue fire in the trailer? It's all over the place, but instead of an investigation squad, or going on a murder solving spree, we're trying to catch a phantom guy who's stealing souls or maybe....

What if the Phantom steals your identity? Steals what makes you who you are, which manifests as a Shadow or persona?
Holy shit want.
This is also a really good thing, given how easy it is nowdays for someone to steal your identity and ruin your life.
I just hope that he isn't edgy garbage that spouts 'omg friendship and friends are so dumb. loooseerrrrs' like a certain red-head. Sho's personality was fun, but his goals and ambitions were gag-worthy.
I'm thinking personality will be P2 Jokeresque with a dash of Captain Jack Sparrow trollness
Maybe throw in some Adachi for flavor
And then people become something akin to a mindless drone? I dunno, after its stolen, I imagine it'd be kind of like apathy syndrome, or that happiness cult from 2, where you never make a thoughtful decisions for yourself and just become a mindless sheep.
It's an interesting route.
Obviously in any case, well most likely being interrupting Mr. Phantom here in order to get our allies....I'm highly curios as to how dungeons will be handled. Will it be alternate plane the Phantom access to get around? Will it be like P2 where the area gets overrun with shadows once the Phantom strikes? Iunno