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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Glad to see a Bender reference sneaked it's way in too!

Now that we see the final result more or less, she really is a complete new character! From what i thought would ba a joke character, the only joke part are her lines!
She's easily one of my favorite characters in the game, she's just so much fun to play as. Though I'm a GG player, so she gets unfair advantage there.
Alt+Enter is just closing Endless Beta instead of switching between windowed to fullscreen. Fullscreen to window works.
- Bath of Sekhmet theme gets to the good bit earlier. (Yes, this'll be in a retail update soon. :^)
- Possibly fixed some random performance issues / slowdown.
- You can no longer hit the chaise lounge in Eliza's timeout pose.

- Anim fixes for taunt, it is also now slightly shorter.
- Can no longer taunt in the air. I mess this up with every character, don't I? :^P
- No longer says First Law quote vs another Robo. Heh.
- Added unused frames in timeout pieces.
- Removed vulnerable boxes on ears of c.LP before the active frames, maybe it's a better antiair now.
- s.MP +1f hitstun on all hits; must hold down MP to get the spark hits; spark hits pull opponent closer; hitbox on spark hits expanded.
- s.MK pulls downward vs air.
- c.HP -1f blockstun.
- Headrone RAM (LK) +6f hitstun, +2f blockstun, knocks airborne opponents higher but less far back.
- Ground L/M beams -7 on hit -> -4 on hit when far and -5 when close.
- All L/M beams damage 500->650. During Systemic Circuit Breaker, all L/M beams damage 800, chip 350.
- LK Headrone hitstun +5, blockstun +2f, opponent arc in air altered.
- H Beam visuals improved some.
- Improve magnetic pull when the button is released during Iron Claw so the opponent floats better. A certain...iron...someone...would be proud, I think.
Eh, I thought Bath was fine as is, but whatever. Also rip air taunt spam

The c.lp buff is appreciated, can't wait to actually use that now.
The s.mp, s.mk, and headdrone changes are AMAZING, and make it easier to convert off of stray hits/ use those moves in combos
Srsly thanks for those \(^^)\
Alt+Enter is just closing Endless Beta instead of switching between windowed to fullscreen. Fullscreen to window works.
This actually sounds like it's crashing...?

the bee's knees, love of my life
so i can't rename lobbies. i thought it would just go away but it hasn't. The name is just blank and when i try to rename it the game crashes. This is in retail.
Crashing on setting screen mode. Delete your videosettings.bin and see if it fixes it?

so i can't rename lobbies. i thought it would just go away but it hasn't. The name is just blank and when i try to rename it the game crashes. This is in retail.
Delete (or remove and keep) your savedata and see if that helps?
Crashing on setting screen mode. Delete your videosettings.bin and see if it fixes it?

Delete (or remove and keep) your savedata and see if that helps?
Doesnt help.
When you delete your save data make sure you disable cloud saves. It sort of saves it.

I couldn't fix my issues until I disabled cloud save because it was loading parts of the old save data.
Nope crashed from Fullscreen to WIndowed and windowed to fullscreen

Crash log http://pastebin.com/3NvinefU
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So if we're going to be taking tools away from Squigly can we at least have it so her fastest normal doesn't go over crouching Filia, Fukua, and Val?
So if we're going to be taking tools away from Squigly can we at least have it so her fastest normal doesn't go over crouching Filia, Fukua, and Val?
One buff, one nerf. You wanna complain I'm done so I officially don't caaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... :^)
One buff, one nerf. You wanna complain I'm done so I officially don't caaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... :^)
Sorry if I'm coming off as whining but when I see Peacock get some ridiculous new tool to compensate for a nerf I can't help but question this.
What are these buffs and nerfs?
Not sure the exact specifics but j.LP now hits mid for the first 2 frames you are moving upwards from a jump or something along those lines. Basically the Eliza j.LK treatment.

And Silver Chord is like 2 or 3 frames faster to avoid frames from canceling from c.HP
Not sure the exact specifics but j.LP now hits mid for the first 2 frames you are moving upwards from a jump or something along those lines. Basically the Eliza j.LK treatment.

And Silver Chord is like 2 or 3 frames faster to avoid frames from canceling from c.HP

lol, the fuzzy was gfarmers primary mixup when he still played. Don't know why squigly would lose that... It IS strong, but feels deserved. The second one doesn't seem like a buff because it doesn't give her anything she didn't have before except an easier cancel that wasn't the hardest in the first place, unless it now makes it easier to catch against cr.hp juggled opponents... But still.

Hmm yah I agree with yaya, peacock gets that fucking sword for losing a bomb cancel, squigly gets an easier cancel that she already had.

Hmmm... I guess maybe mike wants squigly players to use her grounded overhead more instead of leaning on the fuzzy? That's all I got really.
Instead of leaning on the fuzzy?
can't even fuzzy with it now rip squigly
You can still fuzzy with it, on everyone.
If they're in stand blockstun they get hit. That did not change.

Sorry if I'm coming off as whining but when I see Peacock get some ridiculous new tool to compensate for a nerf I can't help but question this.
You used the thing you're complaining about exactly zero times at NWM, dude.
And it works on like 3 characters as an actual overhead while they are crouching. Which is the ONLY THING that is fixed.

If you'd like some rationale, here, have some:
- Eliza j.LK and Squigly j.LP are the same speed.
- Eliza doesn't have instant overhead j.LK because it's 12f and can be cancelled into j.HP or airdash to make it safe.

Squigly should therefore according to you guys keep a 12f overhead, the fastest in the game, that can be cancelled into divekick to make it safe?

C'mon, people.
I think it's because she could hit a few characters, not including bigband, while they were crouching.

I personally thought it was fine and even if it didn't do that anymore, losing the ability to fuzzy with it kind of sucks.

EDIT: I guess you can fuzzy with it? Didn't seem like it from the sound of it but haven't tried it yet obviously.