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Help Advertise Indivisible!

People might be leary at clicking on the hentai key version of the flash so the youtube version is a tad bit safer.

lol you right. I incognito'd and muted the first time i pressed the link cause i wasn't sure what was gona pop up.
Now all we need is the...

Indivisible hentai flash :^)
you do realize that Mike has forbidden Zone from doing that.

Nope for right now all we get are soft lewds and upskirt shots
Oh god.. why did you have to remind me...
oh come on, you liked it. Don't you lie....

Now if you don't like that kind of upskrit shot then one of the Samurai Scottsman should be good.... that is if he's not wearing the kilt like a traditional Scottsman.
oh come on, you liked it. Don't you lie....

Now if you don't like that kind of upskrit shot then one of the Samurai Scottsman should be good.... that is if he's not wearing the kilt like a traditional Scottsman.

considering the amount of chest and armhair on this lad I doubt you'll be able to see anything either way
nice, I also cropped it so you can use it for wallpapers/youtube thumbnails/edits etc.

I'm going to a con this Friday and I'm gonna have Hype Missile and several other characters taped to my bag and on me.

I'll also print up some of the flyers from earlier in the thread and pass them out to anyone curious why I'm covered in characters they don't know.
Hype Missile Stickers. Someone f'in do it. I would totally would like one. Better yet, one of those plastic Car window sticker things.
driving down the street with a "Hype Missile onboard" sticker. see how many heads turn on that one.
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We have a stream of Mike beating Turbo Tunnel from Battletoads without dying, might be worth spreading in retro fan-places. I've tried /r/gaming, but didn't have any luck. The current Valkyrie Profile stream's getting some attention, which is nice. Also, the fan art and speedrun competitions will hopefully get some attention. There's an art stream tomorrow, too, so if anyone knows people who'd like to tune in and hasn't been contacted yet.

Indiegogo Page said:
Tuesday, October 27 from 4-7 PM (Pacific)
Art stream with Brian Jun (Art Producer)
Watch one of the team's most talented artists draw and discuss aspects of development from the perspective of art production
TheRicoGames cut out a part of the podcast with the two best friends and I think its a good thing to link people to. Kind of like Nick's video.
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I tried googling news about Indivisible. Never again. I really, really want to work in the game industry, but the sheer amount of idiocy and ignorance regarding business running is so awful and huge, I'm shaking on my seat, not sure if it's anger or fear, probably both. Right now, I think Lab Zero and Indivisible actually need a miracle, they need God to come down to earth and educate the ignorant masses, cause they won't listen to us. Sorry guys, I really need to sheer up right now.
I uh... don't think I am getting your same results. I haven't got any negative results
I uh... don't think I am getting your same results. I haven't got any negative results

Please point me in the right direction. Of course, I was browsing both English and Spanish sites; the latter think it's a scam. And a guy compared Indivisible to a mobile game.
I tried googling news about Indivisible. Never again. I really, really want to work in the game industry, but the sheer amount of idiocy and ignorance regarding business running is so awful and huge, I'm shaking on my seat, not sure if it's anger or fear, probably both. Right now, I think Lab Zero and Indivisible actually need a miracle, they need God to come down to earth and educate the ignorant masses, cause they won't listen to us. Sorry guys, I really need to sheer up right now.

surprise! every business that heavily involves the internet as videogames do is like that
need a thick hide yo
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Idea! The Z Engine re-purposes a fighting game engine for platforming and JRPG mechanics, yes? So it's an innovative, potentially disruptive new use of technology. This could be cool for tech magazines and news sources. It's not a physical gizmo per se, but it is a shiny new way to do software that might be interesting to... Dang it, I forgot the name of that techie news site I used to read when I was bored. Not Gizmodo, the other one? [Edit] Wired.com? I think that was it.

Also, Mike's discussion of how much it actually costs to make a game might be interesting to Business Insider and other financial news places. That could be worth pursuing.
Idea! The Z Engine re-purposes a fighting game engine for platforming and JRPG mechanics, yes? So it's an innovative, potentially disruptive new use of technology.
I'm pretty sure that this is not really a new thing. The fact that the Z engine, made specifically for fighting games is so "easy" to adapt to make an action RPG is pretty cool. But engines are, in general, multi purpose things.
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I'm pretty sure that this is not really a new thing. The fact that the Z engine, made specifically for fighting games is so "easy" to adapt to make an action RPG is pretty cool. But engines are, in general, multi purpose things.
Holy kitten that is so cool! And that was back in the Squigly campaign?

Yegads I wish there were more I could do to market this thing. A million dollars in about three weeks... Any chance somebody here could make the next Flappy Bird?
Hey so I'm almost done with a Halloween animation that I'm gonna post about a day or so down the line. Is it okay if I animate a little thing at the end saying to donate to Indivisible? It's a pretty cute idea I have for presenting it.
17 days left... $1m to go.. n-no.. I'm not gonna talk about it even though I want too.. *leaves wiping her face*
The clutch donations will be coming eventually.
I know this game will get funded because Lab Zero has good on their side and when you have good you've got the world on a string :)

Seriously though I can't imagine this not getting funded. I'm sure the rate will go up.
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I know this game will get funded because Lab Zero has good on their side and when you have good you've got the world on a string :)

Seriously though I can't imagine this not getting funded. I'm sure the rate will go up.
I got it.

mostly because I'm a nerd and that show was the shit.
yeah... It just ticks me off that he doesn't have the indiegogo link posted in the stream title. that one of his mods is doing that.
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Everyone calls him Snake. So I assume that is David Hayter. Snake's VA.
If anyone knows who Cryaotic/Chaoticmonki is, Snake is one of his friends. And that is his actual voice that sounds like david hayter.
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Someone other than me (since I've posted there before and then went ahead and forgot my password) should get a forum post on SDA up for the speedrun contest. Just a quick introduction, link to the previous thread for general information on the game (here) and link to the contest guidelines (here). Do mention the specific prizes you can win (for the 500$ tier, for example).
17 days left... $1m to go.. n-no.. I'm not gonna talk about it even though I want too.. *leaves wiping her face*
It's a struggle between to factors: as time goes, there is a higher chance to have donators, because words are spread and the donation rate rises (and the higher the raise is, the higher the chance to get donators is as well) But in the other hand, as time flies, potential donators can be discouraged and think this is not worth the try if they see a high purcentage left for a limited time (even if they would have their money back in case of failure)

But I'm pretty sure things will speed up at the beginning of November, because of income. I hope and pray that many backer tier donators will increase their donations. We also can expect high donations near the very end. People can be willing to sacrifice their monthly budget and give a higher amount of money than they wanted to give before the campain closes.

In other words, what we need most is to have the highest rate as possible at the end of the week so people who want to spend money will believe in the success of this campain.
(okay it sounds a little stupid as for any campain the goal is to get the highest rate lol, but you get the idea. This campain may get funded at the very last moment)
We've been at a steady 1% a day now. There've been fluxes and the game has gotten amazing press overall. The problem now is tipping so many over the edge. Like seriously, I have shoved Indivisible down my friends' throats, and they love what they see. the problem? none of them are in positions to give any money, and the only people we can effectively spread the message to already has donated, or is in a similar situations.

As far as my endeavors to get more people in YT...it hasn't seen much success. Most people kind of wave it off with other things to do or I haven't been able to contact anyone about it.

I think we could contact someone like Alex the Autarch. Even though he's done with countdowns he's still a big presence and a lot of ppl respect him. He's also a part of Fiona Frightening, which might get those guys to chip in as welll
Anyone try Projared?
you want me to poke him? ehhh sure. lets just hope he's not super busy.

okay I poked him over twitter. told him about the game and how he might like it.
I'm happy to see that more of the support base is getting fired up to promote the game. There now seems to be a significant crowd outside of Skullgirls fans and Lab Zero faithful that want to see this game happen. Even the prospect of it being "the first IGG game to break $1M" and "the first new game IP to break $1M without an old face behind it" have some folks curious. That'll hopefully mean more people will start prodding the YTers and sites we've been messaging.

Really hoping we can get another big push soon. If the game could just make it to more streams like last night's, we could be on our way to 50%. It'd be even more exciting if we were actually able to beat Friday the 13th to their goal. What a momentum shift that would be!

hate to be a downer.. even after starting this "help advertise" thing... I'm really starting to feel bad about this.. not even 50% at 17 days? It's... not a good sign... even with a "Final Push", it's going to be really hard to get to that $1.5m mark... there's not enough days...
Anyone try Projared?
Me, like 2 weeks ago, but looks like that wasn't enough.
Are you sure y'all don't mean to be talking about Them's Fightin' Herds? So many drama llamas in here.
If it meets the goal, great. If it doesn't, it sucks. Moping about how worried you are is time that could be spent being productive or playing video games or something.