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The Wulf Den

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It's good to have you in The Pack Kuzlalala.
First off let me say that I love seeing Beowulf drawn like this, it shows that he's much more than just a musclebound brawler. As for the fan speculation I really like your creativity with the 3 little pigs, even if I have my own ideas for Wiglaf I can't help but really like your concept. On a side note I remember Alex Ahad say on an old Salty Cupcakes stream that he wanted to keep Grendel alive in Beowulf's story, but he hasn't decided on what to do with Grendel's Mother. I'd like to think that Beowulf was forced to slay The Mother when she tried to eat the audience and now the one-armed Grendel wants revenge.

As for that new Beowulf Thread I totally agree with you, people should reply to that more often. The Wulf Den is a pretty strong thread but it's not a dedicated Beowulf thread. Retiring from Retirement seems like the true place for intensive Beowulf discussion and character speculation. So everyone if you want to have a serious discussion about Beowulf's story and gameplay be sure to post it there! I'll definitely reply to it!
In the meantime feel free to talk about whatever you want here, this is more of a lounge anyway.

Welcome to the Wulf Pack Kuzlalala! It's always nice to see new faces.

On a side note I remember Alex Ahad say on an old Salty Cupcakes stream that he wanted to keep Grendel alive in Beowulf's story, but he hasn't decided on what to do with Grendel's Mother. I'd like to think that Beowulf was forced to slay The Mother when she tried to eat the audience and now the one-armed Grendel wants revenge.

I really want to see Grendel in this game. He could have a mechanical arm to replace the one that was ripped off, or they could have him fight with only one arm. Maybe even have a mechanic where his mechanical arm could detach to switch combat styles and he could then pick it up later to switch back.

I still like the idea that Grendel's Mother was crippled, so Grendel is searching for the Skullheart to bring home to Mommy so she can wish to be healed. That would make for an epic final boss battle in a future game. Grendel's Mom gets the heart, and on top of getting healed, she also wishes for more power and goes on a rampage!

But if she did die, it would be interesting if Grendel referenced that in a super. Since she had her head chopped off in the Epic of Beowulf, it would be kinda cool if he had a super where he would use his Mom's skull to trap the opponent (since it would probably be big enough, being a Gigan and all.) and do damage while they are inside it. Even in death, she would still be killing people!
Can anyone explain what Salty Cupcakes is to me? :oops:
Go to Page 2 of this thread and look at Post #37, my Salty Cupcakes Reminder will give you the gist of what it is. :cool:
Wow, thanks for welcoming me. It's such a pleasure?

I really want to see Grendel in this game. He could have a mechanical arm to replace the one that was ripped off, or they could have him fight with only one arm. Maybe even have a mechanic where his mechanical arm could detach to switch combat styles and he could then pick it up later to switch back.

I didn't that Grendel would be alive in SG. So does that mean Grendel would be part of Beowulf's moves just how there's Parasoul's squad and Peacock's Avery?
Wow, thanks for welcoming me. It's such a pleasure?

I didn't that Grendel would be alive in SG. So does that mean Grendel would be part of Beowulf's moves just how there's Parasoul's squad and Peacock's Avery?
Yes Grendel will be a "part" of Beowulf's moves in a way, hehehe...

But in all seriousness Grendel probably wouldn't help Beowulf out considering they're mortal enemies. However, Alex Ahad said that Beowulf would keep Grendel's arm as a trophy and use it in a super. I'm imagining Beowulf would use Grendel's arm as a Gigantic forward punch.
Yes Grendel will be a "part" of Beowulf's moves in a way, hehehe...

But in all seriousness Grendel probably wouldn't help Beowulf out considering they're mortal enemies. However, Alex Ahad said that Beowulf would keep Grendel's arm as a trophy and use it in a super. I'm imagining Beowulf would use Grendel's arm as a Gigantic forward punch.

Yeah, it seems pretty unlikely that Grendel would want to be buddies with the guy that ripped his arm off and then proceeded to beat the crap out of his mom. Though it would be pretty sweet if they ended up fighting on the same side sometime in the Skullgirls story line.

If Beowulf does use Grendel's arm in a move, I hope one of his lines is, "Wanna arm wrestle?"
My favorite idea that was discussed was the changing nature of special attacks based on where the Hurting was at any given time. Like, a running tackle body slam might get a damage boost if the chair is behind the enemy, allowing Beowulf to jump up and off of it. Or, like, a suplex might get super gnarly if the chair is positioned beneath the enemy.
But in all seriousness Grendel probably wouldn't help Beowulf out considering they're mortal enemies. However, Alex Ahad said that Beowulf would keep Grendel's arm as a trophy and use it in a super. I'm imagining Beowulf would use Grendel's arm as a Gigantic forward punch.

I know that it's a great idea, but if Grendel's arm would be Beowulf's weapon, how will Grendel's arm be used without getting rotten?
I know that it's a great idea, but if Grendel's arm would be Beowulf's weapon, how will Grendel's arm be used without getting rotten?
That's actually a question I really want to ask Alex Ahad. Until I get a real answer from him I'm just going to say magic.
I actually wanted all the characters + DLC but I guess people prefer Cerebella so that's who I voted. She appears to be in the lead now.
I went to a kind of anime convention called Anime Festival Asia (if you notice on tumblr I've put a photo of myself with a cerebella shirt-wearing guy), and I commissioned someone (I don't know her url, sorry) to do a sketch of Beowulf, and here it is:


I think the style is good enough, it's just that I don't think it captures Beowulf's badassery. What do you think?
I think the style is good enough, it's just that I don't think it captures Beowulf's badassery. What do you think?
The style is great, very great and it has the potential to be even better. I think I know what your talking about though, how it doesn't quite capture his badassery or spirit. I think it's got something to do with the eyes, they lack the intensity and spirit that Beowulf usually portrays. Here it looks like he is looking gently at something, as a child would stare at a butterfly.

I'm not an artist so I don't know what kind of changes to suggest but If I had to say something I would say try to put more determination on his face. Try to express his anticipation for battle you know?
It shows a different, more relaxed side of him to me. If you really wanted to go with the badass/determined look you'd possible want to mention that specifically. The anime style is basically a cartoon that minimizes certain details, but a lot of badass/determination shows up through tension (facial muscles rigid, flexed) which creates more shadows. You'll see a lot of the anime tropes/memes related to fighting and so on will go out of their way to provide more detail to anatomy. I can't remember the origin of this one, but here's a good example:
Edit: maybe not the best example since it also squares off the faces, making them look more "masculine" but still gets the general point across

Edit 2: I read that completely backwards, sorry!
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She's definitely going for badass/determined that's for sure, but I don't know if I would call it an anime/manga style. Unless she says otherwise she's just drawing Beowulf how she would draw Beowulf, like Alex Ahad would. I agree though, a little more detail and shading around his brow and facial muscles would really bring out the character that she's looking for, which is determined Beowulf.

But really Kuzla if you were to leave this commission the way it is the recipient would be more than satisfied with what you've already done.
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For those who haven't been informed, I've decided to make a small announcement. SkullHeart has a new and improved style!
Check your preferences or the bottom-left corner of your screen for the option to change to this custom style.
So Wulf Pack, what do you all think of SkullHeart's new look?

Darkness has once again caressed our lair, now is the time for the wolves to begin their hunt...
I'm a much bigger fan of the new logo. No offense to the artist who made the old one, but it didn't LOOK like the Skullheart.
Can't really take the logo too seriously myself. Reminds me way too much of this guy.
That is now the board's official theme song. Now the administrators need to find a way to have it play whenever a member logs in. :3

Also, so good to have the classic theme back, the previous one really stung the eyes. I feel I can post once more...once I have something worthwhile to say, so it may take a while. (.__.)
Now all we need is the glorious return of : pun: and : PUN: and our lives will be complete. Maybe step it up and have a sassy Eliza icon.:p
Y'know what I'd like to see?

Since some characters had some concept art and others had some sort of video, I'd like to see something along those lines for Beowulf. I mean, Squigly's released, Big Band got concepts, Eliza has a video, but the Wulf? Just a pic of him holding Grendel's arm.

C'mon Ahad! I'm itchin' for some concepts!
Y'know what I'd like to see?

Since some characters had some concept art and others had some sort of video, I'd like to see something along those lines for Beowulf. I mean, Squigly's released, Big Band got concepts, Eliza has a video, but the Wulf? Just a pic of him holding Grendel's arm.

C'mon Ahad! I'm itchin' for some concepts!

He's finding it difficult to actually make anything for Beowulf and is regretting making him a votable character as a result.

That's right kids, I'm back :p
Alex Ahad actually did create some Beowulf concept art.
But it's rather lackluster compared to everyone else's.
It at least shows what he'll look like with his hood up.
Forgot about that. The reason I forgot about it is probably for the reason you mentioned. It doesn't have a lot of attack concepts. Just some poses. I'd like to see some attacks in there. *Frustration
Sewiously though. This little duckling is adowable.

EDIT: There are no attacks. Sorry.
Look on the bright side, it's much better to have just poses then to copy a bunch of attacks from other games, sprinkle 'em with stars and call it a day.

If that comment was directed towards Annie, then I am forever grateful for being in your presence.

It's not just me who despises Annie and all her supporters, is it?
As someone who had only played MUGEN and Skullgirls I did not know that Annie's moves are derived from other games' characters.

Then again aren't a lot of character's moves almost the same as their inspirations?
Oooh Balder shut you DOWN Rellek. But in all seriousness it's good to have you back, I almost didn't recognize you without a Toph avatar.

Ace don't be so harsh, we have to respect the Annie supporters as we respect each other.
But if they decide to challenge us, we will NOT hesitate to crush them!

Also good call on that link.
Eliza has a video?! What rock was I sleeping under?! :eek:

And no, not the comfy one, the rain wore it down. :(
Oooh Balder shut you DOWN Rellek. But in all seriousness it's good to have you back, I almost didn't recognize you without a Toph avatar.

Ace don't be so harsh, we have to respect the Annie supporters as we respect each other.
But if they decide to challenge us, we will NOT hesitate to crush them!

Also good call on that link.

Oh don't be silly. I merely had to go to work, my friend. Quite the day it was. Anyways yes, I'm no longer an avid supporter of any specific character, merely an advocate for good stuff. And all I see are sketches of him posing and throwing around a few generic chair wielding moves. Oh yes and his ever so valiant hoodie. I might actually main him, he looks so fantastically interesting.
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