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The Generically Named Thread Where We Come Up With Ways To Help Skullgirls

Just rename the game Skull Hearts.
Oh wait, that's just more fuel for people to keep drawing Arcana Heart connections.

I feel if L0 renames Skullgirls for accusations of sexism, then other publishers won't see them as brave or risk-taking. I honestly hate when developers back out of certain ideas because they're afraid of the public. Some ideas should honestly be rejected, but you can't give in to censorship for art. I hope L0 finds a great, viable solution to their money problem.
EDIT: I should've stated where these accusations went. They went to hell, because when some guy heard that Mariel was the lead animator, all he said was "That's cool!", not defending his position, so sexism could not be the reason Skullgirls is rejectable.
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and those two reasons are really big factors why people don't really take us seriously as a competitive game or a game at all.

The competitive scene has very little to do with Skullgirl's financial success as a franchise.

For the last time, this topic is not about getting more tournament players. Its about making sure that there is more Skullgirls after the IGG money runs out which means getting the attention of a publisher. Not getting the attention of the FGC.
The competitive scene has very little to do with Skullgirl's financial success as a franchise.

For the last time, this topic is not about getting more tournament players. Its about making sure that there is more Skullgirls after the IGG money runs out which means getting the attention of a publisher. Not getting the attention of the FGC.

im not asking for more Tournament players, im asking for More players in general. the local scene is pitiful, the majors barely have any players. if we get enough attention, from the FGC and people are playing this more often, then yeah we could get publishers to notice us. And before you counter argue with me, i wanna know what you have been doing to Help SG out. ive been busting my ass trying to get others to play the game, and getting insulted by my friends calling me a weeboo and many other things. Im doing my part what about you? Ponder that question for a bit. More players, More profit. more profit, the more options we have, and the less stress we have.
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Only idea I have is to do the game ourselves butt that doesn't really help lab zero get any money. All that does it get what we want

All I can think of is that we get famous and advertise for labzero or get rich and pay labzero

that or we make them a new game they can sell that's not skullgirls and they can get the money from that
im not asking for more Tournament players, im asking for More players in general. the local scene is pitiful, the majors barely have any players. if we get enough attention, from the FGC and people are playing this more often, then yeah we could get publishers to notice us. And before you counter argue with me, i wanna know what you have been doing to Help SG out. ive been busting my ass trying to get others to play the game, and getting insulted by my friends calling me a weeboo and many other things. Im doing my part what about you? Ponder that question for a bit.

I'm not going to get into a dick waving contest with you in terms of "What have you done for the scene, asshole?" kind of talk. That's really uncalled for.
I'm not going to get into a dick waving contest with you in terms of "What have you done for the scene, asshole?" kind of talk. That's really uncalled for.

im not trying to be that way, im sorry if you took it that way. but i still stand my ground. Im still stressed about salty , so we are busting are backs while a lot of others are doing nothing.
Really the only way we can help L0 out is of we attract the attention of bigger powers. No small amount will keep SG alive in the coming years if this doesn't happen soon. Right now we all hope Valve sees SG as a viable game, ehich could provide the much needed support which L0 needs, but the only realistic idea of that coming into play is if they choose to bundle SG with the Steambox to show off controller versatility. But seeing how not even the TF2 hats made it into the game (which garnered alot of approval from the community mind you), probably indicates just how 'interested' Valve is.

EDIT: another possibility is if Valve starts a voting session for the best games in each genre on Steam, which we could use to boost SG popularity, but could also spell disaster if another 'unspecified' and undeserving FG won.
I think the solution might be calling attention towards L0 and what they do. Maybe being featured in a documentary about the struggles of making an indie game float in deep water. People will look to L0's situation and the game will be popular. However, its not so much about the game itself because there are so many reasons of interest from artists to designers. I think we either sit back and relax while crossing our fingers that some documentarian will notice or we could call their attention. I think Alex, Mike and the team should try to get a little more into the public eye. I love how Eightysixed is helping L0 become more popular through shirts, pins, stickers, and now smartphone cases. I guess this thread may be all about L0's motivation to stay on this project and how we can help directly.
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I think the solution might be calling attention towards L0 and what they do. Maybe being featured in a documentary about the struggles of making an indie game float in deep water. People will look to L0's situation and the game will be popular. However, its not so much about the game itself because there are so many reasons of interest from artists to designers. I think we either sit back and relax while crossing our fingers that some documentarian will notice or we could call their attention. I think Alex, Mike and the team should try to get a little more into the public eye. I love how Eightysixed is helping L0 become more popular through shirts, pins, stickers, and now smartphone cases. I guess this thread may be all about L0's motivation to stay on this project and how we can help directly.
Assuming you mean a sequal/continuation of Indie Game: The Movie, I wouldn't mind that happening. I just hope we dont come off as a game community that forces everthing related down the thraots of others.
I just asked my first game review sight, IGN, to re-review Skullgirls as Skullgirls Encore:

I will update this same post each time I contact a game review sight. Also, I just realized that I shouldn't have said "Konami's outburst", so the next tim, I'll keep that out.
To GamesRadar:

Is Skullgirls Encore not Skullgirls Encoere!
I just asked my first game review sight, IGN, to re-review Skullgirls as Skullgirls Encore:
Recently, Skullgirls was reborn as Skullgirls Encore this 2014 because of Konami's outburst. I felt because Skullgirls Encore is a fundamentally different game, and is technically a separate game from the original Skullgirls, I think you should re-review it. Most of Skullgirls afflictions are gone from the vanilla(initial release) version like the missing move list--fixed, lack of spectator mode and lobbies--fixed. Please re-review Skullgirls Encore.
I will update this same post each time I contact a game review sight. Also, I just realized that I shouldn't have said "Konami's outburst", so the next tim, I'll keep that out.
To GamesRadar:
In 2012, GamesRadar(you guys) reviewed Skullgirls, and you gave it a 4/5 stars. I feel you should re-review Skullgirls as Skullgirls Encoere because 1) its technically a new game because it falls under a new IP, and 2) the game has improved vastly like having lobbies, spectator mode, a complete move list which is even more detailed after the 1.01 patch, and the game's even more balanced. Please re-review Skullgirls.
To gamespot:
Last time you review Skullgirls was in 2012 April, where it was a brand new game, but it had a few things missing you guys (and everyone else) wanted like lobbies, more characters, a finished movelist, etc. Well, since this game is technically under a new IP known as Skullgirls Encore, I felt you should take a new look at this highly updated version of Skullgirls for its much more polished and brings a great learning experience for new players. I know you loved this game before, so I'm willing to bet you will love it even more. Please re-review Skullgirls (Encore).
I feel like an assassin with a hit list, except this hit list helps and doesn't hurt...:PUN:
To G4:
Hello, G4 network. In 2012, you guys reviewed Skullgirls, a game to which you held critical acclaim, but honestly, it had problems the devs Lab Zero wanted to correct. So, in 2014 Skullgirls made the transition to a new IP, Skullgirls Encore. Since Skullgirls ENcore is a technically different game, I thought you might want to give it a better chance for recognition. Please re-review Skulgirls as SG Encore.
To Joystiq:
Please re-review Skullgirls. Skullgirls has made many vast improvements since April 2012. They have fixed many of the afflictions like being lobby-less, a lack of characters, missing movelists, etc. Since Skullgirls has been renewed with a new IP known as Skullgirls Encore, I felt the Joystiq team needed to take a second look at it, giving it a chance to show its new features. Thank you for reading.
To Eurogamer:
Could you please re-review Skullgirls? I feel since Skullgirls has risen from the ashes as a new IP named Skullgirls Encore, then it should be given a chance to rectify what was wrong with it like the minor lack of polish, the lack of movelists, lobbies and a spectator mode, all of which are fixed. Please re-review Skullgirls (Encore).
To Electronic Gaming Monthly:
Hello, EGM Now. May you please Skullgirls a new opportunity to impress? SKullgirls hase fallen under a new IP aptly named Skullgirls Encore, meaning they are a technically different game, and therefore have a new opportunity for review consideration. The game has improved vastly with more balance, an even more detailed movelist than during the 1.01 patch(fully fixed during 1.01), lobbies, spectator mode, a better learning opportunity for new players, etc. Please re-review Skullgirls as Skullgirls Encore.
I sort of realized, in a way, these themselves are reviews on their own merits, I guess.
To GameTrailers:
Please give Skullgirls a new opportunity to show it has grown to be a very polished game and very inviting to newer players. Skullgirls recently rose under a new IP, now known as Skullgirls Encore, so its technically a new game. I feel you should give it a new opportunity to prove itself a worthy game like before but only better. For example they have fixed the movelist problem, gave the game lobbies, have additional characters, spectator mode, is more of a polished game, etc. Please re-review Skullgirls as SG Encore.
Update: Finished sending review pleas to different gaming reviews.
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I feel like Encore doesn't give a mainstream media site very much to work with. To them its just Squigly and a big list of patch changes that they don't know what they do because they don't understand fighting games.

But good effort, hopefully you'll get some positive responses at least.
I just asked my first game review sight, IGN, to re-review Skullgirls as Skullgirls Encore:

I will update this same post each time I contact a game review sight. Also, I just realized that I shouldn't have said "Konami's outburst", so the next tim, I'll keep that out.
To GamesRadar:

To gamespot:

I feel like an assassin with a hit list, except this hit list helps and doesn't hurt...:PUN:
To G4:

To Joystiq:

To Eurogamer:

To Electronic Gaming Monthly:

I sort of realized, in a way, these themselves are reviews on their own merits, I guess.
To GameTrailers:

Update: Finished sending review pleas to different gaming reviews.
Good work my boy.

Everything big movement starts with gentle push eh?
I feel like Encore doesn't give a mainstream media site very much to work with. To them its just Squigly and a big list of patch changes that they don't know what they do because they don't understand fighting games.

But good effort, hopefully you'll get some positive responses at least.
At least they can't complain about the lack of move lists this time. Or the difficulty.
I feel like Encore doesn't give a mainstream media site very much to work with. To them its just Squigly and a big list of patch changes that they don't know what they do because they don't understand fighting games.

But good effort, hopefully you'll get some positive responses at least.
I feel like they should wait until after Robo Fortune get's in the game before they try to do another advertisement campaign. 6 new characters and some tweaks to the old cast sounds like a better incentive for the game even if they dlc characters need to be purchased individually.
I just came up with a way we can try the donation idea! We should do it on Twitch. We should find an official non-profit organization and say "We'll donate this much percent, while we keep this percent." We should do an official PayPal thing. I wish I could do this Twitch donation thing, but I don't have a stream set (yet).
Why get PayPal involved? They may end up screwing us over like last time.
PayPal was some random thing that came to my mind. I honestly don't know how donations really work in terms of finance, but its still a good idea.
I'd rather L0 stay away from such things. They are too controversial in nature to be a viable option.
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[QUOrather PaperBag_Sniper, post: 91835, member: 2975"]Bitcoins
I'd rather L0 stay away from such things. They are too controversial in nature to be a viable option.[/QUOTE]
If it means getting a stable source of revenue I'll gladly sacrifice all reason and hope and start digging for bitcoins. That's how desperate I am right now.

I'm joking, bitcoins are terrible
Here's a more realistic idea-

-Ask L0 members if they're willing to continue working on the game. (Good chance that there will be a lot of "No"s given how this title is extremely difficult to work with.)

-Get someone from the team to contact Autumn and ask for the OK to continue the project via crowd funding.

-Work with the team to pick a specific character to fund and have them set a price point. No stretch goals.

-Open up a campaign on a funding site and ask people to donate. (No tiers, no perks. Rewards will only complicate the situation. Only those that want the game to grow will donate. Good luck with that, however.)

-If the goal is met, make sure the funds are given to the appropriate person. (lol)

-Rinse and repeat if all parties are willing.

I guess we could always do a crowd funding to buy back the IP for L0. I'm not sure how a process like that would work, what channels to take or even how much it would cost, but throwing money at things is pretty much the only way the player base as a whole will be able to save the game.
Here's a more realistic idea-

-Ask L0 members if they're willing to continue working on the game. (Good chance that there will be a lot of "No"s given how this title is extremely difficult to work with.)

-Get someone from the team to contact Autumn and ask for the OK to continue the project via crowd funding.

-Work with the team to pick a specific character to fund and have them set a price point. No stretch goals.

-Open up a campaign on a funding site and ask people to donate. (No tiers, no perks. Rewards will only complicate the situation. Only those that want the game to grow will donate. Good luck with that, however.)

-If the goal is met, make sure the funds are given to the appropriate person. (lol)

-Rinse and repeat if all parties are willing.

I guess we could always do a crowd funding to buy back the IP for L0. I'm not sure how a process like that would work, what channels to take or even how much it would cost, but throwing money at things is pretty much the only way the player base as a whole will be able to save the game.
1. They do want to continue with the game. Alex says he plans to have a sequel for Skullgirls, but they don't really have the funds for it.
2. I don't even know how to approach this one, but Autumn doesn't have money either, so no luck there.
3. All the characters are already fully funded(except Beowulf, who won't have a stage or theme, or story)
4. I guess asking for donations might be okay, but some others might think the fan base is a little zany, but honestly that's their opinion, so donation pools sound nice.
5. I don't even know what to say about this one. I don't know who the appropriate people either, but I think L0 would need permission to get this money. I don't know.
6. I think no one wants to see another crowdfunding campaign, especially L0. They don't want this to be their crutch anymore and would just rather walk out the situation.
I think the idea of a twitch donation drive stream isn't a bad idea, but its still another donation drive, which is something Lab Zero is hesitant to do.
Well, I was thinking that it wouldn't be L0 behind the donation directly, but we would have a joint funding thing directed mainly by the fans. It would be connected to one account and we would do some talent thing or something to coax donations.
It's only a minor thing but I am going to a meet up in a place near my Uni to play some fighting games and I plan to tell some people about skullgirls, like I said not much but more exposure helps.
I'm trying to plan a stream for SG to happen from the relatively new bar/restaurant (we opened last September) that will happen on Mondays, cause we get nothing in terms of customers on Mondays and we just have 4 HD tvs on the wall doing nothing in the back.

I talked to my bosses (they are my friend's parents and I've known them since my freshman year of high school) and they are on board as long as I can make a convincing argument. Fingers crossed, guys!
Just gonna catch up on this thread because it stopped watching it for me randomly.
You know what I think would help out L0? Another game that's not a fighting game.

Maybe if Mike Z would go through with the beat-em-up he wanted to (he could even use the Skullgirls characters) maybe that would help with getting investors since fighting games are so niche that most wouldn't actually back something that wouldn't instantly make money for them

This should happen after Skullgirls is mostly done with the DLC characters unless Mike Z wants to do it on the side (like he did Fukua) I think it'd work.
Do you have any idea how much a beat em up in the skullgirls style would cost them? A fuck ton. They would basically be making Dragon's Crown.
If that's happening then they're going to have to do it skullgals style instead.

Maybe Skullgirls shouldn't be addressed to as a fighting game anymore. It sounds kinda wacky, but what if it was seen as a strategy game, but against other people with a slightly different strategy, testing your skills and instinct. Or what if it was seen as a casual game because if its ease to get into, or is seen for those who are training for other fighting games? What it's looked at as now is a mudfest and cat fight to those unfamiliar to Skullgirls. Its seen as good for nothing but squick and fanservice, but that's what they think. To be honest, I haven't indicated a single trace of sexual context in dialogue in SKullgirls, or maybe I'm just a little crazy.
Well first of all, what the fuck are you talking about. What I got from the first bit is "let's pretend like this game is in a different genre so that people will be buying it on a base of misinformation."
As for the last bit, first of listen to practically an val line, a ton of them are innuendos and shit. Secondly, why do you think the game needs sexual context to be a sexual game? Can you have a bunch of scantily clad women but as long as you make them all super serious you suddenly can't complain?
I'm sorry, but please don't kid yourself. Skullgirls is a game with a lot of sexualized content, whether you like it or not. No one who dislikes sexual content will ever like skullgirls character designs. That doesn't make it bad, but it does make you look like a moron when you go in denial about a massive part of the game's visuals.

I feel if L0 renames Skullgirls for accusations of sexism, then other publishers won't see them as brave or risk-taking.
You have no clue how video game publishing works.
Not being bold is a positive mark for practically all publishers.

I should've stated where these accusations went. They went to hell, because when some guy heard that Mariel was the lead animator, all he said was "That's cool!", not defending his position, so sexism could not be the reason Skullgirls is rejectable.
Seriously, if you're already making this piece of shit point just don't bother getting on the subject of sexism. You know absolutely nothing about it.
But if you would like me to clarify... the lead animator of skullgirls being female doesn't negate anything. Believe it or not, women are not part of a hive mind, so if one of them is okay with something it doesn't mean all of them are okay with something.

Maybe being featured in a documentary about the struggles of making an indie game float in deep water.
This is probably an important place to mention that skullgirls is not an indie game by any definition.
Which would make it very difficult for them to get into something like "Indie Game: The Movie."

I love how Eightysixed is helping L0 become more popular through shirts, pins, stickers, and now smartphone cases.
Pretty sure it's the other way around.
You guys are forgetting that the skullgirls fan base isn't pathetic by any stretch of the imagination. The problem is that lab zero isn't getting very much of your money.

I feel like they should wait until after Robo Fortune get's in the game before they try to do another advertisement campaign. 6 new characters and some tweaks to the old cast sounds like a better incentive for the game even if they dlc characters need to be purchased individually.
This. Despite the move lists and difficulty complaints, the biggest and most important downside to skullgirls was that it had a severe lack of characters. After all the dlcs are released, we at least have an adequate cast size.

I just came up with a way we can try the donation idea! We should do it on Twitch. We should find an official non-profit organization and say "We'll donate this much percent, while we keep this percent." We should do an official PayPal thing. I wish I could do this Twitch donation thing, but I don't have a stream set (yet).
Okay, using word of mouth to help the game gain some fans? That's perfectly fine. Even emailing big sites to rereview skullgirls is perfectly fine.
But fund raising should really be left to lab zero and/or autumn. They didn't ask for your money, and there's no way you're going to raise enough money to make the difference between continued development on skullgirls and shutting down. The same goes for emailing publishers; please leave the business stuff to lab zero.

I'm trying to plan a stream for SG to happen from the relatively new bar/restaurant (we opened last September) that will happen on Mondays, cause we get nothing in terms of customers on Mondays and we just have 4 HD tvs on the wall doing nothing in the back.

I talked to my bosses (they are my friend's parents and I've known them since my freshman year of high school) and they are on board as long as I can make a convincing argument. Fingers crossed, guys!
This is probably the best way to help out here.
Just gonna catch up on this thread because it stopped watching it for me randomly.

1. Well first of all, what the fuck are you talking about. What I got from the first bit is "let's pretend like this game is in a different genre so that people will be buying it on a base of misinformation."
As for the last bit, first of listen to practically an val line, a ton of them are innuendos and shit. Secondly, why do you think the game needs sexual context to be a sexual game? Can you have a bunch of scantily clad women but as long as you make them all super serious you suddenly can't complain?
I'm sorry, but please don't kid yourself. Skullgirls is a game with a lot of sexualized content, whether you like it or not. No one who dislikes sexual content will ever like skullgirls character designs. That doesn't make it bad, but it does make you look like a moron when you go in denial about a massive part of the game's visuals.

2. You have no clue how video game publishing works.
Not being bold is a positive mark for practically all publishers.

Seriously, if you're already making this piece of shit point just don't bother getting on the subject of sexism. You know absolutely nothing about it.
But if you would like me to clarify... the lead animator of skullgirls being female doesn't negate anything. Believe it or not, women are not part of a hive mind, so if one of them is okay with something it doesn't mean all of them are okay with something.

4. This is probably an important place to mention that skullgirls is not an indie game by any definition.
Which would make it very difficult for them to get into something like "Indie Game: The Movie."

5. Pretty sure it's the other way around.
You guys are forgetting that the skullgirls fan base isn't pathetic by any stretch of the imagination. The problem is that lab zero isn't getting very much of your money.

6. Okay, using word of mouth to help the game gain some fans? That's perfectly fine. Even emailing big sites to rereview skullgirls is perfectly fine.
But fund raising should really be left to lab zero and/or autumn. They didn't ask for your money, and there's no way you're going to raise enough money to make the difference between continued development on skullgirls and shutting down. The same goes for emailing publishers; please leave the business stuff to lab zero.

1. and 3. Honestly, I did feel a little bit of denial of sexual context and I knew it like Valentine's innuendo towards Ms. Fortune and even a cut time-loss animation from Filia and Samson. I admit I directly thought of those scenes and tried to ignore it as if I was a fanboy. I just sometimes feel like when someone likes fanservice a little or a lot, they get a dirty look. To be honest though, I've been looking into sexism for a long time, and in history class I even learn how sexism has affected our world today. Sexism is like racism, except sexism is the concept of limiting a gender's role in society or limiting them to almost stereotypical roles of house chores and being baby machines. I understand that even men are subject to sexism by other men and even women like not being able to cry because its unmanly, being unable to wear pink because its unmanly(although this one's wearing off pretty quickly now), not being able to show passion because its unmanly, etc. I know media guides these stereotypes. In the first point you made, I wasn't saying a potential buyer needed to pretend this wasn't a fighting game, but was free to think differently.
Also, I solemnly felt I was being attack, but I know this isn't your intent.

2. I have many clues as to how publishing a videogame is like. It cost millions to get 100+ employees on board, to get expensive, top quality equipment, voice acting, cost of betas and concepts, tight budgets to where you can't experiment too much, a very limited time window which causes ideas to be cut, large amounts of money to be wasted, not to mention audience-aim survey costs, graphics, copyrights, contracts, etc. And I also understand the huge risks it takes for devs and publishers to take even the smallest, riskiest ideas they're doubius about.

4. I understand Skullgirls did not come from really humble beginnings. They were picked up by Konami, a big time publisher. I understand this very well. But, in my opinion, an indie game is a game not born from an AAA publisher or developer, but someone not known to the public. They have to work very hard to find a place in somebody's mind. They may come from humble beginnings or somehow be a trust-fund kid, but either way, they rise to the top of fame, rivaling the AAA games themselves.

5. I also feel that the SG fanbase is in no way pathetic. But what I thought was L0 and Eightysixed was giving each other this kind of back-fame. I honestly would not know how L0 gets our money and what determines whether they're paid for the copies sold.

6. I feel you are absolutely right there, as you are right in other areas, but you never know if we wouldn't raise enough money or too much for that matter. We would never know until we tried, but I see what you're saying.

You know, thanks for your non-sugarcoated honesty.
I just sometimes feel like when someone likes fanservice a little or a lot, they get a dirty look.
Then let them give you a dirty look. You're already going to get dirty looks for liking an anime fighting game, so whats a couple more?

Also, I solemnly felt I was being attack, but I know this isn't your intent.
I'm pretty much always really blunt with people on the internet. Don't take it too personally.

2. I have many clues as to how publishing a videogame is like. It cost millions to get 100+ employees on board, to get expensive, top quality equipment, voice acting, cost of betas and concepts, tight budgets to where you can't experiment too much, a very limited time window which causes ideas to be cut, large amounts of money to be wasted, not to mention audience-aim survey costs, graphics, copyrights, contracts, etc. And I also understand the huge risks it takes for devs and publishers to take even the smallest, riskiest ideas they're doubius about.
Basically yeah.
Publishers don't really have any incentive to gamble their funding away right now so if your game is risky (even in the skullgirls way where it's not really that risky but it's also not jumping on a dozen bandwagons) you're going to have a tough time finding a publisher.

I understand Skullgirls did not come from really humble beginnings. They were picked up by Konami, a big time publisher. I understand this very well. But, in my opinion, an indie game is a game not born from an AAA publisher or developer, but someone not known to the public. They have to work very hard to find a place in somebody's mind. They may come from humble beginnings or somehow be a trust-fund kid, but either way, they rise to the top of fame, rivaling the AAA games themselves.
Yeah no.
You can keep your definition of indie if you want, but the definition everyone else is using is "independent from publishers" which is significant because you have full creative freedom and there's nothing anyone else can do about it. That's likely the definition that indie game: the movie and anything similar to it uses.

I also feel that the SG fanbase is in no way pathetic. But what I thought was L0 and Eightysixed was giving each other this kind of back-fame. I honestly would not know how L0 gets our money and what determines whether they're paid for the copies sold.
Do people even buy anything from eightysixed that isn't skullgirls merchandise? It's like 90% of the stuff they've got. I kind of thought they started as literally a skullgirls shirt store and started to branch out from there.

I feel you are absolutely right there, as you are right in other areas, but you never know if we wouldn't raise enough money or too much for that matter. We would never know until we tried, but I see what you're saying.
I don't know 100% for sure, no, but your odds are pretty abysmal. Plus, if Lab Zero doesn't want to do a crowd funding campaign themselves, what makes you think they would be fine with you doing what is essentially a crowd funding campaign for them?

You know, thanks for your non-sugarcoated honesty.
That's my specialty!


I present my idea to my bosses today.

I've known them for a while, but they are still my bosses so I'm fumblin' around here. I'll update you guys on if I got the go ahead or not.


I present my idea to my bosses today.

I've known them for a while, but they are still my bosses so I'm fumblin' around here. I'll update you guys on if I got the go ahead or not.
Calm your nerves and break a leg.