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Beowulf Thread: Retiring from Retirement

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I was looking at some Beowulf animation, in particular his two alternate defend cycles and I noticed something about his model.

It looks like certain Beowulf palettes MIGHT include a motherf*ckin' LUCHADOR WRESTLER MASK!
I mean it's possible, just like Parasoul's glasses.

This would really open up a whole bunch of opportunities for Beowulf Palettes!
I was looking at some Beowulf animation, in particular his two alternate defend cycles and I noticed something about his model.

It looks like certain Beowulf palettes MIGHT include a motherf*ckin' LUCHADOR WRESTLER MASK!
I mean it's possible, just like Parasoul's glasses.

This would really open up a whole bunch of opportunities for Beowulf Palettes!

All the parts on his face can either be turned on or off. It's more face paint than luchador mask. Like the Ultimate Warrior diamonds and the Hogan mustache.

EDIT: There ya go.
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But Beowulf with a horrible handlebar moustache? Wasn't it bad enough that Cerebella had a Hulk Hogan skin?

Looks like his chin stubble and sideburns might get toggled on and off between costumes... that'd be real cool! But I don't know how these things work.

I do like the varieties of certain palettes, like Squigly having a couple of transparent dresses, Parasoul sometimes having glasses as well as various different lengths of socks, even Ms. Fortune and Valentine wearing undershirts. It looks like Beowulf will have some cool variety in his skins, but I can't tell how much.
But Beowulf with a horrible handlebar moustache? Wasn't it bad enough that Cerebella had a Hulk Hogan skin?

Looks like his chin stubble and sideburns might get toggled on and off between costumes... that'd be real cool! But I don't know how these things work.

I do like the varieties of certain palettes, like Squigly having a couple of transparent dresses, Parasoul sometimes having glasses as well as various different lengths of socks, even Ms. Fortune and Valentine wearing undershirts. It looks like Beowulf will have some cool variety in his skins, but I can't tell how much.

Multiple face paint combinations, no sleeves, short sleeves, full sleeves, gloves, knee pads, all body hair and multiple designs on his chest.
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the wulf tee

for, fuck, sake. I was looking at the other beowulf shirt already!

anyone know what the deal is with shipping to the uk? I think they do it, but I dont know many details like if theres a seperate eu site or how shipping works yada yada? Anyone know?

thanks in advance :)
for, fuck, sake. I was looking at the other beowulf shirt already!

anyone know what the deal is with shipping to the uk? I think they do it, but I dont know many details like if theres a seperate eu site or how shipping works yada yada? Anyone know?

thanks in advance :)
International shipping is currently being handled via e-mail: contact@eightysixed.com
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I would buy this but I don't have a credit card...
Buy a Visa gift card.

There's a site that lets me buy international items. I have to pay roughly 60 dollars though, but I hope it's worth it because I am lacking an amount of tees.
You have no other way of transferring money online? We are currently handling international sales via e-mail, most of the time the payment is through paypal.
You gotta pay triple the price? That's awful

It's all for the Wulf Pack shirt, my friend. It's all for the Wulf Pack shirt. Besides, it's probably the only Skullgirks-related merch I can buy, and I will cherish it.

You have no other way of transferring money online? We are currently handling international sales via e-mail, most of the time the payment is through paypal.

Well I don't have my own credit card. Even my dad is against using PayPal because there might be anything fishy about it. All I have is my debit card.

Anyway here's the details of the price (some are still in Bahasa Indonesia which are terms I don't get):

Price ($) $19.95
Domestic Shipping USA $4.36
International Shipping USA - ID $16.55
Sub Total ($) $40.86
US Agent Fee ($) $5.00
Total ($) $45.86
Kurs USD
Rate Jual Kurs (Rp) IDR 12,100.00
Total (Rp) IDR 554,906.00
Fee 5% (Rp) IDR 27,745.30
Delivery Insurance 3% (Rp) IDR 35,000.00
JNE Delivery(Rp) IDR 10,000.00
Bea Masuk (Rp) IDR 3,000.00
TOTAL Premium Service (Door to Door) (Rp) IDR 630,700.00
I have something like 16 euros. It should be 21$. I don't think I can buy you the shirt 'cause of the shipping price, but amybe I can contribute a bit?

I mean, the only way I can send money internationally is through Western Union.
Between Big Band, Eliza, Albus, Horace and Beowulf the average height/size of Skullgirls characters is doubling...tripling even!
Between Big Band, Eliza, Albus, Horace and Beowulf the average height/size of Skullgirls characters is doubling...tripling even!

Anywho, I like the addition of the Spinarooni to Beowulf's animations. Would be cool if it could do knockback if the opponent is standing right on top of it.
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Is Beowulf is actually getting a story mode since the goal was never reached on the igg page? Just wanted to double check on that. Thanks
Yes, Beowulf is getting a story mode.
The meter on the Indiegogo page may not show it, but the spirit of The Wulf Pack was so strong that it pushed through the campaign's silly limits and donated enough after it had ended to fund Beowulf's Story Mode.
So, Beowulf will not have an air dash, I expected this. How high is the possibility of him having a double jump?
I don't want him to have one, I want something special like a wall jump or crazy chair jumps.

EDIT: Mike just said that Beowulf probably won't have a double jump.
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No air dash, no fly, no double jump... he needs SOME air maneuverability or else he'll be gunned down by Peacock. A wall would be perfect for dodging bombs and bullets and it would be such a cool mechanic. That being said, chair jump seems kinda likely, it's his gimmick. (I'd still prefer the wall jump.)
Wall jump please!

Or maybe he can use something to climb onto and then from high above he can drop and attack his opponent.
All i can see the Hurting really doing is going to be some sort of "Claw" mechanic. That having the Hurting will give BeoWulf's Heavy normals more range and slightly more damage. But as a down side Beo won't have the Hurting to do spring board jumps greatly reducing his jumping ability. Beo will have a terrible jump, with the spring board of the Hurting he will be able to get to super jump + double jump height. With the chair equiped Beo's normal jump is like 3/4 of a normal jump.
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Oh, I didn't realize you were the game designer! My bad.
Not sure if serious or not.
I could see Beo flinging himself off his chair or the edges of the screen.
Not sure if serious or not.
Part of my design philosophy is that every character should be able to handle every situation. Maybe not exceptionally well, but at least not have no answer, even if the answer costs meter.
Situations include:
- Being rushed down by a series of physical hits.
- Being meatied on wakeup.
- A simultaneous hit and projectile pursuing them.
- Being zoned by projectiles from fullscreen.

So y'know, people bitching that X character will have no answer for Y gets under my skin.
Yeah there are so many more ways to answer projectile zoning than just air maneuverability.

It could be super-armor, some kind of weird projectile-ish attack (Like Big Band ground slam), teleport attacks. At this point it could be anything.
No air dash, no fly, no double jump... he needs SOME air maneuverability or else he'll be gunned down by Peacock. A wall would be perfect for dodging bombs and bullets and it would be such a cool mechanic. That being said, chair jump seems kinda likely, it's his gimmick. (I'd still prefer the wall jump.)

I hate to agree with he who shall not be named... But this is really shortsighted.

Beowulf could be the games best anti projectile character without having any of those.

He could have limitless projectile armor on all his normals, the chair could be projectile invincible, he could have a "wolf form" where projectiles dont put him in hitstun unless already combod by a physical hit.

There are many many many things that mike could do to make beo good against projectiles without the moves you named.

In fact im quite happen about this because it means a knew style of character in sg. No character has no double jump, no airdash, and no fireball.

Except Beowulf. And yes, that means that he will be pumped up in some other ways either in ways like i mentioned or things similar or maybe he will in fact be completely free to projectiles...but have a safe on block dhc to get him in for free... Or something to make him exceptionally powerful in other areas where none of the rest of the cast is powerful.

We cant know what mike has in store for beo but we can be assured that the character will have lots of thought put into him from all angles.

Mike wouldnt make a character free to projectiles without some sort of compensation.

And beo most likely wont be free to projectiles at all...

But if he is he will probably be pretty ridiculous to make up for it.
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Part of my design philosophy is that every character should be able to handle every situation. Maybe not exceptionally well, but at least not have no answer, even if the answer costs meter.
Situations include:
- Being rushed down by a series of physical hits.
- Being meatied on wakeup.
- A simultaneous hit and projectile pursuing them.
- Being zoned by projectiles from fullscreen.

you can definitely see this in all the characters too, that's really awesome.

@ the rest of the thread: now that we have a list of stuff how about we get some discussion going about how beo could end up filling these situations?

like, Being zoned by physical projectiles: Immediately, I imagined that if beo had a chair throw it could have some projectile armor on it (street fighter has this, I dunno what its called but its the certain number of hits a projectile can take before it breaks) Given the fact the chairs main characteristic is to be indestructible, it would make sense if it were able to tank a few objects and keep going, be it a cannon ball or a tear drop.
@ the rest of the thread: now that we have a list of stuff how about we get some discussion going about how beo could end up filling these situations?
Unwatch thread. :^)
Unwatch thread. :^)

I had to do it man I had to Q_Q, discussing beo is the only thing that'll keep me sane until he comes out in at least the beta, it stops the voices saying "TWO WEEKS. TWO WEEKS" :)

I'm so hype for him. I'm sure you'll need all your russian man bear strength to get him going in the game when the time comes, He's chugging a long real nicely too (from a scrubby fan perspective at least, obv I dont know these things)
Not sure if serious or not.
Mike is always serious, and rightfully so since people are saying some real dumb shit here.
Mike is always serious, and rightfully so since people are saying some real dumb shit here.

Real Soviet Damage. Real Soviet Seriousness.
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