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Best Films of 2013


Well-Known Member
What you guys think?

What were your favorite movies that came up this year?

I spent most of my year catching up on film history, and only got to see 4 movies that were released in 2013 ( :( )

They were

Johnny To's Drug War (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2165735/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) [says 2012, but that was only in select festivals in Hong Kong so not counting it]

Gore Verbinski's Lone ranger (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1210819/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

Johnny To's Blind Detective (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2332707/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)

Michael Bay's Pain and Gain (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1980209/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

I was actually really impressed with all these movies (Lone Ranger was a HUGE surprise, amazing film), but hope to see more.

I would rank them:

1. Blind Detective
2. Lone Ranger
3. Drug War
4. Pain and Gain

Hoping to see Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street, as well as A Spell to Ward Off Darkness (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1828124/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)

What do you guys think? What were your fave's from 2013?
Beyond: Two Souls.

Wait no, that's the worst movie, nvm.

I watched like nothing from 2013 this year because it was filled with mostly German/Dutch films from between 1960 and 2000, but I really liked Iron Man 3 and heard good things about Ender's Game.
Nah my professor had a hard on for Fassbinder and van Trier so we watched a lot of those. Along with various other directors I can't be assed to remember.
For real movies I saw, I really enjoyed:

Man of Steel
Despicable Me 2
Dragon Ball Z BoG
Star Trek 2
Hobbit 2
Iron Man 3

I need to watch, and am pretty sure I'll enjoy:

Hunger Games 2
Anchorman 2
47 Ronin
Wolf of Wall Street
I Wanna Be the Guy: The Movie: The Game: The Movie. It was a cinematic masterpiece unlike anything that Studio Ghibli has made up until this point. That heart wrenching moment where

The Guy turns out to be his father
was one of the best moments of any movie I have seen. The heck with Toy Story 3... THIS is my favorite movie!

...in all seriousness, I only watched a few movies this year. I don't really have any right to declare a Best of 2013.
I Wanna Be the Guy: The Movie: The Game: The Movie. It was a cinematic masterpiece unlike anything that Studio Ghibli has made up until this point. That heart wrenching moment where

The Guy turns out to be his father
was one of the best moments of any movie I have seen. The heck with Toy Story 3... THIS is my favorite movie!

...in all seriousness, I only watched a few movies this year. I don't really have any right to declare a Best of 2013.

well which one was your favorite? :P everyone has a right!

I really really really wanna see : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2013293/?ref_=nv_sr_1
I feel like the only things I saw this year were Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, and Pacific Rim.

So Pacific Rim is the best movie of the year by default.
I don't go to the theater often, so I'm usually a year behind with newer movies. I think the movies I saw this year that were actually dated 2013 were:

-The Call
-Olympus Has Fallen
-Pacific Rim

From this list, it's safe to say that 42 was the best movie overall, but they were all pretty decent. Pacific Rim was the only one I saw at the theater, which is probably a good thing. Oblivion wasn't the best sci-fi movie ever, but it was still a LOT better than I expected it to be. The first 2/3 of The Call was actually the most exciting of all these movies for me, but the last part of it was just hella stupid. Olympus Has Fallen was also pretty crazy, but I'm amazed directors still believe that Gerard Butler can hold an American accent for a whole movie. Just let a Scot be a Scot!

Btw, I'd say the best movies I saw this year were Flight (2012) and Rabbit Proof Fence (2002). Definitely check those out if you haven't.
Well if people didn't see many movies that came OUT in 2013, what were some of your favorite movies you saw this year?

It was a big year for movie watching for me, so gonna think about a top 10 or something.

Also i just noticed 2013's Drug War is on Netflix (the canadian version anyways)

Check it out if you get the chance!
This year, I only saw The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Monsters University, and Frozen (as of last night).

Of these, Frozen was undoubtedly my favorite, and probably the best movie I have seen since Toy Story 3... which is not to say it is BETTER than Toy Story 3, but it was still incredible.

Also, if it means anything, I actually really liked Monsters University, so it is not like Frozen's only competition was The Hobbit.
Frozen is Disney's best Princess movie, and probably one of the best Family Cartoon movies to date (top 20 easily for me). It feels like maybe it could have been a better movie (The trolls may as well have not existed, and they could have done without a song every 5 minutes, but it was targeted towards kids so I get it), but it tackled themes I haven't seen in any other movie in the section (Or any other movie I've seen, actually). It was very deep and real, the dynamic between the sisters, and I won't be forgetting it anytime soon.

Actually, now I want to see it again. But I have no kids to bring to the theater this time... can't bring my big old ass down there by my self... Just have to wait for the DVD I guess.
Frozen is Disney's best Princess movie, and probably one of the best Family Cartoon movies to date (top 20 easily for me). It feels like maybe it could have been a better movie (The trolls may as well have not existed, and they could have done without a song every 5 minutes, but it was targeted towards kids so I get it), but it tackled themes I haven't seen in any other movie in the section (Or any other movie I've seen, actually). It was very deep and real, the dynamic between the sisters, and I won't be forgetting it anytime soon.

Actually, now I want to see it again. But I have no kids to bring to the theater this time... can't bring my big old ass down there by my self... Just have to wait for the DVD I guess.
Yeah, really thinking about it now, while the trolls were kind of necessary, their entire populous could have been replaced with one wise and (maybe) eccentric sage or mage or other magic user, and have had the same exact effect on the plot.

As for the songs... it was a musical movie, and the songs were (with maybe the exception of what I call The Shipping Song*) all fantastically sung and written, so I thought that the frequency of the songs was perfectly fine... expect for The Shipping Song. We really didn't need The Shipping Song.

*The actual name of the song is Fixer Upper, for those who are curious.
They were good, as far as movie songs go. I'm just not a musical kinda guy (if you want to ruin the song "want To Build a Snowman" forever, click here).
They were good, as far as movie songs go. I'm just not a musical kinda guy (if you want to ruin the song "want To Build a Snowman" forever, click here).
Eh, enough G Major pony videos have made me pretty much immune to their horrors. The backing piano, I admit, is still pretty darn creepy to me.
Okay here's my top ten list of movies i saw this year that didn't necessarily come out this year. I watched i some cases many films from one director, so tried to keep a one film per director rule, except in the case of Christine/Starman because fuck it its John Carpenter. Inluded a nice lil picture for each one :o)

1 - Apichapong Weerasethakul’s Uncle Boonmee Recalls His Past Lives (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1588895/?ref_=nv_sr_3
2 - John Ford’s The Searchers (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049730/?ref_=nv_sr_2)


3 - Yasujiro Ozu’s The Only Son (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0027752/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_20)

4 - John Carpenter’s Christine/Starman (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085333/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 / http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088172/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)


5 - John Boorman’s Excalibur (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082348/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

6 - Stephen Soderbergh’s Solaris (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0307479/?ref_=nv_sr_1)


7 - Johnny To’s Sparrow (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0491044/?ref_=nv_sr_3)

8 - Jerry Lewis’s The Ladies Man (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055069/?ref_=nv_sr_2)

9 - Joon-ho Bong’s Memories of Murder (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0353969/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

10 - Charlie Chaplin’s A Countess From Hong Kong (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061523/)

Also i just noticed 2013's Drug War is on Netflix. Check it out if you get the chance!
Speaking of your 2013 list, where might one find Blind Detective? I thought that story sounded very interesting too.

6 - Stephen Soderbergh’s Solaris
Hey, Solaris was actually the first (newer) movie I thought of while I was watching Oblivion! I don't think Oblivion was quite as good, but I still felt both movies gave off a nice "old school sci-fi" vibe. They were more about the humanity of the characters than the special effects, which is always a good thing to see these days.
Captain Philips mostly due to Tom Hanks phenomenal performance (one of his better roles easily in recent years) and the memorable scenes with the Somalia pirates . Gravity is another obvious mention.
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Speaking of your 2013 list, where might one find Blind Detective? I thought that story sounded very interesting too.

Hey, Solaris was actually the first (newer) movie I thought of while I was watching Oblivion! I don't think Oblivion was quite as good, but I still felt both movies gave off a nice "old school sci-fi" vibe. They were more about the humanity of the characters than the special effects, which is always a good thing to see these days.

Theres a really good blu ray rip of Blind Detective floating around on the internet you could find. Its such a funny movie.

And dope cool to find someone who also likes Solaris! Such an overlooked movie, its cool how minimal it is but how much it accomplishes thematically. Single teared that one.
Too many good movies to name really. But i really liked:

Man of steel
Thor 2 (not as good as one... But meh)
Movie 43
Anchorman 2.

"Man of tai chi" was a pleasant surprise. If you expect greatness you probably ain't getting cause Keanu's acting is at an all time bad (seeming purposeful in its badness, like Keanu was taking shots at himself... He directed it) the fighting was damn good from my point of view. And Keanu's only fight scene at the end (he was the villain) looked ripped straight from an oldschool king of fighters game... I was just.... on the floor laughing the entire time.

Like those front kicks are straight out of dead rising 3 :)))
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Jesus, you guys, seriously? Iron Man 3? World War Z? Anchorman 2?

How about the actually good films that came out this year?
  • Gravity
  • American Hustle (just saw this like a week ago, but I think it defintley warrants consideration)
  • 12 Years A Slave
  • Blackfish
  • Sound City
Hey. Iron Man 3 was good.
I saw it with my kids (as I do all summer action flicks), so I enjoyed it, but there were so many problems with that film that I don't even know where to start. The only mildly interesting part of the entire movie was the semi-competently delivered, "saved by a child," subplot.

The entire plot (and every hole in it) could be summed up with my dad's favorite comedic explanation: "Because it's in the script."
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Pacific Rim.
Amazing movie. I loved the story, the human characters were interesting & full of personality, & it's really is a throw back to the old monster/daikaiju flims in the 50s, 60s, & 70s.
It's a very fun movie to say the least.
Hell, I've seen it 9 times, & I'm not lying.


Can't wait for Godzilla (2014).
I saw it with my kids (as I do all summer action flicks), so I enjoyed it, but there were so many problems with that film that I don't even know where to start. The only mildly interesting part of the entire movie was the semi-competently delivered, "saved by a child," subplot.

The entire plot (and every hole in it) could be summed up with my dad's favorite comedic explanation: "Because it's in the script."
Good things can be flawed. Like a cherry blossom tree in winter.

Edit: also, I think I'm the only person who likes monster movies who didn't like pacific rim.
Didn't care for it either. Didn't hate Pacific Rim or particularly like it. Movie started off way too slow (lol that long ass monologue introduction) after the first battle in the dark rainy sea. Then the film was plagued with pure character development of the two lead characters which is a shame since the film premise has so much more to work with. I can get past the cartoony characters (even when simple logic gets thrown out the window like how come they didn't use the sword from the start?), but honestly there should have been way more mecha battles for a film's main selling point which is mecha vs giant sea monsters.

Could have gave the China/Russia mech team WAY MORE screen time so the audience would actually care what happens to them. Also why does most of the battles have to be in a dark environment (besides the brief one shown on TV?) would appreciate the battles more if some of them were during the day. Gave the film a solid C/C+ for above mentioned reasons and other reasons that would take too long to dissect on with this post. Worth seeing in theaters with the hype it had, but wouldn't watch much of it again after maybe a couple views on DVD
(even when simple logic gets thrown out the window like how come they didn't use the sword from the start?)
Because the kaiju blood was very toxic & they didn't want to spread it around poisoning the streets, buildings, or water.
Because the kaiju blood was very toxic & they didn't want to spread it around poisoning the streets, buildings, or water.
Didn't seem to have much trouble cleaning it up in all those shots of the black market folks tearing the corpses down.
Jesus, you guys, seriously? Iron Man 3? World War Z? Anchorman 2?

How about the actually good films that came out this year?
  • Gravity
  • American Hustle (just saw this like a week ago, but I think it defintley warrants consideration)
  • 12 Years A Slave
  • Blackfish
  • Sound City

if this is where we are going...

then yeah sorry Gravity sucks, and for pretty much the same reason that you mentioned Iron Man 3 was bad only through a different aspect then script; the use of the camera.

Gravity initially sets ups this motif of having the "camera" being almost a literal object in the universe of the film; it falls and travels through space similarly to the characters, bouncing off objects and being a literal object.

However for NO reason other then convenience, the film ditches this motif and comes around to a more formalist style of cutting on emotional beats, having framed epic shots, etc.

It essentially betrays the entire mis en scene the film tried to establish for no greater reason then Iron Man threes plot conveniences of "because it was in the script"; in the same way the story which is told through the camera just becomes "because they decided to put the camera there".


I look at Iron Man 3 as 2013's "Was Almost A Thing But then it Wasn't". The movie has these really interesting thematic elements where its a sincere look the affects of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome wrapped in a genre film. It looks at PTSD and how takes its physical/emotional toll on ourselves and our relationship (this is especially dynamic in the relationship with pepper).

However its really a shame they didn't have a director that knew how to use the elements of film to support his themes and characters; i think there's like 5 wide shots in the whole film so we never have a relationship between the characters and the space the inhabit, and the editing is just a means to move around. Too bad they didn't know how to savor close ups, because the "inside the helmet" close ups is a really interesting space both physically and emotionally, but it gets wasted since like every fucking shot in that movie is tight.

tl;dr : too bad the people who made iron man 3 didn't watch Clint Eastwood's Firefox and John Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China

Worst movie of the year?

Man of Steel

Most underrated?

Lone Ranger

Just realized Hong Sang Soo made a film this year so that might be best, will watch tonight : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2942512/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_1
Man of Steel was actually pretty great for the first half anyway. I felt the portrayal of Jonathan Kent by Kevin Costner (so much feels with his interaction with young Clark Kent) and Jor-El by Russel Crow were well done. Michael Shannon as a modern day portrayal of Zod is another honorable mention since it was such a fitting role for an actor like him if people are familiar with his works.

2nd half though impressed me very little though with how things escalated quickly spiraling out of control. In any case based on overall performance on various categories I'm probably one of the few people who thought the film was slightly better then Iron Man 3 which I guess puts me in the camp who thinks that film was tad overrated.

Lone Ranger I had high hopes for at the theatre since I generally enjoy Johnny Depp performances, but to me this was one of his weakest performances in recent years. His portrayal of Tonto felt like a downgraded Jack Sparrow. The lead character felt sufferable to watch at times and the whole middle part was slow filled with awkward interactions of the two lead characters that didn't have much chemistry with each other. I did however enjoy the climactic scene at the end which was a shame since that sort of charisma should have been present much more throughout the film.

I guess I should bring up another film for comedy that I generally enjoyed this year. I'm talking about The World's End which I felt was pretty underrated despite having the Simon Pegg and Nick Frost duo back again to complete the Cornneto Trilogy. Fans who enjoyed Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz should check it out if you haven't already. You would actually appreciate this film more if you watched the previous two (Paul doesn't exist since Edgar Wright was not involved and that film was just bad in general) since there are familiar trends everywhere.