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Unwavering Hype
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
A Dark Corner of the Earth
Peacock Painwheel Unknown
Well, given how many people counted Disgaea as a "Hidden Gem" in that one thread, decided I should make a thread about it.
What's to say? Disgaea is a Strategy RPG game that's mostly on Sony consoles, with upwards of five games, and quite a few spin-offs. It always centers on the Underworld, and demons in general. With lots of charming and memorable characters. The most recent one, Disgaea Dimension 2, is set for release on October 8th. About 2 or so weeks from now.

So if you want to talk about that, or any of the other Disgaea games, discuss it here.

Personally I'm partial to Axel and Flonne.
Need to beat Disgaea 4 though
Damn, you beat me to this. As I said in the Hidden Gems forum, I got D2 fully preorded and ready to pick up and play. Character wise, I like to stick with Laharl myself. 'Bout time he and his gang got back to the lime light!
Yeah, there's already footage of Ladyharl's voice
Doesn't sound too different but it's still the original voice actor.
Speaking of which, did anyone else burst out laughing at the irony of Laharl's transformation?
I was there around 6 months ago.
So yes.

i actually haven't beaten a single Disgaea game. I made it far in 1 and 2, but lost interest. Never started 3, and I started 4. >_>;
My friend told me to skip 3, and I plan to listen.

Though I havfe made a lot of friends that changed me because of Disgaea
I got into the series when a friend of mine rented 2. While he was playing I realized I recognized some of the character art from a mini article in Anime Insider, so I decided to check that out, then that lead me to the one volume manga adaption of the first game, that lead me to a chance find of 1's art book and that is what got me fully hooked on the series. Hell, I bought a PSP just for Afternoon of Darkness and purchased the anime twice (the first time was the three individual volumes and the second was the Funimation re-release).
Disgaea is a series that I care for deeply since the first game. The second game and third were bumpy (uninteresting characters, bad story, etc), but got back up with Disgaea 4 and hopefully with DD2.

It also introduces me to some other games such as Phantom Brave, Phantom Kingdom, La Pucelle and many other gems.
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There's also the Prinny games.

And apparently Asagi is getting her own game in 2014
First the Prinnies
Then Asagi
What's next? Axel?
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First the Prinnies
Then Asagi
What's next? Axel?
I thought Axel mode in the PSP port of Disgaea 2 counted as that. Besides, if any recurring boss character for one game could get his/her own spinoff I think Mid Boss has some squatter's rights on that.
There's also the Prinny games.
Don't forget the interquel(ish) game Disgaea Infinite.
And apparently Asagi is getting her own game in 2014
Well it's about time!
I'm hype for D2 since it looks like its actually going to be good. I'm probably going to dislike the story (Disgaea 1 is still the only one with a good plot so far and I don't trust them enough to think they'll go anywhere but down) but the gameplay seems a lot better, especially the postgame. Now I'm just hoping they gave Nekomatas a buff.
Just picked up my copy of D2 and will start playing later tonight.
so after playing DD2 a good bit, I'd say my prediction was correct

story was garbage, gameplay was pretty good, numbers go up pretty nicely in the post game, nekomatas got a pretty strong evility

so this is easily the second best disgaea game, arguably the best if you don't care about the plot since Disgaea 1 didn't age very well
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It's subjective. I heard it was pretty good!
So far from what I've seen (as my PS3 decided to start not reading PS3 disks all of a sudden) the story is great! To me, it feels like a true Disgaea sequel.
So far from what I've seen (as my PS3 decided to start not reading PS3 disks all of a sudden) the story is great! To me, it feels like a true Disgaea sequel.
My PS3 stopped reading discs after several hours of MGS4, I feel your pain
I have my worries about the story looking at the cast of characters and getting to chapter 4 for D2. I haven't advanced much further but I do like the mechanics added in.

To me best story is either 1 or 4 and best gameplay is 2. Yeah Two doesn't have the best story but my word did they smooth out all of the game mechanics to make it fun.
I have my worries about the story looking at the cast of characters and getting to chapter 4 for D2. I haven't advanced much further but I do like the mechanics added in.

To me best story is either 1 or 4 and best gameplay is 2. Yeah Two doesn't have the best story but my word did they smooth out all of the game mechanics to make it fun.

So we all agree that 3 was complete and utter fucking garbage? God I hated that game.
Personally I actually like Disgaea 2's story, they didn't give it any less attention than a proper story and (if you've seen their little concept art with annotations book you'll know) they worked on things that were never actually shown, but still contributed (i.e. Rozalin's mum). It was my first Disgaea game so I'm biased by nostalgia.
The general consensus is that 1 had the best story, and the second place goes to Disgaea 4.
I gotta agree, Disgaea 4 has a great as shit storyline.

The new characters and views of the worlds are what really make the story great of that one. That's the issue right now when I look at D2 is that there's only maybe 3 new characters that aren't modded versions of character classes and even then Barbara is a Female Protecter with a difference haircut. Also when I think about where the hell are Gordon, Jennifer and Thursday?

While Two doesn't have the strongest story it does try something different with the world and at least half of your story characters are interesting (Except Taro and Hanako). It also has my favorite side stories and has easily one of the darkest bad endings in the series which is even worse in the Japanese voice setting. Also it is interesting to see one of the key game mechanics being represented in the ending of the story.

Like I posted I love how the game was fixed and finetuned from one and easily has one of the most balanced character creator and while the Mage Knight can deal the most damage everyone can strive to be their best. I love having a tanking Prinny.

So we all agree that 3 was complete and utter fucking garbage? God I hated that game.

The main issue I have with three is I can't take it's world seriously and I'm not a huge fan of it's characters. Yeah Disgaea is a series that isn't super series but at least with the other worlds of the series I can put some believe into them.
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I really just hated how the system was, D4 really fixed it. Disgaea 3 felt like a really bad beta. The characters were annoying, the story was lame, the monster classes were eh, and it was just all around unenjoyable.
I really just hated how the system was, D4 really fixed it. Disgaea 3 felt like a really bad beta. The characters were annoying, the story was lame, the monster classes were eh, and it was just all around unenjoyable.

Yeah gameplay is also not the strongest of the series and it MIGHT be past one only because one is archaic compared to the rest of the series. It introduced some nice ones like monsters having a bounce throw.
The one thing I heard as a consenus about Disgaea 3 was that Almaz is a goddamned adorable cutie and people love him.
At least four of the characters have fans but they are really hit or miss.
At least four of the characters have fans but they are really hit or miss.
Pretty much an accurate summary of Disgaea 3's characters.

Everyone seems to love the Disgaea 4 characters though.
Can't fault Val though.
Being voiced by Troy Baker tends to work in your favor.
I'd say 2 and 4 were just as bad as 3. No Disgaea has been good enough to match the first plot-wise, with DD2 being the closest in the sense that a retarded kid on ground level has a better chance of reaching the top of the Kilimandjaro than the three crippled AND retarded kids.

Disgaea 2 has Hanako being literally cancer, Taro, Yukimaru and Tink being worthless, Axel being somewhat okay and Adell being boring as hell. It also raped the D1 trio so hard they didn't even completly recover yet. Zenon was a bad villain because he spent the game being tossed around, first by Etna then by Rozy. A level ~100 final boss isn't very impressive when we got tossed around by a level 1000 Etna in chapter 2, (not including level 1200 Laharl and Level 1500 Rozy).

Disgaea 3 was holy crap bad. It went for humor and mostly failed. The school part was interesting, but then they killed it by having it shoved down our throats. Beryl also got pretty old really fast, her minions were never funny, Sapphire was pretty much a tool for Almaz and Champloo relied on his quirks too much to even be considered a character. Mao was okay, if only because his character development was so cliche it was impossible to mess up, same for Almaz. Bright side: Aurum was a pretty good villain, if not the best in the series. He had interesting motivations, his actions made sense and his reveal is probably the only real plot twist in the story.

Disgaea 4... ugh. Fuka and Desco dragged down an already mediocre story down to atrocious levels. Half the early game chapters were chasing down Axel, who got the D1-trio-in-D2 treatment. The other half was Emizel's part of the plot, which was okay. It was so okay I just played it with no complaints and pretty much forgot about it afterwards. Val played the mentor role to Emizel in what was probably the best character interaction in the story. Then the second half is chasing around Nemo. Oh boy. Not only do we have to follow him around, foiling stupid evil plot after stupid evil plot, but the have a peanut gallery following us around, making useless comments after every plot twist. "Gasp! Something happened!" "Hey, I got a snarky comment!" "I got a snarky comment for big sister's snarky comment!" "You are both idiots." Count every time that happens. I don't even need to name the characters. You probably read the comments in their voices. Nemo, in the meantime, never goes past the "angry guy" level of villainy, and he doesn't even go all the way. At the last second, he decided "Oh I don't wanna be a villain" and pussies out. He needs a fucking magical power to take him over before he can actually be a proper final boss. Whoop dee doo.

Disgaea D2 had good parts. Shocking. The Krischevskoy group are interesting villains because the feel complete in character and motivation. The want to control the netherworld so it stay as good as it was before, but they have huge nostalgia googles and they're not actually all that competent. They have their failures, they get called out for it, and they have retorts. They're right to say that Laharl hasn't earned their respect yet, and both sides mature and reach a proper understanding of each other. Also, their post game chapter actually made me laugh, in a good way. The flowers on the netherworld plot was a good setup, and Xenolith had some interesting points. He looks like the cliche mysterious guy, then next chapter he goes ahead and reveals half his motivations before we even know he's a villain. That's almost refreshing. His interactions with Etna during that chapter are also really good. He teases her with the information, she doesn't take his shit. he reveals it, she still doesn't take his shit. That was great. It felt more real than if Etna had accepted it. She decides she doesn't need a brother, he's sad, but he accepts her decision. Then he goes ahead and becomes a garbage villain anyway, oh boy. Not only are his justifications weak, not only does he fall squarely into the hole he had avoiding in chapter 6, but just like Nemo he pussies out of being the final boss. Not a good trend. But since I liked most of those things, why did I say the story was garbage?

Well, there's mostly one thing I haven't mentionned yet, and at this point you proably already know: It's Sicily. Holy shit not only is she a complete waste of time a la Hanako, but she's blatantly pandering to the cute little sister crowd so much it almost vomit inducing. This is from someone who usually hears the whole lines being voiced out before moving, I had to skip her lines just to avoid having to listen to the garbage she's spewing out. After chapter 6, when everyone accepted that Etna couldn't really think of Xenolith as her brother (for very good reasons), she goes ahead and farts out "But how can someone not love their Onii-chan!". Wow, fuck you Sicily. Her whole character is that she wants to be with oniiiiii-chaaaaaan, and that she kinda likes Prinnies. That's the shallowest out of every character in the series. Even Fuka has more character than that. Even Taro and Hanako do. So if she's worthless as a character, how is she as a plot device? The answer: worthless. She's there to assure us that Laharl really can feel love and that his tough exterior is just a facade, which would be interesting if we didn't already have a whole game and a whole other character dedicated to that. Sicily could be completly removed from the story with no ill effect. As it is, she's just fighting in a battle that Flonne already won back when the series began. Actually, she's not worthless, she's lesss than worthless. She makes other characters worse just by being near them. She eats up Flonne's relevance and in the last chapter, it turn out Sicily was right and Etna DOES love her oniiiiii-chaaaaaaaan. Laharl is the only one relatively unscathed, because the things Sicily did the him were things that were already happening to him... because of Flonne.

so Disgaea D2 would've probably gotten a "good" for me if it hadn't been for Sicily. She's already terrible in chapter 2, and that's before she reveals the true extent of the monstrosity she is. I would say story-wise, it goes D1 >x10k DD2 > D4 > D3 = D2

also, you fuckers posted like 12 times while I was typing this so its not actually relevant anymore.
Disgaea 2 has Hanako being literally cancer, Taro, Yukimaru and Tink being worthless, Axel being somewhat okay and Adell being boring as hell. It also raped the D1 trio so hard they didn't even completly recover yet. Zenon was a bad villain because he spent the game being tossed around, first by Etna then by Rozy. A level ~100 final boss isn't very impressive when we got tossed around by a level 1000 Etna in chapter 2, (not including level 1200 Laharl and Level 1500 Rozy).

Zenon pretty much had every human under a curse that he would drain their humanity and memories to recover and gain strength. Etna did a good number to him but he still survives because she doesn't obliterate him. Also During the final chapters he was fighting wave after wave of demons from other Netherworlds thanks to Axel and the News advertising his front door to everyone which is why he was so weak once you got there. At that point he was a cornered rat and almost completely drained all of Velhiem's humans.

He's a pretty twisted villain and out of any of the antagonist of the series alongside Vulcanus I have no remorse for him.
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Yeah, he had the ability to drain power from the humans of Veldime, and he's still not even a blip on the power radar. Remember, the real Zenon didn't even bother fighting him. He wasn't even strong enough to be considered a threat. When you're not even strong enough to stop someone from angsting, if only for a little while, then that's pretty weak. He's got the villain part down just fine, the problem is that he doesn't actually feel like a strong opponent. Adell's group has been fighting the same guys as he did while invading his castle, and they made it out just fine.
Yeah, he had the ability to drain power from the humans of Veldime, and he's still not even a blip on the power radar. Remember, the real Zenon didn't even bother fighting him. He wasn't even strong enough to be considered a threat. When you're not even strong enough to stop someone from angsting, if only for a little while, then that's pretty weak. He's got the villain part down just fine, the problem is that he doesn't actually feel like a strong opponent. Adell's group has been fighting the same guys as he did while invading his castle, and they made it out just fine.

Well his goal was never to obtain ultimate power it was to keep Rozalin enclosed and away from the outside world. To him to keep the daughter of the person who wouldn't even mercy kill him as his treasured object was an ultimate revenge. He would have wiped her memory if he had gotten her back.

Also Adell's group was fighting more of Zenon's guards. Zenon was fighting other Demon Lords.
ok, i'm seeing a lot of mixed opinions of these games. i haven't played dd2 yet nor do i feel inclined to, which is strange considering that at one point i used to be a devoted fan. don't know what happened but anyway, the original was the best in terms of story/just overall the best game, i favored the gameplay of d2(i'm the only one who liked this game apparently), we all can agree that d3 was a complete waste of time and d4... i wanted to bash fuka's skull, her attitude irritates me(shame 'cause she is a good fighter). the game was hella better than the last though i felt the plot went downhill once they got to the moon part. didn't spend too much time playing it afterward.
ok, i'm seeing a lot of mixed opinions of these games. i haven't played dd2 yet nor do i feel inclined to, which is strange considering that at one point i used to be a devoted fan. don't know what happened but anyway, the original was the best in terms of story/just overall the best game, i favored the gameplay of d2(i'm the only one who liked this game apparently), we all can agree that d3 was a complete waste of time and d4... i wanted to bash fuka's skull, her attitude irritates me(shame 'cause she is a good fighter). the game was hella better than the last though i felt the plot went downhill once they got to the moon part. didn't spend too much time playing it afterward.
I know how you feel about two. Hell, I feel like I may be the only one to like all (you heard me, even three) the games in the series, and that includes the spin-offs! So what if two's story was to some "shit"? So what if to some three was "total shit"? Can we just get over this pissing match and say that while the individual games may have flaws the series as a whole is truly one of gaming's unsung heroes? Seriously, it's getting to the point as of late that I dread seeing this thread in my alerts tab.
Sorry for not sucking on the series' dick. We're actually have as decent a discussion as we can get in this place. Instead of telling us why we shouldn't tell our opinions and discuss them (like we've been doing), why don't you just explain why you think we're wrong? We think the Disgaea games have flaws, this is the Disgaea discussion thread. If you're going to call us out, then you better have something better than "you're hurting my feelings".

I do want do say that aside from Disgaea 4's horrid post-game, this series has been my favorite number-go-up simulator and it does its job admirably.
Sorry for not sucking on the series' dick. We're actually have as decent a discussion as we can get in this place. Instead of telling us why we shouldn't tell our opinions and discuss them (like we've been doing), why don't you just explain why you think we're wrong? We think the Disgaea games have flaws, this is the Disgaea discussion thread. If you're going to call us out, then you better have something better than "you're hurting my feelings".

I do want do say that aside from Disgaea 4's horrid post-game, this series has been my favorite number-go-up simulator and it does its job admirably.
I wasn't saying that. I was just saying that after reading post after post of arguments, some of us get tired of hearing effectively the same stuff over and over again. I'm not saying don't discuss the games, just can we move on from arguing every other post?
While I will agree that Disgaea 1's story is better the 2 I still have a soft spot for it. It has it's flaws but also a few charms. One of the things that I think the other Disgaea games are missing that have Axel is the Director. Sure he's not exactly a big impacting character but he's someone who Axel can bounce off conversations with and fits his whole super star Dark Hero roll. I think that's why I didn't like him as much in 4 because there's no real explanation of why he is in Hades. Could be his bad luck but it feels like he's there merely due to his real world popularity.

Seriously if Axel returns to be a main character again he needs to have his Director along with him.

When I think about the majority of the main characters of Disgaea games can be really hit and miss.


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in more positive news, I am well on my way to making a purrfect cat girl in DD2. She has max LoC bonues on everything but HP and LOLSPm 500k+ growth correction, all aptitudes above 220 with 4 of them maxed and a decent amount of innocents to make her thougher against status effects. She currently has 200,000,000+ int and over 100 billion HP.

She's still way too weak to fight Baal, fuck
So I just bought Disgaea Dimension 2, and I can already say this is my favorite game of the series hands down. It takes what made Disgaea 1/2 awesome and doubled it. Just the character creation features and general features they added were so NNNGGHGHH

I'm more addicted to this more than D4. I'm going to love this game.
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