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Fanime Skullgirls Tourny aka was not able to attend Combo Breaker


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Jan 14, 2014
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Squigly Big Band
Hey guys its your boy Clawmaster, and I have a little story for you all.

Last year there was a skullgirls tournament at fanime that was held, but it wasn't the updated version of the game it was vanilla. I was sitting around, and we were all pretty bummed and was not fun. So I took it upon myself to set up our own skullgirls tournament on someone's laptop. We were having fun, but for "safety issues" we were to disband, and the skullgirls tournament was ended. (you can watch video below of what happen)

so fast forward a year later. Turns out the person running the skullgirls tournament was not here this year, and I took it upon myself again to see if I can host the tournament this year. With the Help from @render I was able to talk to fanime regarding getting codes for a few ps3's, and thanks to Sanshee to offering a prize as well I managed to put together a REAL ASS SKULLGIRLS TOURNAMENT!

It is going to be 2/3, double elim, and grand finals as 3/5 including a reset if needed. Cap player limit is 24. I be recording on one station all the matches off my Liver Gamer Portable, as well as recording off my Camcorder for the entire tournament. So expect to see all the fanime matches to be uploaded ASAP. Tournament starts at 6 pm on Saturday in the game room, in the console area or as they call it the E-Gaming events area. I be there setting up early, and if you come early enough we can play some matches, and hang out before it starts.

So if you can't make it to Combo Breaker, and instead headed to fanime, we got you covered! For more details check out the facebook fanime gaming group here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/fani...ents-tournament-schedule-2015/748639991900449
I hope this all works out and staff doesn't bother you with fake problems again.
Okay so here is my post about what happen at fanime for the Skullgirls Tournament. First off thank you to everyone that came by for the tournament. I was really happy that 30 people signed up for the tourny. With that said, there are things I wished were fixed or planned before prior.

First off let me clear the air about the codes that were given to fanime staff. Codes were sent to fanime staff to install on ps3's and this was sent a few days to a week ahead of fanime. Turns out they didn't install the games, and were trying to at the last min at the convention where the wifi was horrible since everyone is using it at the same time. So again it took the SG community to come to the rescue.

With the help of Sadow200, Charles, Phuc, and a few others were managed to find space in the game console area to have 3 sets up on our laptops to play SG. The tournament went well after that. There were a lot of byes only because people were thinking either it was a single elimination tournament, and or wanted to do other things ( can't blame them its an anime con, there are tons of stuff to do!) There was a stage set up in the game room, much in the same vain like at any other major. This was a new thing they are starting, and it was neat to have! I talked to guy if we can use the stage for Top 8 of skullgirls, and the guy said hes fine with it as long as he there. Then he tells me after saying this that he is going to go eat, and wont be back for 1-2 hours. To be fair he hasn't eaten much of anything all day, so I understood and ran the tourny up to top 8.

We finish getting to top 8 around 8:30 pm. The guy left around 7 pm. So we waited until he gets back so we can hype up top 8 of skullgirls to be on stage, and get people watching. The guy never came back. I kept asking the staff where he is at, and continued to say we can't use the stage even though the guy told me it was okay as long as he is there. We waited for a very long time, to the point where most of us were getting annoyed about this. So at around 10ish I asked the players what they want to do. Essentially everyone decided to play top 8 off the stage just to finish it, since it looked like the guy was not going to come back.

We finished our top 8, and I gave out the prizes curiosity of Sanshee. Everyone was very grateful that I ran the tourny for Skullgirls this year, unlike what happen last year. If 30 people sign up for a "dead game" at an anime convention, and this is the treatment we get after everything I helped set up to make things right for this year, its not even worth trying. There are things in the game room staff that they were running issues all weekend long not just us. Given they are still pretty new as game room staff, they are still learning to take care of things, but this one imo should teach them to plan and prepare ahead.

but it also taught me to be always prepared in case something does happen. So yea thats the story. Also DJ Azure didnt win, so yay. :P

~ Clawmaster
"DJ Azure didn't win"

I was the winner of the 2nd most important SG tournament of the past weekend.

Also fun tournament, bitching about that stage guy aside
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oh yea I should post Tourny results since I am at it anyways.

Top 8
1. Maji
2. Senior Children
3. Waifu Warrior Azure
4. Real Character
T-5.Sado and Frank
T-6. Calvin and Marcus ESP
7. Snakz
T-8. Ryan Moore and Genesis Frenzy

if your guys are wondering why there a few ties, alot people dropped out, so the bracket got fucked. but yea there ya go.