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Favorite foods and drinks to have together


I like to pretend i'm good at Fighting games
Feb 26, 2014
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Castaic, CA
pretty self explanatory. what are your faves? one of mine is horse meat and coke. (Yes i killed a horse in El Salvador with my family to eat, sue me)
Fuck what people say, and the stereotypes.
But Mountain Dew and Doritos is the best.
I usually mix it up but it's usually regular Mountain Dew and Cool Ranch Doritos
Well, milkshakes and french fries are pretty good for some reason.

sweet and salty flavors usually taste good with each other

cream of asparagus with fruit punch is pretty good too.
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Buffalo chicken and mango tea. That's some shit, right there.

Also, anything and milk, because it's fucking MILK, man.
Buffalo chicken and mango tea. That's some shit, right there.

Also, anything and milk, because it's fucking MILK, man.

I like soy or almond milk. Regular Milk makes me gag an vomit by itself but with cereal its fine.
I don't know how I started with this combination but I love chocolate milk/strawberry milk with hot cheetos. Not the lime ones though, eww.
Ramen and Milk, Cookies and Milk, basically any breakfast food and Milk, Cheeseburgers/Steak/anything real hearty and meaty goes great with Coca Cola, Pizza and Root Beer, Milk Chocolate candy bars and Orange Soda, Nilla Wafers and Strawberry Milk...those are all the delicious combinations I can think of right now.
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You guys are making me curious and hungry I might just try some of these later.